Fellow gymcels, how the fuck do you train two days in a row?
Usually 95% of the time, I only train every second day.
Today and yesterday I trained and now im lying inbed crying at the pain in my arms
Wtf going on anons?
Fellow gymcels, how the fuck do you train two days in a row?
Usually 95% of the time, I only train every second day.
Today and yesterday I trained and now im lying inbed crying at the pain in my arms
Wtf going on anons?
Take it easy then
Weakness leaving the body or you arr fucking your joints up senpai
Seems legit
>what is PPL
What? Comeon bro dont be a smart ass. Explain please, im in pain, also how to ease pain?
You don't, you're supposed to take a rest day in between. Unless you're doing Bulgarian, but you shouldn't do that unless you're already built.
Ahh, cheers mate...I don't research these things untill now
How long have you been lifting? Make sure you're working different muscle groups on different days. If you haven't been lifting very long you probably need to throw some rest days in there until you adjust. I work mon-saturday bc I know I don't go hard enough to need that many rest days (most people don't) and my body is used to that stress so I am able to build faster and feel better most of the time
Is this pasta? lolwut
6 months, my old man trains me and he is a bull. Pushes me too hard. I do two nody parts a day. Today was back and biceps, yesterday was triceps and chest.
What mate?
You said your arms hurt right? Don't train biceps two days in a row then.
Yes boss.
Don't train the same muscle groups on consecutive days. Its not hard.
Did a bench press on monday? Then don't do a bench press on Tuesday, do squats.
Oh my bad man I misread. I thought you listed biceps twice but second was triceps. But still maybe switch away from arms entirely for a day if you feel overly sore there. There's no shame in adjusting your routine based on how you feel that specific day
I like that common-sense user
Also stretch
No prob and got it.
That I am yet to do.
Is this a joke thread? Do a different muscle group every day?
No joke, im just a noob
I've been lifting for about 3 months too man. If something is too sore just literally do another exercise. Not sure what you meant desu. The only thing I can do twice in a row is biceps, for some reason It's really hard for me to get DOMS in my biceps now.
I see, well I tend to get the most pain in biceps
Just keep at it you will get used to it.
I go to the gym 6 times a week and focus on different muscle groups every day but still do a light full body workout no matter what
Just keep doing it bro. Increasing frequency from 2/3 times a week is a bitch at first, you just have to grow accustomed to it.
It took me a few months to do the same, but now by carefully programming volume and intensity I can lift six days in a row a week, doing every muscle group thrice a week, with no problems.
Strenght and size just keep going up and recovery is a non issue. Natty, btw
You stop being a little bitch
i train 7 days in a row eat me
i'm still depressed
I can train every day if i don't do much
Do you really not understand this? People who train daily aren't doing the same shit every day.
PPL = Push, Pull, Legs. They all work different muscle groups. So if you do PPLPPLR, you have 2-3 days rest between each motion.
Here's the secret to training everyday:
1. Take rest days once in a while
2. Nutrition and rest on point
3. Take time for your body to adapt
push pull legs
1 day is pushing
1 day is pulling
1 day is doing legs
that way your muscles get 2 days of rest while still working out every day