Why do women seem to find bad men attractive and sweet men repulsive?

Why do women seem to find bad men attractive and sweet men repulsive?

I have a theory on it, but it probably doesn't make sense. I'd like other user's input on it, or their own theories.

Here it goes. Most men want a woman that is very sexually open, that is, a woman they'll be able to do everything at any time like it's a fuckdoll. That doesn't mean they want a woman that IS a fuckdoll, but rather one that will be one for them, exclusively. Nobody likes the town bicycle. You don't want a slut, you want a woman to be YOUR slut. Furthermore, a man might get bored of a woman that is like that for him, at any time, without any challenge. It seems incongruous, and it probably is, but I think we can all empathize at some level with that.

I think women work the same, but regarding to affection. Most women might want a man that is extremely sweet, but not to everyone. Just like we don't like women that give their body away, they don't like men that give their affection and energy away. They want it for themselves. A generally sweet guy is the slut of men. He just gives it away. Furthermore, a guy that is always sweet to her, without compromise, ends up being boring.

Therefore, the ideal for a woman might be a man that is NOT sweet but somehow may be the sweetest to her if she earns him, and only while he continually earns him.


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You're thinking too hard. Bad boys have bigger dicks, therefore, they get the girl.

"Sweet" men are weak

I'm not sure I see the relation between both.

Could you further explain what you mean by weak? Do you think men can't both be sweet and stand their ground?

I know the answer but I suck at explaining it
It's related to women perceiving "nice guys" as low status and without many options in terms of sexual partners so they have to be "nice" to compensate
I think you might like sperm wars by robin baker if you're interested in answers to these type of questions

Nice digits, and makes sense.
Those who can't achieve success by imposing their will need to be nice. Kind of fucked up in today's society, though.

'Bad guys' aka dark triad types take better care of their appearance and are generally better looking.

what kind of women? the ones you are talking about want sex not a serious relationship
until obviously they get attached to their dick source and cry when they dont want her like that

It's basic evolutionary biology. Read a book before concocting wild theories.

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You said literally nothing.
I asked the why.
You mentioned a field.
So: why?

Women want dominant men, cause of their instincts.
Same reason men like submissive women more.
It's very simple.

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It is related to evolutionary biology and the answer is simple to anyone who understands it

Read sperm wars

i think romance often times comes down to elusivity, this conversation happens too often, of course women want dominant elusive guys. nice boys are a bit pathetic and don't seem like any sort of real win.

women can't, like, psychically detect how big your dick is lol

Could that be an extreme simplification of it?
For example, check related graph.
Women love men who don't smile when not looking at them, but the situation reverse if he looks at her.
If we accept (I know it's a stretch) serious gestures as dominating, they only like them when they are directed at everyone but themselves.
Which is what I was talking about in the OP.

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Women dont want a man thats nice, they dont want a man that is an asshole either. They like confidence.
There is also a subset of very stupid women who like the idea of "taming the beast"

How are being nice and confident exclusive?

Mortuaryanon here! Today I just received two little chadling suicides, had to go through their normie swaggot clothes and had hiphop culture tattoos and everything. Both had small-average penises.

Not that this proves anything.

>Paul Harrell memes


>women don't like assholes, they like confidence


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I dont want a girl to be my slut I just want a girl to love me and we take care of each other

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>it's confidence they like, guys

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I think it's a the appeal of a "gap".

It's the bad boy, but with a sweet side.
It's the shy girl, but she's a pervert.

And then you add the sense of superiority/exclusivity factor: he's only nice with ME, she only behaves like a slut with ME. It's appealing, but not everyone is the same, I personally don't like arrogant or agressive men.

That's why all mass murderers, school shooters and mass rapists have hundreds of fan mail from women that profess their undying love to them, monthly.
Hybristophillia is evolutionarily hardwired.