Why does everyone hate these? What am I missing?
Why does everyone hate these? What am I missing?
They're shitty compared to powerblock.
Also, olympic dumbbells are a lot cheaper.
>not a lot of weight to them
>weird shape so you can't set them down anywhere but their stand without them rolling
powerblocks are much better. I think the base model goes til 90lbs. and can be upgraded to 130lbs.
only down side is you can't do something like 52.5, only 50/55/57.5
They're a meme.
You can just get a standard set of adjustable dumbbells for a fifth of the price.
wtf is this
t. eastern european
adjustable dumbells, with the attention on dumb.
So you just rotate it and become lighter?
where does the weight go?
i own these but i got them free from my sister's bf
You're missing nothing. If you just want a compact, clean set you can easily adjust the weight of, and the price doesn't bother you, get them.
>where does the weight go?
Please don't embarass eastern europe with yourself, you mongoloid. We're supposed to be the ones who know how shit works.
ooh now i get it
why not use normal with clamps dumbells?
>What am I missing?
300$ for a set of babby weight dumbells.
You can get a set that's twice as heavy for 200$.
A pair of olympic collar handles is 72$ on amazon and you can spend the rest on proper weight.
Or you can spend 300$ on a pair 52lbs dumbelss and only use them for bicep pump after a year.
It's for people to retarded to figure out how to make 17.5lb when they have 10,5 and 2.5lb platelets.
Because it's 'convinient' and modern looking.
My brother-in-law has a local gym with these and they're left untouched, basicly on display.
Every year I'm there, they're in the same spot, with dust on the handles.
Aren't Olympic handles equally as bulky? I've never used them, but they seen pretty long. You would have to pick up extra plates that don't see a lot of use on a barbell and then you have different plate dimensions getting in the way.
With a barbell, you need one pair of 2.5, 5, 10, 25, and then all your 45 plates. With Olympic dumbbells you would need to double that to equal two 90 dumbbells. So around $150 all together. May make more sense to get a power block and you also wouldn't have to worry about collars slipping off, although the old school Olympic lifting collars are very secure.
>olympic dumbbells
I pic related what you mean? What's the best kind of plates for these things? Rubber, steel? I'm thinking of buying some It's just that I think barbel plates might be too big for them.
Depends what you want. If you want compactness, then steel flat plates. If you want dropability, then rubber.
I almost bought them before seeing how fuckhuge they are. GOING FOR POWERBLOCKS
I'm surprised a gym would buy these since they are fucking expensive and break when dropped.
haha what a cuck, you let other men fuck your sister? I bet you consider him your "bro".