>started dating new girl >had protected sex a few times >she tells me shes got a spiral >have unprotected sex around 5 times >test results of hers she took cause her period was irregular/really long came in >it says she tested positive for HPV even though she had the vaccine for it >she had no warts or anything >research it online, says it has a20% chance of transmission >tfw
What do brahs? I know they say half of the population has it but I don't want to have an STI/STD for the rest of my life. I don't want to feel dirty and be constantly worried about genital wart breaking out. I don't want to never have sex without a condom again without feeling guilty or risking infecting my partner with genital warts :(
5 sexes x 20% chance of transmission = 100% chance you have it. Sorry fren :/
Thomas Rivera
Not quite how the math works friend, but honestly it might as well considering the odds.
Noah Wood
depends, if its the bad rare strain that gives warts your fucked kys, but more likely its the strain that most people have that literally does nothing
Adam Rogers
His math is wrong fren, 20% chance = 0.2 and you did it 5 times so:
More sex less chance, this is mathematically sound.
Jason Jenkins
HPV is harmless dude.
Henry Russell
That's the area to the right, 1-.00032=~1 meaning he has more or less a 100% chance of having HPV. However, you never know till you know, since HPV has different strains and different transmission rates for eat. Just get checked, you might not have it.
Ethan Wilson
Is she a retard? You test positive for HPV if you had a vaccine... it’s an antibody test. Unless she got PCR which I doubt. Secondly, HPV is literally harmless for men unless you get one of the two strains (out of 100) which cause warts. Even then warts are harmless and inmost cases people don’t have reoccurent outbreaks
Joshua Bell
the probability that he got infected is 1 minus the probability that he did not get infected. 1 - (0.8)^5 = 67%
John Hall
And finally, here’s the real kicker: condoms reduce risk of infection by less than 30%
Austin Cooper
Luis Wood
Thanks fren :(
It's still something I can transfer to other people for the rest of my life, even if there's a good chance it won't do much to me. I can never have sex again without being dishonest or having an awkward conversation about me maybe giving her something that will give her cervical cancer right?
So w-what are the chances that I have it?
> Is she a retard? You test positive for HPV if you had a vaccine
I googled that and couldn't find anything on it, please elaborate?
5*.2*.8^4 = .40 Idk if I did this wrong stats was a long time ago, but I think this is the proper calculation to find the probability of infection out of 5 trials assuming the chance is .2.
Math fags where you at?
Adam Taylor
that's the probability that he got infected 5 consecutive times, as if it was possible to be "uninfected" after the first and so on.
Cooper Butler
The vaccine makes you produce antibody for HPV If you have HPV your body also produce antibody against HPV
It is basically a qualitative test which says whether or not there's antibody against HPV in your blood serum, if she took the vaccine not long ago (which is ok because you have to take at least 3 shots between months depending on where she took it) she is producing antibody against HPV which will make the test turn positive
But it also depends which test she took, if it's PCR it will tell if there's HPV DNA in her blood which is pretty much positive
Jaxon Price
the correct answer is this:
Jack Baker
Damn you're right I didn't see that.
Brayden Kelly
you are a brainlet. 20% is the chance of transmission, 80% is the chance of no transmission. It has to be 1-0.8^5
Nolan Mitchell
This sounds like serious business, OP. How much do you curl and bench? You forgot to mention that. That's the only real cure for manginitis, froggo.
Carson Gray
50% chance you have it. Either you do or you don't. Sorry fren
Eli Collins
You are fucking retarded for so many reasons.
First I am not even sure where you got that 20% but check if it is for each time you have sex, usually infection rates are not measured like that.
Second if she got a regular test and she is vaccinated the test will be positive because test look for antibodies
Third, there are HUNDREDS of HPV strains, most of them are not a problem, there are 2 or three that cause warts and not in all males
Fourth, condoms do not protect you from HPV, skin to skin transmission is lowered by a condom but it is not an effective barrier (same as for herpes), condoms work well in fluid transmitted shit
Fifth, unless she is your first woman you probably already carry a HPV strain and herpes
Now fuck off and read a book
Jacob Peterson
You're applying pmf of the binomial distribution to find the probability that he had exactly ONE "success" (infection) out of 5 trials. P(k = 1). But you'd need to apply the cumulative distribution, P(k >= 1), or 1 - P(k = 0).