How much of a test boost can I expect from eating a raw beef and onion platter daily?

How much of a test boost can I expect from eating a raw beef and onion platter daily?

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Less than eating 5 dozen eggs.

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Why not add some raw egg yolks, some more seasoning, and make it some steak tartar?

This big motherfucker does it, what's your excuse?

Raw meat is less nutritious and raw onion is a meme. So none.

Oh is there a new word filter that changed "listeriosis" to "test boost"?

none. testosterone is highly based on genetics. you can change your t-count by some level but eating raw onion patties would probably cause more digestive irregularities than it does help. raw onions help but raw beef? i wanna see a sauce on that.

its called the german diet
only mettbrötchen all day
maximum test boost

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In Germany that's called "Rindermett mit Zwiebeln" and probably every other person eats it for breakfast every other day. Not much more test here than anywhere.

You can expect to have to be treated for a severe parasitic infestation and perhaps a deadly e.coli infection.

Thinking about thats totally normal for us to eat raw pork, raw beef etc.
Feel little bit weird thinking about this, while amis making vids of "HOW IT IS TO EAT RAW PORK IN GERMANY"

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Just a lust for world power.

No, that's also genetic.

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If you honestly want an easy test boost then eat egg and bacon 3-4 hours before bed.
During the night your body will convert the cholesterol easier into test and with the natural added GH, your body produce while resting, you have a nice boost for a morning workout - before eating! If you eat you will spike your insulin and you will lose.

You mean death boost

Honestly this, if Germany just played to get even in round 2 get their land back and kick the unwanted people out then they would have won something. Instead they got DP'd by Russia and the USA.

Based Centopani

Do i need test boost while work out?
I believe its more effective while resting.

Test also helps your performance, yes.

Do you guys remember the French guy who made a thread about his ass worm? He had also posted pics of it.
That was like ~5 years ago iirc

They apparently don't have Fleischbeschau, so they are afraid. 3rd world countries, man.

>Honestly this, if Germany just played to get even in round 2 get their land back and kick the unwanted people out then they would have won something. Instead they got DP'd by Russia and the USA.
FDR wanted to kill Germany, no matter if Hitler or not, Nazis or not, Jews or not, World War or not. Russia always wanted German lands and world domination via Communism.

There really wasn't any way to avoid WW2.

Does your country not have hygiene regulations in regards to meat? Meat that can be eaten raw is usually sold as such. Do you live in a 3rd World Country? US maybe?

Get the fuck out pussy ass brainwashed shills.

I mean Germany could have stayed fairly defensive and not try to conquer Russia. Commies were friends with him for a minute and it made sense to focus on GB first then focus all defenses on the European coastline then destroy US and Russia one at a time. Still they should have just taken back the rhineland and some other areas and maybe btfo france for fun. The rest of it was biting off more than they could chew.

why did i feel like i was watching the start to a gay porno throughout this whole video

probably like 2% onions are a meme

Or japan just could have attacked russia from the east instead of the usa first. Would have been easy win no defenses at all at japanese russian border

What, are there no meat recalls in Europe?

Recently saw one in the Netherlands for beef mince and I've heard Salmon a couple of times.

>French guy
Are you sure "ass worm" wasn't just a euphemism for xir boy(male)friend's benis?

Yeah they should've smacked Australia and Russia first. Whoever thought Pearl Harbor was a good location for a US navy base was spot on the money.

(((false flag)))

In germany almost none, the last big thing were eggs from netherlands.

>testosterone is highly based on genetics

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Fertilized bird eggs contain a myostatin-inhibitor, which makes your muscles grow on the genetic level. Add that to your high test mix.

Jujimufu ate red meat daily for half a year and almost died from excess iron in his blood

I'm not a fucking bitch to cook

If you want to eat raw beef then avoid pre-ground beef. Lots of surface area from disease.
If you really want raw ground beef then grind it fresh just before the meal.
A steak will be a lot less likely to carry something on it's surface.

I doubt it was from the meat. Iron overload is usually a genetic predisposition.