What are you into that is considered very normie despite being a robot.
For me its
- hip hop music
- spending way too much money on brand clothing
'normie' things about you
I have a manual labour job
>Doesn't watch anime
>Not a virgin
>Has a job
>Has like one or two actually good friends
Am I even a robot
>Has a couple of friends
>Has been invited and gone to a couple of parties
>go to uni + NROTC
>not kissless (still a virgin though dont worry)
>liberal arts majors
>have a decently large group of friends and occasionally go to social outings
>use an iPhone
>average height and weight (6 foot 0, 160lbs) + athletic, planning on joining club sports in the fall
yeah thats it i think
>No anime
>Not a virgin
>Med student
>Good personal hygiene + clean living space
>No mental illnesses
>Good relationship with parents
>Has friends
>Has friends from uni
>Okay looking
i liek kpop as well
>tribal tattoo
>hate anime
>not mouth-virgin
>okeyish looking
not one either
>don't play vidya
>only anime I like are Akira and studio Gibli films
no depression
little anxiety
I have had sex once, 15 years ago.
>tfw could be archwizard by now, shooting lightning off his hands
I've held a non-family member female's hand before, and I can kind of interact with people.
I may look like Barney the Dinosaur but at least I don't regularly watch anime.
for me it's
>has job
>has freinds
>has gf
>see self as solid 7/10
Damn, I think I'm more normie than robot.
OP isn't a robot but a newfag trying to suss out what we consider "normalfag behaviors". Note the poor grammar, Tumblr image, immediate claim of robothood, use of the term "normie" and inability to greentext.
I actually enjoy normie tier TV shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. As well as popular anime like Attack on Titan and Darling in the Franxx. I also have a fakeberg but only for shitposting and memes.
I also still go on plebbit occasionally
>starts sentences with nigger/normie word "damn"
Same I have friends that I play D&D wjth every Friday and Ive been to a few parties in college. Theyre all boring as fuck though since I usually go alone and drink myself into a coma in the corner.
>Has good hygiene and clean living space
>No mental illness
>Good relationships with people
>Don't play video games
>had a girlfriend (just 1 but still)
>have a low-level management position at wagie job
>smoke weed occasionally
>don't live at home
>can hold conversations decently if I've known someone for a while, still takes lots of effort
I've always considered myself a cyborg honestly.
>despite having zero chance with women I am completely comfortable with talking to them and can make them laugh their asses off
>have a few friends and one of them is Chad as fuck
>drink a lot
>I go out on Friday nights
I'm a single NEET that hates himself and wants to die though. I would probably be decomposed if it weren't for those few friends.
Holy fuck all these normfags showing their true colours please gtfo of this board and stay at reddit were you belong
I know you are shitposting but I have literally been here since the board was originally created. No croissants today boss.
>interest in social events
>interest in hip hop
One interest makes me want to die and the other keeps me going.
>have a couple friends
>go to "parties" regularly (just like the same ~8 people hanging out in an apartment)
>can talk to girls fine for the most part
I'm still awkward, it's just my friends are autists too. And I've never been on a date I can only talk to girls as friends
This but unironically, fucking normalniggers.
Good honeypot thread though, hopefully mods arrive and ban these fags.
the gentlemen need to band together and get the betas tossed imo
No amount of time can change you being a faggot who really have no place in r9k sorry to haft to tell you that normalfaggot
You're a fucking 10/10 normalfaggot just look at the mirror and then smash you're small head with the sheep brain in it against it
you have to go back (off my lawn)
people list >not playing vidya
You realize that playing vidya is perfectly normie in 2018 right?
Also if you have a gf and are not a virgin, then gtfo of this thread. There is no point then.
>like some disney films
>had a gf once
that's it
>>had a gf once
enjoy your REEE's
>good paying job
>no social anxiety
>not ugly
Good for me, this is all irrelevant because
>diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder
Jacking off all day isn't a job.
Trillion IQ humour.
Im not a virgin and i have a job. I still have no friends and live with my parents and sleep with my waifu body pillow
>Hip-hop music
>Has fashion sense and is okay looking
>Has good hygiene
Still am an outcast however. I just take care of myself a little more and enjoy some hip-hop.
disney in general.
>all those normal fags looking for validation and uniqueness calling themselves "robot" without holding any to few robot values
Let me say it and make it clear, you're not robots, you're failed normals.
>have gf
>have friends
>work full time in a tech startup
>like hip hop
>not ugly
>not completely antisocial
and youre here why?
I bath everyday and have a clean room because I can't stand dirt and disorder
>I go outside sometimes
>Go to university
>Have 6 friends
Still a 20yr khv though
>not a virgin
>well paid work (programmer)
>not living with parents
>190cm (around 6'3")
>group of friends
>can dance, attending dance classes
>looking good enough girls try to pick me up from time to time
what kind of dances? I hope ballroom and tango are involved.
that's nice user, mommy is proud of you.
I haven't given up on my dreams. This more than anything else is what causes Jow Forums to reee at me and tell me to get the fuck out.
Not a virgin, but a ten year NEET who spent 12hrs/day on Jow Forums for years.
Mainly tango and latin. But recently I am considering learning a bit of modern because it looks cool and seems useful for dancing solo.
learn how to cook and you're gonna make it
I exercise regularly.
I go outside regularly.
I have an education and am pursuing employment.
I do not hate people based on their gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, political associations, religion, or taste in entertainment.
>don't like anime or vidya
>not """"alt-right""""
>passable fashion taste
>lana del rey
>okay hygeine
>Have a couple of people I consider friends
>Been invited to a few parties over the years
>Face isn't deformed
>Been on dates before
>Kissed a girl
>Not totally consumed by hate yet.
I'm still a 26 yo overweight weeaboo diagnosed autist virgin manlet who works a shit dead end job after having wasted 6 years as a NEET and spends any free time playing games, watching anime, and compulsively masturbating though.
I have a girlfriend,a social life and an office job where I've been promoted twice this year
I like sports and make music. I even have a hockey jersey collection but it still doesn't help the fact that I'm still a khv and have never really talked to a girl outside of school and work.
>hopefully mods arrive and ban these fags.
Are you incels so deluded that you ACTUALLY believe r9k is for angry shut-in incel men only?
It used to be for robots only, not for normal trash. Everything has to go to shit ofc
>It used to be for robots only
No, it never was, and it never will be. Why do you lie to yourself?
I can put together a soup and a main dish but that's about it.
There was definitely less normals before the incel shit started. With the incel shit in motion the quality of threads here has reached the all time low
Welcome to the world today robots, its going go even deeper down the shitter. ''normies'' are taking over the internet.
>year 2000 ~43,700,000 internet users
All NEETS and social outcasts.
>year 2017 ~4,156,932,140 internet users
pic related because shits will hit the fan when asia and africa gets those precentages up. good luck findig real neets in this evergrowing normalfag ocean.
- Married
- Divorced
>4,156,932,140 internet users
That's dozens of times the population of the whole planet...
> b-but.. its just Fagbooks and SSchat faggots!
I fucking startet going on the internet looking at cats. think that normies wont find you because You so special? think again faggot
>35% of Africa has internet access
We've gone too far
I am a pure Robot.
I have no normie hobbies or interests.
I might start drinking alcohol soon.
I love the feeling of staying up, and if alcohol depresses me like that, I'd like to feel that way again.
t. 22 year old man
I like going to gigs and music festivals and I'm good at talking to people (at first anyway).
you afraid of big numbers?
~100 - your neighberhood.
~900,000 - large city in scandinavia.
~325,000,000 is the population of USA.
~7,600,000,000 world population
>I have no normie hobbies or interests.
He says, posting on Jow Forums.
you are not a robot
please go back to reggit
Nobody is a robot. Please go the fuck outside.
I am not a robot. Robot is this thing that mutes people for unoriginal comments.
>You realize that playing vidya is perfectly normie in 2018 right?
Singleplay is not normie, you fucking loudmouth.
I'm a doctor which is a job dominated by normalfags. My robot status remains intact because I'm 27 and KHV. The other normalfag thing about me is that I listen to music which is mostly played at raves, but I've never been to one and don't intend to go to one.
Okay fuck this is it I am leaving at least for a couple months fuck you normies
Nice bro, I'm a SWO, which route are you going?
>play the guitar
>spend too much money on alcohol
That's about all, I suppose
>has an adolescent daughter
Not even kidding