Are all men brostie whores? Just wondering. If so why should we have any respect for them? Do pure men still exist?
Are all men brostie whores? Just wondering. If so why should we have any respect for them? Do pure men still exist?
bump mcgeeeee do it
I just think brosties have loose dicks and morals.
I would love to see a guy defend this without deflecting and going on a tangent about hating women.
All men are brosties and that is gross
they cant defend it because it is sadly true, they do not have self respect
Why would anyone want to date a guy when they are all ugly?
literally this. only 2D guys can be attractive.
Whenever I talk to a brostie I can feel my brain melting off. Ugh. I don't ever want to see another loose penis in my life.
It is like they cant manage to have a conversation without making a point that they are male.
because all they have going for them is their broast.
they are not all ugly mainly just the white ones
Defend what?
Also nice samefag
Pure men still do exist. They're the ones who tip their fedora at you while saying, "M'lady".
itt: brooke samefags
Sadly the only "pure" men that exist have vile minds, like most posters here
actually other ppl posted too. but ya i posted more than once i didnt try to disguise that. the mods put my thread second to last.
most posters here arent pure. pure guys dont fap to gross porn daily.
you're all a buch of faggot
>pure guys dont fap to gross porn daily.
Good point. not to mention that they would be sleeping around if they were able to
exactly. brosties crave female attention also and constantly say slutty things to get it.
what's a broastie? A male roastie? That makes no sense
>Do pure men still exist
Why should I remain pure when fembots have plenty of Chads and orbiters to choose from? Hypergamy is real and I will continue with my brostie ways until women reject degeneracy
It is a two way street
Men and women treat each other like shit in a vicious cycle where heartbroken men pump and dump harmed for revenge and heartbroken women lie and manipulate for revenge.
Instead of fixing the problem with love men and women argue over who fired the first shot and who's worse.
We need each other stop this madness.
Won't work, our sexual selection strategies are incompatible. Women's sexual strategy is inherently violent towards men, men's strategy is inherently oppressive towards women. We would need to change the species from the genetic level.
What does pure mean?
Someone who has never watched porn and fapped?
Someone who has never had a dirty thought?
Being pure is not a masculine trait. The male equivalent of pure is noble or righteous.
>brosties try to argue semantics
Wew lass
It's not semantics, git gud
I am. I find ur behavior disgusting and will prolly die alone but idgaf. I understand that its me whos weird not wanting to stick it in everything that moves or to be atttacted by someone who would ride anything that moves.
Man-hating fembots don't deserve pure men
being a manwhore is not righteous
there is no such thing as a fembot woman can't be robots dude
How can men be whores when women are the sexual selectors?
Okay but farming orbiters and posting pics of yourself all over a malaysian jai alai forum is?
not wanting a loose moraled slut is not man hating
I never did that, you are not responding to brooke
>loose moraled slut
Oh but when Stacy fucks Tyrone after dinner with her open relationship bf she is empowered and a strong womyn
not at all, but you sound retarded
>I never did that
It does not matter who you are, if you are a female and you are on this board, you are most likely here to siphon attention which is superficial and as far from a noble pursuit as you can get
Leave now before you get BTFOd further
So you agree with me but think I am retarded?
Check, m8
Why do you deserve a pure man when there are many kind single women out there who don't spend their days posting in man-hate threads on lolcow?
ay you had a key that could open any lock, it would be good, because you only need 1 key to get anything you want.
On the other had if you had a lock, that could be opened by any key, it would be bad, because whats the point in having a lock that can get opened by anything. Its much better to have a lock that can only get opened by one key.
Boys have keys
Girls have Locks
This is why a girl who had sex very much is looked down on, and why a boy isn't.
>Are all men brostie whores?
No, only the gay ones who let their asshole fucked until it becomes loose.
>he says as his brostie key is all chipped and destroyed from constant use, barely able to feel joy from ANY lock anymore
>only a pure man has a key pristine enough to get into tons of locks
>brostie sluts overuse their key and will NEVER be able to experience the joy of a wedding bed
Implying a used up Chad doesnt get more pussy then your average virgin boy lmao
>wants a a pristine key that can open tons of locks
>but he has to keep his virginity until his wedding day
How can someone open tons of locks but remain a virgin?
The state of female logic. Absolutely retarded
>implies that you should do something just because you can
How hard is this to understand brostie? We want PURE men with pristine keys and we want to be the FIRST and ONLY lock they open.
where is this board even going to
Women's sexuality is evil though, why should we care what you want?
You don't deserve a pure man. Why don't you try recognizing that you are the problem and fix your toxic personality? Don't be so entitled.
Probably because you slutty, disgusting, brostie men are the cause of fall of western society
No, it's that women's sexuality is inherently violent towards men, like how men's sexuality is in some ways oppressive to women.
Women want men to have to compete with each other in some way, and hurt each other, and dominate each other, and then they want to pick the best one. Meanwhile, men want to secure one woman and make sure she can bear his children only, and not have her be with any other woman. So they both require control over the other - the male wants the female to not have control over her sexuality, the female wants all males to hurt each other for her pleasure.
In the end though, it's the female's who need to change, because if women were just not like that anymore, then we could all pair up and live in paradise. But women don't want that, you're hypergamous. So you need to be made to not be hypergamous anymore. That will require genetically engineer you differently.
*not have her be with any other man. There may be other mistakes but I'm sure you get the jist.
>FIRST and ONLY lock they open
Either you are LARPing or a minority. Most women could care less about a mans virginity. They care about looks, money and status.
Is this a roleplay thread? I knew Jow Forums had a lot of retards, but this is ridiculous if you're all being serious.
No one on this site deserves a pure woman either. Doesn't stop the endless torrent of sperggy whining about not having one though.
>roasties so incapable of original thought they have to adopt a male created insult and remove any sense from it
Please try harder, I really want to believe you can be on our level, but I've yet to see any evidence of that.
Being pure apparently isn't enough, I still always get ghosted.
I just want to die, please kill me someone.
Maybe if you have to look to other shitty people to justify your behaviour you're just a shit person. Pure men go to nice women, suck it up sweetie.
>be a brostie male thot
>have a loose overused penis
>collect orbiters and manwhore yourself out
>defend your degen behavior on a thread no one invited you to
yeah, sounds like typical brostie behavior.
Not OP. I'm in the same boat user. WTF even is this?