Why does transsexuality enrage so many?

Why does transsexuality enrage so many?

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god i want to pinch chino's cheeks

It's just so stupid that it deserves calling out.

It's an abomination of nature.

Let me explain it ALL to you very clearly. I'm only going to do this once, so listen closely.
First of all, what trans people have is called gender dysphoria. It's a medical condition and we used to treat it.
Putting somebody under the knife when nothing is wrong with their body and butchering their genitals is not treatment. It does not help people. And frankly, it's wrong.
A similar argument can be made for the ravages of the hormones that trans people subject themselves to, or in some cases are given by their parents.
The surgery and the hormones do not fix the dysphoria. There's a RIDICULOUSLY high suicide rate among trans folks. They are NOT happy, and we're not helping them to be happy by allowing them to undergo gender reassignment. Ruining somebody's genitals, their endocrine system, and their brain in order to go along with a mental illness of theirs isn't just stupid, it's evil. HRT is NOT "therapy."
The trans community is just as evil. Your parents telling you that maybe this is just a phase and that maybe you can get help? THEY love you. Your new internet friends who tell you that your parents are transphobic and don't get you and just want to keep you down? They DO NOT care about you. They just want more people to be as ruined as they are.
Now let's move onto some biological facts.

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Men and women have more differences than just their genitals. Men have a Y chromosome. Men have more free energy reserves than women. Men and women produce different hormones at different times in different amounts. Their brains are different not only in size but in wiring. Their skin is different, not just in appearance but in composition. Men's is basically armor.
Turning your genitals inside-out with a fucking knife and loading yourself up on hormones will not make you into the opposite sex. Yeah, HRT can prevent the development of SOME sexual characteristics, if started early enough, but that's really just fucking up the development of your body and constitutes child abuse. It's wrong. And even with HRT, every single cell of your fucking being is either male or female, and you'd be an idiot to think that chromosome doesn't make a difference in thought, physiology, and behavior. If you fuck a tranny in the ass, EVERY LAST CELL OF THAT ASS HAS A Y-CHROMOSOME. YOU ARE FUCKING A MAN IN THE ASS. And that's fine, but let's not pretend that it isn't literally gay.
BUT let's say you go for the "pussy" instead. This is where it gets fun.

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I don't think most woman have an issue with it. I feel men have issues with it more because, most socites have such rigid masiculin rules for males. Males are shammed for experimenting with their gender and sex. Straight males and all males shouldn't have to feel gross for being curious. There should also be more clothing option for guys. Also sensitive males should not feel bad for becoming nurses or working in child care. For feminism to work, we need more woman in stem and more men in "female roles". Men, trans, women need support.

Well, this just seems like propaganda.

because you fags keep pushing that gay shit on ropbots

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Because it's a mental illness that easily preventable with suicide or good parenting.

Fuck a tranny in the "pussy," and you are sticking your dick in a wound. That's fucking barbaric and disgusting.
It does not produce its own lubrication. Frequently, wads of hair will have to be extracted from it. It will likely be infected because it is an open wound. The body will constantly be trying to FUCKING HEAL ITSELF AND SHUT THE GAPING FUCKING WOUND, so trannies have to stick shit into the wound to keep it open. That's not just gross, it's fucking insane. If I got a fucking invagination of a wound from a knife, I wouldn't jam glass into it so that it couldn't heal, because I don't want people FUCKING THE WOUND.
IT IS AN OPEN WOUND AND YOUR BODY KNOWS IT. IT TRIES TO HEAL AND YOU FIGHT IT FOR YOUR TWISTED FUCKING FETISH. I dunno how the whole inverted-pussy=dick thing works, but I'll bet it's equally disgusting.
Best of all, they have the gall to insist that they can serve in the military while doing all of the above.

Trannies are the only ones propagandizing, and it hurts people.

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You have a point user, harsh though without the technology to properly transfer between genders its an exercise in futility and one that's usually more damaging than its worth. Individuals can beat themselves up about anything and when they select their sexuality as an exorcism of their emptiness they usually end up going past the point of no return in a manner than can't be done so much with self-harm, alcohol abuse, smoking etc. as the changes made to both the body and mind are far more blatant and difficult to claw back from. That's not to say that I see transsexuals as inferior, and if there were a means of properly transitioning then good for them though as of current you can only really ignore it and push on with. Yeah I'd rather be a girl but fuck if its going to be denied I'm gonna rack up the best male physique around and make girls jelly that they aren't me.

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Don't forget neovaginas can get pubes growing on the inside of them because it's literally an inverted ballsack.

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I know this is bait but I'll bite anyway.
Why are you so against free will? There's nothing wrong with how things are now. Women and men pick the jobs they want. There doesn't need to be more of x in stem or nursing.
Anyone who is afraid of going into a field because of gender norms is a weak piece of shit and that's a problem they need to deal with personally.

Everything he stated is fact and it didnt further a political cause, fucking retard how is that propaganda

In his mind it's propaganda if it:
>doesn't fit my agenda
>align with my views

Not transsexuality. Transsexuals. Because they are all mentally ill abominations.

You're also FUCKING OBNOXIOUS! People are FUCKING SICK of leaving the "trans-gendered" filter unmarked on dating apps, only for a bunch of fucking trannies who have their profiles as "women" to pop up anyway! And that's not even counting the ones who have the gall to actively try to trick people. Not sexy, not fucking cool, and not okay.
The propaganda we're being hit with from every direction is fucking obnoxious, too, and we don't want our kids or our little siblings or younger relatives being preyed-upon. Again, these fuckazoids target young people who are feeling confused and vulnerable and make them fucking mutilate themselves. HELL NO.
LASTLY-and this is fucking important, so read it twice:
The whole damned thing is based off of a fundamental conceit that how you think of yourself is more important in defining who you are than the way you manifest in the world to others. IT. IS. NOT.
In summary, it's a fucking cult of child-mutilators promoting mental illness in lieu of treatment. And you know what? Maybe that IS unholy.

Yup! See: wads of hair
>pic saved

Do that! Or hell, crossdress! Be a feminine dude, that's a niche! Whatever! I unironically feel like a lesbo in a dude's body. STILL NOT CHOPPING MY COCK OFF LIKE A RETARD

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They are SAD AND CONFUSED and they abuse themselves and each other.

>Well, this just seems like propaganda.
You seem like trans enabling human garbage.

My bad thought you were talking about vagina lint. Which is equally fucking horrifying.

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what the actual frickity fuck is that

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A vagina, you transphobe. Just as good as the real thing!

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Welp, you've done it. Before I didn't like them and I pitied them. Now I'm genuinely scared of them.

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>Yeah I'd rather be a girl
Kill yourself faggot

There's nothing gay about wanting to be the girl and fuck a man to procreate offspring and improve white birth rates, its only gay if you want to be a guy you fucking faggot, Christ!

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transphobia is sooo extended

you fuckinh asshole, HRT is not perfect but definitely it DOES help
what doesn't help at all is call out trans people and deny their existence, the high suicide rates are becaouse of the transphobia

that's ridicously uncommon

Transsexuality doesn't enrage people, you dumbfucks spamming these hallowed halls with your bullshit is the thing that's enraging.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness which treatment is quite an anomaly among mental illnesses.

Usually, a treatment's goal is to rid the patient of the mental illness. With gender dysphoria, they enforce the illness instead of getting rid of it. If you undergo HRT you still have gender dysphoria and you also will. That's why the suicide rate is so high. They will never feel content.

But people nowadays would say that trying to get rid of gender dysphoria is a violation of human rights because "we should just let them be who they want to be"

Plus, it's fucking disgusting.