Go outside

>go outside
>see all the cute girls dressed in virtually nothing
>don't get a single look in my direction
>know that i will never be in company of a woman
>go home and want to die even more

Just go outside they said.

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just don't look to them

This is why I am a shut-in.

I actually feel far less depressed when I'm shut-in and isolated and don't see the outside world.

Seeing shit you can't have in real life you're just locked out of having unless you achieve X or Y is so fucking depressing, especially since you're too far gone to achieve X or Y.

You walk outside and just expect girls to fucking throw themselves at you? You sound like Elliot

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No. You're mistaken me. I don't expect anyone to do anything, but i just get constant, although subtle, confirmations that i'm ugly. Plus, it's a history of thing, not just something triggered by going outside.

>constant subtle confirmations that I'm ugly
What do you mean?

When people don't look at you, avoid you, in the streets, when you get no matches on Tinder, shit like that.

Not the same user, but I recognise what you are talking about, I feel it all the time when I'm in town.
Every girl I see just feel way out of my league, they have social lives and perfect looks, I really feel like an outsider.
Trying my best not to think about it though becuase it's all in my head

How about not caring whether people are giving you 'subtle confirmations' and do something worthwhile or atleast something that will make you happy besides yearning for people's attention like a sad sack. And what if you WERE the most attractive guy, you think people would just lie down and make things easy for you and be nice. Sure some people would want to fuck you maybe just based on looks but life is hard all men unless you are born ritch.

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getting a girlfriend would make me happy, or at the very least a friend

Its awful being in a lecture at uni when it's hot and they're all wearing perfume

It's like being starving when everyone is cooking steak but you can't have any

girls are cute, you arent

This happened to me

>Be in a waiting room
>run out of chairs but can grab a couple in the others
>about to go grab 1 for myself and see this girl standing still, ask her if she wants a chair too
>she says "no, I'm fine"
>go grab one for myself and sit
>2 minutes later literal 10/10 chad sees her standing still and asks her if she wants a chair
>she says yes

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This is why people rape

People would want to be your friend if you had anything interesting about you like a hobby or general sense of self worth without constantly worrying what other people think about you. Hell, maybe if you stopped whining about how other's percieve you you might meet an (objectively) ugly girl that likes you.

I'm 26 and have never had a woman show interest in me my entire life. You get used to it. Its almost like a super power.

I can't wait for the time when the sadness turns into complete apathy

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This is normie:the post. Let me break it down:
1.assumes stuff about op so his narrative can fit better
2. Exaggerates everything you do to make you the bad guy "omg you whine so much" "omg you have terrible self esteem" while you only mentioned it once
3. Doesn't know shit about context or common sense, thinks people say everything they say in a fucking board about sadness and feels to everyone they see on the street
Too tired to type more, but you get what I'm saying

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Because of my job I'm forced to spend the entire day doing boring work without any music or radio in the background, forcing me to live with my own thoughts for several hours each day. It has really increased my complete self-loathing and neuroticism, just can't stop thinking about what a failure I am and how alienated I am, how I have no friends, etc. It's psychological torture. And I can't quit now because this is my first real job and it would look terrible on my resume and brand me as a "quitter", even though there is nothing wrong with the work itself, I just need fucking music to distract myself from focusing on the current state of my life.

I fucking hate this company. What kind of management doesn't allow their employees to listen even to the radio?

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>girls are cute
good meme

Don't go outside, that's a retarded piece of 'advice', be self sufficient and cut yourself off from the norms

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>grudually getting marginally better at something you don't enjoy, because you know someone else has been proven to do it better than you
What's the fucking point

I don't whine about it to anyone ever, just ventilating here on Jow Forums, I just try to be as nice as I can to people in general, I still feel like I'm worth less in the view of others though.
I have a hobby, you don't have to make assumptions, I make 2d animations, even sent 2 short films to some smaller festivals as a student film thing.
Can't say having a hobby helps much in my experience, but maybe I'm just unlucky.

man that really sucks, can't do that either at work but in my case I need to have my ears available during work.
You should convince your manager that music would actually help you focus more.

This shitty fashion trend of girls wearing thrasher shit causes me so much suffering as a skaterfag
>tfw want to talk to cute girls about skating
>realize they probably don't skate at all or even know what thrasher is

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>work really hard to change yourself and do shit you don't want to do so that maybe and ugly girl will take interest in you
Yeah no thanks I'd rather jack off to anime, at least the girls are cute


I know your pain, I too get ignored a lot. Sometimes I'll be speaking perfectly loud and clear to people and they'll completely walk through me like a ghost.

Maybe whining was the wrong word here. You clearly do worry about what others think of you too much though, anonymous stranger on a fictional image board :^)

its alright, I didn't post the Reddit thing btw. guess I'll just keep on trucking