8 (eight) months since the last time I had a gf and had sex

>8 (eight) months since the last time I had a gf and had sex

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>no gf or sex for 20 years

Meh, 8 years of no sex and over 12 years of no gf

Boo Hoo normalfag/fisher

>tfw you're 25 year old boomer and never had a gf

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You don't belong here normalfag. You never belonged here, you never will, gtfo.

>8 months
wow f a m that's so long, I would kill myself without having sex every hour tbqh

grow up incel, us superior redditors can also post here

>whole life
originally tho

but thats not nearly as hard, you don't even know what you are missing desu
I was in your shoes for very long, but you were never in mine

>tfw 8 eons since I've inhabited the mortal plane
You fleshies cannot comprehend the abstractness of this feel.

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nigga what
>be me
>crack addict
>hooked on crack
>some dude walks by
>bro i like hate drinking soda ive been off for 8 months
>cant afford soda, want crack
basically im a fucking crackhead
i once shot myself in the face and woke up with no injuries

Its been over 27 years for me

>am 27

dabbing on you boomer

>food/drug analogies

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yo he finna dabbed on him lmao

Eight? Try twenty.

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Lightweight. 40 here

Have a long distance gf but 20 y/o virgin not expecting to lose it in 2 years

I was 27 when I lost my virginity. Waisted years on that cunt who dumped me saying she never actually found me aggressive. But fuck you robots. I ain't no virgin anymore. Just get out there. Be yourself. Eventually some soul sucking succubus will come to drain you of your bank account and your semen.

You should blow your head off OP!!!!!!!!

I have never even come close to touching a woman

Kill yourself faggot with your shitty Pepe memes.You're literally profanating Pepe