/homegym/ master race thread

Tell me about how it's coming a long? What made you create one? Any tips for starters?

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Any poorfags ever use squat buckets? I'm too poor and Jewish to pay for a proper rack

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Another poor Jew here. When do we get our "secretly ruling the world" checks? I haven't got mine yet. Is it my blonde hair and blue eyes?

In regards to home gym, I knew a guy who worked as a janitor at a college. Got a great deal on some old stuff when they renovated their gym.

This gym is absolutely beautiful, user, but looks expensive.

does the contractor know you're squatting bitch weight on the job site?


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those buckets are not mine. I'm considering making them and wanted to ask around.

are you redoing the wall paint or something?

Neon lighting in gym is /comfy/ desu

That looks unsafe user

the footprint for those bucket looks to be about as big as these crazy looking things powerlifters are fond of.

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The jewbuckets look like they have a higher center of gravity.

Saw someones homegym posted a couple of threads back that had spinlock olympic dumbbell handles. Anybody got a source on those? The only ones I could find were an australian manufacturer that didn't ship internationally.

Really? I figured the block of concrete holding up relatively lighter wood would make the center lower, as opposed to a uniformly metal structure.

>tfw just purchased some rubber padding for the floor

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gym is complete just gonna but more weights/dumbbells as time goes on

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i used to have a pair.
they have a tendency to tip if you're not careful and have too much weight on the bar. damaged a sleeve on my oly bar one day because of this.

Start small and add to it over time. A good home gym is always evolving

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comfy as fuck ontaribro

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>shitty plastic flags that you can see through
>so fresh out of bag they came in they are covered in fold lines

Alberta bro. The other flag is the Canadian Red Ensign


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I don't understand why so many people stick flags up in their home gyms

Trudeau pls go

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Le 56% barbell americano

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yeah some of the the flags are shit

First thing to get is protection for floor and a barbell with weights. Then you can get a powerrack and a bench. Its all you need bro

Cringe. I hope that one isn't yours, it reeks of sóy.

How do i do leg curls and extensions in home gym? Doing leg curls holding dumbbell with feet is fucking hard, it slips out and my calves are in pain because i have to hold my feet in a weird position.

You don’t even need a rack until you go over 300lbs. It’s much safer to load the barbell from the ground.

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I have this in a1 size adorning my gym wall

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Get a leg curl machine/bench dummy. Or just do squats properly.

>Don't tread on me flag

i just like the flag sperg relax

yeah that definitely won't fuck up your spine, go for it

I lift weights on a drilling rig, does that technically count as a home gym?

Or a proper barbell.

the thing is that i can't find a bench strictly for legs, all i see are some cheap ass multi purpose dog shit machines

All I really need. Gonna pick up a rep fitness halfrack after deployment. Havent felt like I needed anything other than this for the last 3 months of lifting.

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No. It wont. Stop being a little bitch.

you do sissy squats instead

Ever since starting lifting at home I've found myself talking to my pl8s and barbell. My dog oftentimes starts barking because he thinks I'm talking to someone who's come into the house. My physical gains have never been better, but my mental and social gains are slipping.

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What the fuck? I never do this and have been socially isolated with a home gym for years. It hasn't been a problem.

What do you say to your barbell and weight GF?

>What do you say to your barbell and weight GF?
Just normal conversations. Usually regarding whatever I'm thinking about between sets. Sometimes the subject is the weather, what I'm going to make for dinner, or what I need to buy at the store. I used to talk to my cat, but he doesn't visit me when I lift it anymore.

wait. This isn't normal?

Ah a fellow 'stealth jew' i also have not gotten my illuminati letter yet

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Didn't they teach ye this shit.

there's nothing cringey about my garage you insecure fuck

Ive got 2 dumbbells and a 1 acre lawn
Love lunges and throwing plates like disci

You need to cover up that floor with something desu... if you're short on cash buy some playmats designed for kids... a lot cheaper than having to fix the floor if one of those weights ever hit the ground