Any newfags here?

Mfw im a newfag

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Go back to Re**it

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Oh God you can fucking tell

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Oh fuck no

>what even is re**it, a painting in an antiques museum?

Im a complete newfag

why are you newfags posting, go back to lurking NOW

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I came here in 2014
im 18

you're not just a newfag, you're also self-UNaware normie.

How have you found us?

I'm technically a newfag, but this board is so full of post-elections cancerfags that I almost feel old

Been here since 2014 (unrelated to gamergate)
Can't believe its been 4 years already.
Sill a newfag though, I've been here long enough to know you're not supposed to admit that you came here past 2008, otherwise you're cancer.

Serious question, how much did you post before you turned 18? I'm wondering cause whenever im here i imagine im sharing this site with mostly 20-25 year olds even though I have read countless posts like yours where they admit they have been here since 15yo. So i would really like to know if underage people post or just lurk while on Jow Forums

But I like reddit

Started Jow Forums in '09 but i never browsed r9k till 2013.

I will always be a newfag

we welcome brother, you will find nothing but openess and ospitality on this board.

>So i would really like to know if underage people post or just lurk while on Jow Forums
Of course they post. Just take a quick look at /b/.

i was actively posting on here since i was 13

That is less true than if I said I have a girlfriend

joined in 2016, still feel like an outsider, this place is weird af

newfigs out! right now!

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i think i joined 2 years ago and although im sure i still classify as a newfag i feel pretty in place. do you not visit often? its pretty easy to get used to this board/site

i'm here all day, but i am highly antisocial so maybe that's why

lurk before posting you fucking underage fucks

was here sine late 2014-early2015

am i a newfag?

how new is new fag? i came in 2017

Definitely and since you don't know that arriving after 2008 makes you newfag, I seriously doubt you came here in 2014.

tomorrow will be my first day on 4chandotcom am i a newf**??