what have you been up to today? edition
/r9gay/ - #345
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First for being alone and unhappy. Yay yay kill me kill me.
I'm very unhappy
2nd for naps smelly pansu
Today's one of those days where I have absolutely no idea what to do and nothing seems appealing to me.
Kill yourself disgusting homosexuals.
R-read any good books lately? I read a Witcher book wasn't a fan.
are gay books called gooks?
im with you guys, one day oblivion will comfort us.
>are gay books called gooks?
i dunno guy i don't have any irl-plausible ones off the top of my head.
and im going into a class where i actually need to pay attention so you'll be left wanting
Shut up and bake the fucking cake, bigot.
Please add me, I really want friends.
Are the two related?
So a normal day?
No, it's oblivion there is no comfort, once it's here there will be nothing, but one of these days it will come. What will you do until then?
The glovernment said he didn't have to bake it though.
Marraige is a scam.
Reading Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection right now.
>Are the two related?
Words hurt.
Only if you let and believe them.
I believe everything people say. Why would they lie?
To more easily achieve what they want. Then dont let the words hurt, they're just words.
No, usually I can think of something to occupy my time. Today just feels incredibly uninspiring.
i just want a bf
The only good book is crime and punishment.
Bad book for worse anons
You can't force inspiration, what would you usually do?
wheres nap?
I'm alone. All the time.
I don't like physical contact.
>tfw no bf with smelly feet to flee multiculturalism and diversity with and establish a homestead
>tfw no bf that takes me on a very nice date then murders me relieving me of my worries.
someone please hold me, i just want to crawl into myself and die, im just a shade of myself.
Is that a trick question?
Nap is about to nap.
how about you take a nap on my lap
May I ask, is anyone else so terrified of a relationship they are literally incapable of having one. Even the thought of one almost sends me into a panic attack. I'm almost 21 and I'm worried that at this rate I'm never going to be able to be in a relationship. And to think that I want to be a 'top'.
Provide a certificate that proves you're disease free.
Protip: you can't.
what if I actually can?
This sounds cute :)
That outcome is not contained in the set of all possible events in the universe.
Need to take that nap now, daddy didn't let me sleep last night.
I like to wear cute oversized tshirts and cute legwear.
Is it normal to feel bad about this for some reason?
normal is relative
nap has been here for a bit and we cant get rid of him. just report and move on
nap is cute though
it's normal but if you're gay most people won't see as that abnormal so you have nothing to worry about
What kind of legwear?
All sorts but mostly knee and thigh highs.
Then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Knee and thighhighs are adorable.
Okay, thanks user.
It feels a bit guilty for some reason though. But maybe it's just me.
>tfw no bf to leave and hurt me
feels so good desu
anyone else fasting to become more cute/twink-like?
just 10 more pounds, then I'll be happy
>tfw you're alone and don't have to fear your bf ever leaving and breaking your heart
How could you not be happy being alone
For ever alone
Never having that one person you trust with your entire being
We lonefags are so lucky
Sometimes I think I should do that
Then I remember I'll never have a bf to be cute for anyone
yes but then i ate a xxl pizza last night
havent eaten anything today though so thats good
same, I can lose weight but once I go back to eating I seem to gain it right back. maybe it's because I'm already a healthy weight but I still want to lose more.
You have to commit to eating less for weeks upon weeks and not cheat at all to get skinny.
>t. 6'3" 195lbs to 154lbs
>that tfw no incest bf
nice, how'd you lose it? fasting? exercise? or just basic CICO?
and how do you manage to keep it off?
No exercise at all, I sit in an office all day and sit in front of pc when I'm home. I just ate a lot less.
>Eat just a granola bar for breakfast and small snacks for lunch.
>stopped eating processed food all the time and just ate fruit and cereal to replace it.
>Only drank water when i was thirsty.
>Stopped eating anything with high fructose corn syrup.
Stimulants/appetite suppressants like caffeine from coffee helped in the beginning. Then i just motivated myself by not spending money on food and looking skinny. Im not fit but everyone just says im a skelly now which is a compliment to me and my body dismorphia
>tfw no deep voiced robotics club bf who I've never talked to aside from that one time.
Last answer wasn't satisfactory so try again
im not creative writing user, i can't pull new fantasies out of my hat.
Then put an ending to an old fantasy
>what have you been up to today?
waiting for him to get off his plane so i can message him again
user the ending of that last fantasy was basically me showing that deep voice guy a very moderate shlonger
>what have you been up to today?
Playing, Starbound and Borderlands. Alone. Again.
Yes, being alone is great, nobody will be bothered if I kill myself, unlike if I had a bf where I'd constantly feel bad about thinking about suicide.
I don't know if I genuinely enjoy being alone at this point or what.
I do know I don't really feel loneliness like most people do.
In my dreams where I didn't drop out and magically become social and made friends I feel amazing, but I doubt that could be replicated in real life.
Dreams are just dreams after all.
And then what?
Keep writing until it ends with you happily ever after
Your garbage-tier taste in classical music is reaffirmed by your insistence that hearing "over 1000" pieces is some sort of accomplishment or mark of expertise.
Anyone actually interested in classical would do well to listen to
>Hayden, Sturm und Drang symphonies
>Bach, Brandenberg Concerti
>Beethoven, Late String Quartets
>Debussy, Suite Bergamasque
>Schubert, Winterreise
>Schubert, String Quintet in C
>Stravinsky, Oedipus Rex
>Schoenberg, Gurre-Lieder
>Glass, Violin Concerto No. 1
Fuck off with your horrific recommendations. What sort of barbarian splits up the Mass in B Minor into little chunks? It's one work, not a ten-buck pizza. And please, if you're the age of majority, being enamored with Chopin's and Liszt's least musically interesting, piano-showoff pieces is just embarrassing.
Why is it that everyone who listens to classical acts so pretentiously about it. Its like a fucking fractal.
I think your powdered wig is too tight.
I'm a mostly straight guy with some bi tendencies. Lived most my life with it just being a rare fantasy but recently became kind of obsessed with BBC.
A year or two ago I decided to buy a dildo to see what getting fucked in the ass was like, it was mostly curiosity at first but it made me cum hands free and I fucking loved it.
I got really good at riding it and my fetish became even more intense.
I've got a friend whose 1/4 black and I've known him ages. Everyone talks about how big his cock is but I'd never seen it myself. A while a go there was a trend on Facebook where guys would take a picture with just a sock on their dicks and he did one. It was fucking huge. I couldn't stop thinking about sucking it and riding it.
I'd made a joking comment on the photo and he laughed. Then a few months later he messaged me saying "fancy a bum" which means gay sex in England.
I laughed it off but what are the chances he was serious and do you think it's worth trying to do it? He's built like a brick shithouse so wouldn't want to piss him off and I'm firmly in the closet.
He came round early one morning to chill and the atmosphere seemed tense like he wanted to say something but nothing happened. It was quite weird how he seemed so eager to come round at such a weird time. I've got a bubble butt so I could imagine him wanting to fuck it if he is that way inclined at all.
Try developing some taste for a change.
>Not recommending Faure or Ravel string works
>Actually recommending Debussy and Glass
wew lad
that's too fanfictiony for me.
i can't even think of anything besides "and then they became buddies"
>He says, angrily straightening the ruffles on his shirt.
okay grandpa i will, but it's time for your 1 PM nap
>tfw 23 years old
>tfw feel like a fraud removing my body hair and wearing cute panties making myself look nice
im not cute
im just a fucking white male
Any young guys want an older doting bf? I like taking care of people.
All of you seem very very sad.
obviously, this is r9k user
>be reading crime and punishment in order to fight the incoherency that's been plaguing my mind lately
>tfw no Razuhimin bf
I was expecting some super cerebral le smarte meme from this book but instead all I got was prime husbando material and feels
how much older, question mark
>prime husbando material
>narcissist with delusions of grandeur
i think you got the wrong impression son
Yes, but it's disheartening. I feel bad for all of you. You're all just struggling to be happy.
and you're so much better, aren't you
take your pity. take it and give it to the birds.
fuck lmao i read razumin as raskolnikov and wondered what the FUCK did you see appealing in him
But he's a cute narcissist with delusions of grandeur. And besides, he's really not that bad. His ideals are charming and the positives of his character outweigh it and frame it in a better light. Although I'm only about a third of the way in so far.
Nothing weird lol. The max is 7 years older.
Oh yeah Raskolnikov is definitely the literally me holy shit kill me now character, not the husbando.
oh, I meant to ask your age
Glad you asked OP - I've been stretching to fix my phimosis
Razumin is bae as fuck and I would date him. Roskolnikov is cute but not boyfriend material at all desu. Funny how Razumin's name is a direct reference to him being Roskolnikov's voice of reason.
25. The youngest i would/could go is 18. Still, a cute 18 year old to look after? Am i a pedophile? I fucking hope not.
getting a haircut tomorrow
anxious already
That being said, I disagree with the notion that Raskol is a narcissist. Delusions of grandeur definitely. So far, though, he doesn't seem to be enamored with himself. He does look down on others despite his way of life and despite his botched attempt at a moralistic murder, but he doesn't seem to think that he's much better in comparison to them.
No way? Me too. How do you make your appointments? In person?
Oh really? All of the nomenclature really escapes me. Didn't know they had specific meanings.
Talking on the phone and getting a haircut are the two times I fall to the deepest end of the autism spectrum.
where is the BF co poster, i have a complaint. i ordered my BF 2 weeks ago and he's still not here.
ye. probably going to have to cut loads off as well because i bleached it and the ends are dead. so looking forward to that.
No, I'm not. I'm just a bit less lonely. It's just so God damned sad to see others suffer horribly.
Ew. You bleached your hair? Do you not like yourself or something?
Hi user.
Would you consider befriending a slightly timid and friendless 18 year old?
Thank you if you would.
no im just edgy
i just want normal hair now though. im old.