My fiancé just told me she prefered my body when I was fat but still supports me. What should I do...

My fiancé just told me she prefered my body when I was fat but still supports me. What should I do? I went from 6'5" 300 in college as a wrestler and gained when I graduated despite not exercising anymore but now I'm 220 and she's not happy. She's fit herself so it's not insecurity but the comment got to me.

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She’s trying to make you feel good about your body no matter what
>oh no hon, I loved you when you were big! I love you so much, no matter what you look like!
Don’t get fat for a woman, be what makes you happy. If she cannot accept your gains she isn’t worth it

She prefaired you fat because you didn't have options now that your fit you might find someone better. Decide how you feel about this yourself.

>so it's not insecurity

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>Oh no my husband will draw female attention now that he looks good and healthy
>I don't like this, he might find a better woman
>I feel endangered
>"Honey you look better when you were a fat piece of shit, i think you should gain all your weight back :('

Dont fall for the puppy eyes and sad talk user. Shes afraid.

Why would someone want to marry a "fat piece of shit" though?

Stability in face of the approaching Wall TM.

Being happily married is sweet, it has not of benefits. If you can find a bata fuck to marry that with love you you've got the jackpot.

>Dont fall for the puppy eyes and sad talk user. Shes afraid.
100% this.

My gf is overweight by about 10-20kg and I never encourage her to lift or start dieting. I lift and I'm in good shape so she always asks me for advice and I'm like "don't waste your time, I like when girls weigh more/but you're my favourite body-type/etc".

There's something comforting about knowing she has no other choices and looks to you for all her validation. Plus she tries really hard to be nice and keep me happy. It's really awesome desu, and I finally understand why girls always do this to guys they start dating.

Was anyone else here in a similar situation?

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Oh, look guys, he used that new Jewish meme. Good job! LOL XDDD

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You're a monster


Get a load of this guy

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Ask her if she also prefers that you drop dead of a heart attack at age 48


>You're a monster
I just want her to be comfortable being herself :)

But seriously, don't knock it til you've tried it

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300 isn't much on a tall guy

this is funny, but falls for the
>I'm secretly a terrible person so everyone else secretly is, too
I'm sure it is comforting.
I was more attractive than my ex and it always felt nice to know I could trade up if I wanted to. I never wanted to, but I did like looking at other titties.
Some people genuinely like fatties.

She knows that you're hotter than her.

why did you settle?

This is obviously true. Love is war. Once you're hooked your partner wants you unattractive.
>oh good my long term gf is buying new clothes and working out and putting on makeup more and shaving her pubes again
Said no man ever

what should you do? use your superior physique to give her the best sex of her entire life

That's not true. Many men are posessive and get unnerved about self improvement in their gfs

Mainly because she's really sweet and I get along with her better than any other girl I've dated.

After we first met we were making plans of what we would do over the next three months because we just got along extremely well and wanted to spend more time together. It was the first time I ever experienced that with a grill, all the other times I was just waiting for an opportunity to sleep with them.

/End blogpost