How long would something like this take? without steroids or any other drugs

How long would something like this take? without steroids or any other drugs

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if you have the knowledge already prolly like 2 months, but for most people its a feeling out process on what works for there bodies regarding diet and training strategies so would take longer while figuring it out

18 months

2 years for blacks
3 years for whites

>if you have the knowledge already prolly like 2 months

yeah gonna double the width of your arms in 2 months. keep dreaming

>2 months
Post body right now

wonder what he did before becoming a max level thot slayer

6 months with proper diet.

it took him 18 months

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>18 weeks

anyone notice how his head has shrunk to some degree?

looks to me like his neck just got thicker and hairline a bit lower because is hair is longer

18 weeks or 4,5 months is believable.

>60kg to 115kg bench in 18 weeks
gtfo this is absolute horseshit

Well fuck, looks like I need to get started

you can get to 80 kg in a month, and from 80 to 115 in three months is possible.

this desu

to put on pants? 20 seconds at most

Shit, Morgan Freeman got swole.

Racist much? that’s obviously samuel jackson

Id say 1-2 years natty without a problem.

Pretty sure i have the same rounded/titty shaped pec insertions. Feelsbadmane

Most realistic number in this thread

Lmfao lemme know how it goes for you


Not 1 year. Look again the guy gained a minimum of 65 lbs. 2 years.

i disagree. looks like 10-15 lbs of muscle and the same amount of fat. definitely doable in a year.

what if its the opposite? I already got the muscle I just need to cut. how much time cutting would it take to get to that?
his body is average even looks dyel, guy on right just looks buff if you're untrained


You can't hit this without roids, way passed the natty limit

without steroids? infinity

love freeletics. only tried the bodyweight version tho.

Nearly every black that lifts is on steroids. For fucks sake I had a women at work asking me about them since she knows I lift because her 350lb tub of lard fiance wants to hop on gear, even though he hasn't seen the inside of a gym in a decade.

This should only take about six months if you do everything properly. Maybe four if you have good genetics.

Drink at least one gallon of whole milk a day. This is known as GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day). You are to drink this milk in addition to eating three high protein meals. Your goal is to take in as many calories as humanly possible. It is literally impossible to overeat when trying to gain muscle. Science has proven that whole milk is even more effective for building muscle than steroids.

Next, buy the book Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and follow the workout plans religiously. The important thing is to squat every single workout. The stronger your legs are, the stronger your upper body will be. Never neglect this training or do more sets than the book calls for.

Lastly, shun cardio at all costs. You're literally just burning up all your muscle tissue. Cardio is for girls. Men lift weights and drink whole milk. Follow this advice to a T and within 4 months, your physique will be so impressive it will surpass your wildest imagination.

tl;dr: SS + GOMAD

>This should only take about six months if you do everything properly. Maybe four if you have good genetics.

stopped reading there

you are delusional if you believe that physique would take less than 3 years to achieve for a natural.

>if you have the knowledge already prolly like 2 months, but for most people its a feeling out process on what works for there bodies regarding diet and training strategies so would take longer while figuring it out

Only if you have no idea what you're doing. This body can be achieved in probably 2 hours if you actually train the right way.

For all the newbies out there browsing. Do not take this guys shit post as genuine advice.

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if you actually use any advice taken from any thread on Jow Forums you will never make it.
i've made like 2 posts with misleading information in this thread on purpose too.

realistically two years, you wont look exactly like him though, he has very aesthetic inserts.

>what if its the opposite? I already got the muscle I just need to cut. how much time cutting would it take to get to that?
perhaps tell us YOUR STARTING POINT you fucking inbred mongoloid

>from 1pl8 to breaking 2pl8 in 5 months is impossible
user, that's literal starting strength numbers

2 years is a realistic answer

>No bro this takes like 2 weeks. Look at how small he is. Im already bigger than him. Trust me bro.

>manlet detected

no it's not, 3 it is.

15 years for jews

can anyone explain why lifting also makes the face rounder? guy in op is pretty lean so it's not fat. or is this just my eyes jewing me?

Camera lens tricks to make the transformation seem more impressive

a gallon of milk a day? wtf?

How new are you, summer fag? Most of this board drinks AT LEAST a gallon a day. Sometimes more.

Git gud.

>Lastly, shun cardio at all costs. You're literally just burning up all your muscle tissue. Cardio is for girls
Have fun having a low stamina metre

a month or 2 if you know what you're doing

ask me how i know you are/were all fat

>these are the people giving you lifting advice

3-4 years without meming and estating

why are people like this giving advice... you have never worked out...

>115kg is 2pl8
>18 weeks is 5 months

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It depends ln a lot of factors. Assuming a reasonably disciplined person, good diet, good workout routine and average genetics, one can put around one pound of muscle per month (this decreases the longer you have been training as you approach natty potential).

>People genuinely don't realise this post is a joke.

Jesus Christ, Jow Forums.


It's 1pl8 to 255lb in 4.5 months you retard. That's bullshit or you're the fattest fuck in the world.
Post body


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Honestly if you increase the weight, eat and sleep big, and never miss a day,

>Dude you look

I was like the one in the right, then I went to the army and due to the shit food I become like the one in the left, but my fitness peaked. Like I could ran 5km in like 12-14 minutes. Now I'm about to get back on shape.


eat clen and tren hard or whatever that saying goes nigga

>ITT "hardgaining" dyels
I kek at you

Tim Ferris made it in 28 days, without roids

Attached: Tim_Ferriss_Muskelaufbau.png (420x614, 89K)

The architect

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You're a non-bro

I doubt this until you sauce it

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>stretched pics

look at the heads

It's true but it's previously gained muscle. Which is even easier than noob gains to get.
t. Regained 22lbs in about 6 weeks

Shut the fuck up. That's muscle memory. He didn't gain new muscle. He lost a ton of muscle and decided to gain it back quickly.

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Honestly this. Every person I see in my gym lifting more than 2 plates is black and unproportionally big for only having a 2 pl8 bench

what is it with you cucks desperately and vicariously defending the natty status of people you dont even know?

mirin height gains


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Kg I hope

3-5 years. The first two years will be spent on fucking around and testing whats working for you anyways

That's in stone.

I got a body of twice this size in 3 minutes and 40 seconds after I started working out. You just have to eat the right way.

lmao shut the fuck up retard

You can get this in less than 850 zeptoseconds.

He said without steroids, dumbass.

>you share a boaard with literally mentally handicapped people like this

blacks have higher median test which is why i said 2 years for blacks


Tbh OP's pic should take you 3 weeks with a good program

>people giving this serious replies

this board is literally 90% retarded children

>how long
3 years with proper diet and training 7 days a week
>without steroids
literally never
best to just get to left one, bud :)

those seem like very high numbers

>minimum of 65 lbs.
I'm sorry what?


>2 months
not possible in any way shape or form.

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its what happened to me. started lifting at 19. trainer put me on the right track. one year later everyone who hadn't seen me said I was swole. since then I have gotten bigger, but not at the same rate
>source: deep inside your asshole
every skinnyfat white who can't put on size does mental gymnastics - as opposed to actual gymnastics, because then they'd be ripped - to explain away their shortcomings

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