I'm running Alpha Destiny novice program, it'll be for 4 months now. I noticed that only my squat and dl are increasing...

I'm running Alpha Destiny novice program, it'll be for 4 months now. I noticed that only my squat and dl are increasing. But rest of the lifts, mostly pressing movements, plateaued. I have 120kg squat, 140kg dl, 90kg bp, and 52,5kg OHP at 85kg BW. Should I just eat more? I'm already at 17% bf so I don't wanna get too fat. What do?

Attached: profile_187616_1526408183.jpg (210x302, 36K)

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Is strength your primary concern? Check out GZCL

yes, I want to reach intermediate stage
thanks, I'll check it out

fake natty 55 balding permavirgin

nice to meet you, I'm user

Post butt

he has variations of his novice routine designed to bring up eigher upper body or lower body imabalances via more volume and direct work. do the former until you stal completly and switch to intermediate. these are decent stats for 4 months tho

It’s trash. Do SS, ICF, SL literally anything

Attached: kek.png (616x690, 531K)

>variations of his novice routine

they're all worse than ad's novice routine. along with candito's linear this is probably the best starting routine out there, definitely the best if you want to train 3x/week

but AD novice is basically SL but with accessories


hi bloho

Yeah and the accessory’s are basically useless, hinder recovery, potentially increase risk of overuse injuries and are just a waste of time

Dude Box squats lmao
Dude weighted planks lmao

Box squats are goat imo

>3 sets of curls and extensions will hinder recovery
i dont have a brainlet with small enough brain to attach to this post
nice argument

>hinder recovery
>the program is 3 times per week
yeah no

If you do them right.

Which I think I've seen once ever in a regular gym.

Periodize, it helped me a lot especially with ohp

It is the absolute most retarded take on SS (or Bill Starr) I have ever seen.

You're a fucking moron. Greg Nuckols who is definitely stronger than you recommends people transitioning into the intermediate phase do more accessories to IMPROVE joint health and hypertrophy underdeveloped muscles

It’s for novices you dumb cunt

people transitioning into intermediate phase ARE novices

dumbest comment i've ever read