chest routine
bench press on smith machine since no spotter
1x30 60kg 1x12 80kg 1x12 95kg 1x12 105kg
dumbbell incline press 4x12 25-30kg each
dumbbell flyes 4x12 20kg each
dumbell pullovers 4x12 35kg each
dips 4x20
i eat around 100-150 grams of protein plus 70g of carbs
what am i doing wrong ?
Chest is not growing anymore
pressing on a smith machine and doing a gay bodybuilding routine that only works for roid users. Focus on getting stronger.
recommendations for alternative routine then?
>smith machine
The absolute state of /fit
>1x30 60kg
is this a THIRTY REP SET?
what's wrong with smith machine?
i don't feel comfortable doing bench press without a spotter and i am not willing to interact with the average faggot so smith machine works for me
Everything is wrong. Do some fucking googling before you are further ridiculed.
there are safety bars you can use for this exact purpose you limp wristed fag
You don't use any stabilizing muscles. Your pics are actually 3 muscles and you're likely only using 1 or 2.
>what's wrong with smith machine?
>limp wristed
not in my gym
probably what do you recommend?
>exclusively uses smith machines
>calls the average upstanding citizen a faggot
back to Jow Forums or /a/
>smith machine
hmmm, what could be wrong with your routine
why are smith machines so bad again?
>what am i doing wrong ?
not roiding
Haven’t tried this routine before, but it should work fine
Why the fuck you need spotter anyway?
If its too heavy you literally just roll the bar off or, you know, fucking ask soemone to help you.
Because they take out the stabilization factor which in turn makes the lift easier. You are better off doing weighted dips, decreasing the number of reps to spread them through more sets and upping the weight overall.
>i eat around 100-150 grams of protein plus 70g of carbs
thanks makes sense
unironically the best advice itt
>bench press on smith machine since no spotter
yeah you're pathetic
i am curious to see how you look and what are your stats