Best supplement/nootropics

Hard mode: no placebo
Current stack is lecithin, zinc, creatine and occasional modafinil. Anyone had any success with anything else?

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Moda changed my life. I want to try addy sometime still though.

Yet to myself but see no real reason to since I can get moda cleanly and legally to my door, they are pretty different obviously

>Alpha GPC
>creatine monohydrate
>Acetyl L-Carnitine
>caffeine sometimes

Pretty good for me; gonna add some racetams later maybe

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Can you get modafinil or phenibut in the UK legally?


I try to stay as natty as possible, so I only use 3 supps.

Probably no since there was that psychoactive substance act, not fully clued in, I only know most nootropics got "banned". Probably can just find a site that can get it to you though, super grey area I would guess

Didn't even feel anything beyond placebo from aniractam, not a repurchase for me

where can you even buy modafanil these days?

You should add in ginkgo Biloba and rhodilia roses, some ginkgo supplements have bacopa added in too

If you can't get modafinil there are loads of analogs like adrafinil or FLmodafinil u can defs get less than a google search away

How is the sarm and where did you get it?

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Isn't that carcinogenic?

RIP your liver

>takes adrafinil at high doses for 6 months straight
>notices liver issues

>drinks a bottle of vodka a night for 6 months straight
>notices liver issues

Average dose every week or 2 is equivalent to a beer at most, cope more wakefullnesslet

>high doses for 6 months straight
What, you're going to stop cold turkey after 6 months? I somehow doubt you'll be so willing to suddenly give up the benefits of the drug.

Vit D

You don't abuse it in the first place and then don't need to worry about quitting forever. Just use sparingly as needed and you'll be fine.

What's a good supp for pre-workout PR days ?

no. You can get them from the deep web for very cheap though, around 100 quid for 200 pills.


caffeine 300mg or whatever you feel is best for you
2 scoops (10g) citrulline malate

Creatine but that requires usage beforehand

Dark web not deep web

put on 15lbs of lean muscle last 8 week cycle on 10mg a day.
No PCT other than natural test booster off amazon. Felt lethargy and only a slight drop on blood test post cycle, back to normal in two weeks. Might do a second cycle but with ostarine.
Got mine off purerawz.

Morning exercise, a proper diet and a sensitization regimen. I can now study 14 hours a day, exercise for 2 and sleep for 8 wake up the next morning with no need for a pill.

Enjoy your tolerance buildup with moda, addy, ritalin.

Enjoy studying 14 hours a day you brainlet.

lmao, the amount of information I digest in a day completely dwarfs what you're capable of. I already graduated undergrad in 2.5 years. I'm on my masters now.

Get fucked, druggie.

>all of this for a mercedes benz in a rich folk neighborhood

stay judgemental brah

>tfw got addicted to smoking via chewing nicotine gum for cognitive enhancement

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L-Arginine. Makes muh dik feel gud

in the U.S. Moda is Schedule 4. I get it for about 15 bucks through my insurance for 200mg tabs. Ussually take half a day a full one if I really need to be in the zone. Go tell your doctor you got moved to night shift and would like to try some modafinil. My doctor didnt even blink when I asked them for it.

Was fucking wierd desu couldnt believe asking for a drug was that easy. Blew my mind.

Modafinil and Kratom are bad news together. Dont use them together youll seize out.

Honestly user, I think you might have just saved me from a smoking addiction. I was literally just going to go buy some nicotine gum for my finals this week. I know you might be down for now, but you helped me out. I know you can quit user; you are strong enough.

Modafinil doesn't build up a tolerance. It's mechanisms aren't clearly understood yet, but it's known to release histamines.

However it works, there is no tolerance. In the effort of fairness. It's cool that it helps people focus and not get addicted like methyl based stuff.

It's fine to use 1-2 pieces a day, but just don't chew it like regular gum.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
P.S. I don't even use nootropics fat gay nigger.
P.P.S. Keep larping basement dweller, bet you only have a highschool diploma. Pathetic.

Activated Whey
Pre-Neolithic Zinc
Ionized Bat Brain Extract

This shit is worthless garbage. Literally placebo tier

no, you just don't understand what you should expect from it

yes it does build tolerance. first result when googling modafinil tolerance reddit gives you this:

everyone knows it does, don't fucking lie.

You stupid fucks, you never went deep enough down the research tunnel before deciding nicotine was a good idea. It only has a nootropic effect in smokers. In nicotine virgins it has no effect whatsoever. It's only bringing the non-virgins back up to baseline. That's what this shit does to you. Do you think you needed this crap when you were 8 years old? No. You didn't, but you were still learning every fucking thing under the sun. Now all of these adult drugs, including caffeine are fucking up how your mind is supposed to work, swinging from 120% to 40% brain power instead of just staying at 100%.

Get clean or just keep spinning your wheels trying to minmax with the pills you're taking.

think the point of supps is that in todays lifestyle brain activity is often needed in bursts, sometimes you cruise for 5 weeks of uni then have 4x 3000 word assignments due in 1 week. or you dont get enough sleep, diet, or exercise either cuz your too lazy or too busy. supplements and nootropics are the shortcut to filling those holes. im sure if most people would choose to be at 100% brainpower everyday, but its pretty hard to do.

did you link to an anecdotal article on reddit and then act like a bitch about it?

3 Studies, shortest duration 40 weeks. Max duration 3 years.

If you're going to make claims and want people to take you seriously, remove your emotion and exchange discourse like a rational human being.

you're a fucking nigger faggot. I used that combo today and was fine. I've used that combo a dozen times and I've always been fine. AND I have a history of epilepsy and I've never had a seizure on it.

There was one post on reddit about modafinil and kratom causing seizures, and every dipshit parrots it. Fuck you, do some research.

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>You stupid fucks, you never went deep enough down the research tunnel before deciding nicotine was a good idea. It only has a nootropic effect in smokers. In nicotine virgins it has no effect whatsoever. It's only bringing the non-virgins back up to baseline. That's what this shit does to you. Do you think you needed this crap when you were 8 years old? No. You didn't, but you were still learning every fucking thing under the sun. Now all of these adult drugs, including caffeine are fucking up how your mind is supposed to work, swinging from 120% to 40% brain power instead of just staying at 100%.

wrong. how the fuck is chewing nicotine gum different to a person smoking a cigarette for the first time and getting a nicotine high? are you fucking retarded? if you put a stimulant into your body, you'll feel its effects if you haven't developed a tolerance which non-smokers won't have

Ok then explain why I felt a strong 'nootropic' effect when I stole some of my uncle's nicotine patches? I had never ingested nicotine before, not even from cigarette smoke.

It just makes you feel not tired. If you are already having good sleep and no problem with beeing awake it wont do much for you yes.

I like taking 200mg on phenylpiracetam and doing a 3 month cycle of cerebrolysin subcutaneously alongside copper peptide.

Also, look into fl-afinil, smaller dosage and longer lasting. I prefer simple d-amp if I don't have phenylpiracetam on hand and I'll usually stack it with either aniracetam or oxiracetam.

I've been taking nootropics on and off for about 10 years now. It's been pretty good, but nothing compared to what you were able to get when it was still in its infancy online.

>sensitization regimen

NSI-189 and Noopept currently works really well for me

You can get biovea phenibut online in the uk, for some reason

Not ‘legally’ though, I meant to say. The law’s unenforceable though, half of Holland & Barrett is technically contraband

your short-term memory must be shot, gramps

wish I had more than 24 hours in a day too.

when are you fitting in this exercise, food prep, and eating?

Explain, I don't know anything about NSI-189 only about noopept. How would it reduce his short term memory?

Nsi isn’t nootropic no matter what redditors think. For me it just kills stress so I can focus on things better

Noopept hasn’t hurt my short term memory so I assume that’s meme science - if not, what’s the scoop?

The internet and computers mess with your dopamine and reward circuits, same thing with large amounts of sugar and large meals. Sensitization is really just killing off all notifications and apps that have nothing to do with study, eating only enough food to avoid being hungry and staying off of the internet during the week. Everything on there hits your dopamine levels with its novelty.

Making the information that needs to be studied the only information available is a key factor in being able to study efficiently.

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I like the way you wrote this. I’m stealing it.

noopept increases the incretin system, GLP-1 incretin and antagonizes aldosterone, increases serum potassium, and sodium. The side-effect that's been widely reported with noopept is that short-term memory goes to shit, which may be related to what noopept does to sodium in your body. A low-level hyponatremia while on noopept could be the cause of short-term memory.

I've taken noopept straight from Russia in blister packs and it definitely affected my short-term memory, made me irritable as well.

NSI-189 was good to bring back old memories, but horrible for concentration. I don't recommend neither of them.

What about NSI-189 for depression? I've read multiple stories where someone's life was changed? Did it have any anxiolytic effects in your case?

I stopped taking nsi-189 on the whim in which I was introduced to it by before the publications that DARPA/Neuralstem's phase 1 showed no statistically significant hippocampal or amygdala growth and pivoted as an experimental antidepressant.

I personally didn't like it. Dulled other weed, LSD, and potentiated stimulants to an uncomfortable level. The only experience with antidepressants I have are Tianapetine, and found them to be somewhat similar.

Phosphaditylserine is hella swaggen. I have taken at least several bottles of Seriphos (Google it) and that shit helps me sleep, gives near uncontrollable libido increases, and grows my delts like crazy.

My top rated supps:
Vitamin C
Gw501516 (not continuous use)

noopept + alpha gpc or choline bitartrate
phenylpiracetam or pramiracetam
l theanine
l tyrosine
armodafinil (even better)
microdose lsd or 1p-lsd
2 fa or any of its analogues
4 HO met
5 mapb

want to try nsi 189
looking into eeg neurofeedback

in my experience noopept + lsd MD + armodafinil is the true limitless pill.
Anecdotal evidence but,
Went from failing brainlet to straight A in STEM field (doing double course work to repair shitty grades with online courses)

Then diet is also a placebo.


>tried phenibut in doses up to 3g
>didn't do shit

>took my first dose of modafinil (100mg) yesterday
>didn't do shit
>I even slept during the day and it's a drug used specifically to prevent daytime sleepiness

Fucking lol @ me falling for those memes. Gonna try moda up to 400mg and if it's a cope I'll switch to addy

you are either baiting, got scammed and didnt get the real deal, or have fucked up your brain so badly from abusing other drugs that you are a non responder


Neither of those nigga. Maybe it's time to accept that I'm a subhuman and take the only pill that works - the rope pill

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That's because Phenibut sold in the US is fake. The only real Phenibut is from russia, brand name Noofen or Anvifen. It is sold in a dosage of 250mg per pill, and it's recommended to take 500mg MAXIMUM. For the American shit products most people recommend over 1g. I have personally tried both, and the Russian Phenibut gives a much more 'clean' effect for lack of better words and is more effective.

Fuaaark they probably put cheap Chinese pheni in those boxes and stupid redditors placebo themselves into thinking its a real deal after they got scammed. I'll look into russian phenibut.

Man dude, thats alot of junk. Im worried about you dude.

yes lol, i ship mine from the UK

>all these retards thinking this is some illegal shit


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My stack:

Modvigil 100mg + Aniracetam 750mg + Alpha GPC + L-Theanine 150mg

Even without the mod and just caffeine it feels great

Can you tell me more about how you get it? Does it cost you an arm and a leg?

German anons, where do you get your stuff?

>lmao, the amount of information I digest in a day completely dwarfs what you're capable of. I already graduated undergrad in 2.5 years. I'm on my masters now.
Working towards med school starting from the bottom. Half a year of college left before pre-med.

Can you please elaborate more on how you session your study times?

Pomodoro tech is what I've been using, 30min focus, 5 min quick snake, walk around, grab a tea/coffee and then back at it again.

Once you've learnt something and its clicked say from a text book - do you find yourself constantly needing to revise to enter it into your long term memory?

I can understand complex study sessions but If I don't quickly review the material again say 1-2 days later I tend to forget a majority of it, especially specific details.

Would really appreciate your advice.

Modafinil is so much better than Adderall. Seriously, I used Adderall first, it's just stupid if you're trying to be productive. The half life, even in XR is so short and uneven you spend half your time on it worrying about coming down or feeling it start to kick in that you're hardly productive. And then you're in asort
of extra-caffeinated alert mode that isn't fantastic.

Modafinil is constant "on when you want" type feeling. Just way smoother, and you don't feel bad coming down from it (besides as tired as you'd have felt without it if you're getting less sleep)

Not legally, but no one gives a shit in the UK or the US about possessing. Unless maybe you start manufacturing

Low dose of Cialis for dat dere semi, instant hardon with a chick and t boost

> You stupid fucks, you never went deep enough down the research tunnel before deciding nicotine was a good idea. It only has a nootropic effect in smokers.

This is such a dumb line of logic I actually cringed.


Same logic, equally as retarded.

r-phenibut look into it

noofen only sedating right?
US phenibut hcl is stimulating, it gives light mdma feeling