Jow Forums confessions thread

Jow Forums confessions thread

I'll starts.

I'm not an incel. I'm a volcel. I could have fucked sub 5/10 girls but I stayed a virgin instead of lowering my standards.

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I'm sitting in a way that is pinching my ass. It is uncomfortable, but I don't want to move.

If you've never had sex because you never bothered, but yet you wouldn't get sex if you tried, would that make you an incel or a volcel?

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That's a volcel in my book. I mean, incels at least try to score.

The nihilistic presupposition that your trying would only lead to failure is a markably incel trait.

>incel fascist community

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i'm not an incel. i lost my virginity at 15
while there may be noticeable higher density of incels in r9k, its a meme that this is 'the incel board'. It always has been a meme.
been here since 2010 and watched it r9k turn into what it is today, which isn't really a bad thing.

i think voluntarily avoiding sex is volcel.
involuntary includes not trying.
an example:
incel:'theres no point in trying to get sex because it will just end in failure'
volcel:'i could get sex if i wanted to'

Except inces actually exist. Some people just have no luck.

Without a doubt, and while they don't match the same exact defintion, I'd say both could be classed as "incels".

Not trying because you don't think you'll succeed is an embittering position in life.

But you cannot avoid having sex in the same way that you cannot avoid getting something that you aren't given by default. Volcels would also have to not try in order to not have sex, because sex is something that you have to make an attempt to get.

How does a volcel know he could get sex if he's never tried?

Not knowing about possible failure is sometimes a better position than to knowing definite failure.

This position would imply that the subject in question doesn't really care in the sexual act in the first place, which I don't think is the original presupposition.

I posted the original question, and I don't try because masturbation is adequately satisfying.

But then masturbation is merely a distraction from the sexual act. Volcel would cover abstaining from masturbating and pornography.

Sorry mate, you're an incel.

I've had chances at 7s and 8s and I'm still a virgin.

women have tried seducing him. this is a hard question to answer because my answer assumes the subject has good judgement, which may not always be the case.
I mean i think you can assume chad virgins over 20 aren't volcel.

we're getting into pretty grey territory here

woops i meant to say
I mean i think you can assume chad virgins over 20 ARE volcel.

I feel like I could get sex if I tried, I just don't.
during high school and college i have constantly had at least one 4/5 - 5/5 crushing or flirting on me. I just brush they aside and disregard them because I am hella antisocial.

I'm a volcel. And it's mainly because women don't have penises.

This is not an exaggeration. I've grown so accustomed to women having dicks that I can't get it up any more to anything else. And doing anal with a shemale is just fucking dangerous. I've definitely fellated and been fellated by traps/shemales before. I've also been fellated by women too, but the second their clothes come off I lose my erection.

But yeah. I'm a volcel because women don't have dicks.

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Same. Not a virgin because I actually fucked/dated one of them just to see what it was like but I realized that being in a relationship or having sex just for the fuck of it isn't worth it. So now I'm just sitting here waiting to find my oneitis which is hard because my social circle is not very big

I have a gf but she is asexual and wont even kiss me. I am not really capable of finding a relationship with another girl (my gf is autistic and friendless) because of issues, so I'm stuck with a half real relationship. I am like a robot undercover as a chad.

To give you an idea of what our relationship is like, she is super clingy to me and spends as much time as possible with me playing video games or roleplaying. We share a bed but it is a bunkbed and she insists on top bunk. She wont hold hands with me but has already decided our kids names and how many we will have (she thinks she will be okay with sex if she gets blackout drunk and passes out.)

Involuntary means "without choice."

"Without choice" is different than "choosing not to."

Thats not a gf, that's a sister or best friend (minus the kids). You'll never be fullfilled in a relationship like that

>blackout drunk and passes out
That doesn't sound like a fun time. That sounds very depressing.

That girl has major issues and you should leave her sooner than later. As you've found out the mentally ill gf is a meme

But why is she like this?

Imagine dealing with that crap for a three decades. Get out of that relationship. Leave now. Run. Don't look back.

What are you, some sort of psychiatrist? It doesn't matter, you can't fix it. Try not to crash and burn yourself.