Is Jow Forums unhealthy psychologically?
What's the worst type of hobby to become obsessed with?
yes, I feel like literal shit everytime I go out or eat out or skip a workout even though I know it doesn't matter in the long run, can't enjoy those things anymore without having a voice telling me I'm fucking up my body and I'm not gonna make it
40k because rip your wallet and you can't tell other people who don't play you're into it
Lifting is a healthy hobby
Unhealthy hobbies would be:
>recreating drugs
>writing on Jow Forums all day
>having a YouTube channel
cars are the worst. very expensive and if you try to enjoy them you go to jail for street racing or even worse hurt someone in an accidents. also like 0.01% will give a shit about cars and only a fraction of that will care about some riced out honda
fitness is a very good hobby
I'm fine living that normie life with a wife and full time job.
Worst type of hobby is collecting figurines, especially ones of anime girls. RIP your social life.
t. failed youtube channel
Pewdiepie did nothing else but YT for quite a long, he almost went insane. Then he started lifting and spent more time outside.
People can't make it on YT without big sacrifices. Every community is infested with cancer.
Just tell people you like to paint
hobbies that costs you money
>RC modelism & drones
These are my sins. Confess.
Video games
it's one of the hobbies at risk of being unhealthy, if you take it too seriously
a hobby must stay a hobby
personally i see climbers as one of the categories at highest risk of going nuts, dont know why, they all start doing more and more dangerous stuff until they die or break
>writing on Jow Forums all day
Sipping lean, popping xans, practicing islam
Anything that is a huge time sink that really offers very little health/mental/financial benefits.
Is OP implying tjat constructing a fort with your best friend as place you two can bring dates is a.bad hobby? Phooey.
>posts comment to a forechin thread
>progressive press is $300
>doublestack RIA 1911 is $550
>AR is about $700
Pussy on the other hand.
>maybe a $800 invest on a bitch you want to wife
>8 credit cards n shit
> $5000 down and half your shit for a divorce
you need to be quite wealthy to have this as a hobby, unless you meant buying a single above average car you like
Never gonna make it
When it is a hobby you don't spend only 300 bucks on lee stuff wich is decent by the way.
Why would I want to buy cheap AR tho when I can get a SIG550?
I can't own more than two cars a the time so I buy one and sell it after a while and buy something else. I loose thousands each time I do it.
Oh sorry I didn't know you were /arg/. Here's your image back.
You use Lee because you thought it would be fast cheap and easily repairable. But fuck am i going to buy a lock n load
I literally cannot stop buying guns.
evolution wise, fitness is probably the most adaptive hobby out there
Sounds like a mental illness.
>the #1 youtuber put in a lot of hours to be literally the highest subscribed channel, therefore youtube as a hobby is bad
you should take up drug overdosing as a hobby
>You use Lee because you thought it would be fast cheap and easily repairable
I don't use lee, I have friends who do and for the price it's quite good and well engineered. Only con is the overuse of cheap plastic.
I have a lock n load with the bullet and case feeders. Saves me lots of time tb h
I live in a town with about 125k people in Germany but nevertheless, there's a goddamn 40k "shop" in my town. I kinda understand why people would waste their time getting into it but it must be a nightmare telling people about your hobby. even my girlfriend doesn't fully understand why I would start a small (about 10-20 paperbacks/hardcovers) comicbook collection at 27 years old. normies just don't understand
All that money wasted in guns when you only need one bullet to kill yourself.
are you one of the guys infesting the 2nd emendament threads?
>almost went insane?
>Chronic internet browsing
>Women (assuming you're unsuccessful and desperate)
>Porn (either frequently using it or producing it at all)
>are you one of the guys infesting the 2nd emendament threads?
These guns are for killing commies, not myself.
you can probably use one gun at a time, maybe 2 if you are great at it, am i correct?
why not working on your reloading and shoting abilities instead of buying more guns?
honest question from a cunt where no one cares about guns (yeah it's legal to buy them)
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin neckbeard?
>Hur dur killing muh Commies
>Has never lived in communist country
>Will never live in Communist country
>Will never actually shoot another person
>Will never even have to threaten another person with it.
Literally the only difference between a gun hobby and a sword collection is that guns cost more and are a pain to maintain. Certified weebo hobby
Good-tier hobbies:
>reading literature and philosophy
>immersive traveling
>learning languages
>actual hiking and camping
>cardiovascular+strength training
>civic activism
>conscientious, efficient charity(see: Singer's effective altruism)
Mediocre-tier hobbies:
>being a 'foodie'
>reading genre fiction
>tourist trap, on-rails traveling
>strength/aesthetic training alone
>infrequent, social recreational drug use (includes alcohol)
>non-proselytizing, community centered religion
>emotion based charity
>consuming youtube video essays, wikipedia articles, and condensed summaries instead of the primary texts
Shit-tier hobbies:
>gunpla, warhammer, and other manchild toy fixations
>anime and misc. weebshit
>online slacktivism
>being active in the 'manosphere'
>Nazi/Crusader LARPing online
>4chin posting
>regular recreational drug use while alone (including alcohol)
>proselytizing religion or ideology
Brewing your own beer/making wine/ Becoming a beer/wine/cider snob
>Unhealthy empty calories
>Socially acceptable alcoholism
>Extremely saturated hobby, literally millions of alcohols and distilleries
>Scientifically proven that almost no one can tell the fucking difference anyway
>Can get expensive as fuck, $$$$ on a bottle that's gone in an hour.
>No normies want to hear about your snobbery
>Engaging in your hobby impairs you
>Have to plan your day around your hobby because you can't drive afterward.
comrade you only have your chains to lose
kill the bourgeoisie exploiters, they care not for you. They will fuck you over for a penny more.
don't be a bootlicker, demand just working compensation, demand rights and healthcare.
Ruined my life with video games.
Finally giving them up after so many years down the drain. It's just too easy to get addicted to them and do nothing else but play.
Communists should be run over with steamrollers, feet first.
It's nice to have the variety, and I like collecting. I do shoot most of them, and I also have a reloading setup.
>Singer's effective altruism
Thanks, my problem with charity is how useless it feels, can't wait to watch this.
Also all your good-tier hobbies are a list I agree with 100%
Do niggers on welfare count as socialists?
You're not going to shoot any of them either. Just like a Naruto knife fag will never stab anyone.
Video games.
90% of the talk is still about giving to charity, he only spares a few minutes to plug a website to choose which charity would be most effective. Still don't buy it.
You'll like his approach to charity; it makes much more sense logically and doesn't promote guilt-tripping or grandiose fantasies in donors. The downside is that you won't get the short term gratification of feeling like a hero, but you'll actually make a real difference.
any sex-related hobby
just look at furries, that shit isnt healthy nor cheap
Why don't you think giving to charity is a good idea?