Have pectus excavatum

>have pectus excavatum
>feel like I can't take full breaths
>constant pressure on my sternum
>can't talk for more than a sentence without gasping for breath
>can't exercise since i'm out of breath within minutes

Attached: 300px-Pectus1.jpg (300x382, 16K)

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So why is it always the same picture?


You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

You can have some of mine.

Attached: Ben_Fraser_pectus_carinatum.jpg (2448x3264, 1.33M)

I had surgery but it wasnt nuss
Nuss seems fucking awful

Lol! Boobs

The pain doesn't matter at all to me.
I'd give almost anything to look completely normal.

Bro I feels you. I had the nuss procedure when I was 16. I had a huge hole and it after nuss it wasn't completely fixed. I still have a hole in my chest just not as big. The pain was horrible for something that wasn't fully treated. Considering getting surgery a second time to see if I can look normal.

I'm a faggot with pectus carinatum, aka birdchest.

This defect destroyed my confidence completly and I have been suicidal since i was 14 now im 25 nigger nigger nigger niggef

What the user said is the truth OP
You wont be completely "normal" after any surgery
You need to bulk up and build some muscle

You should also consider other methods other than Nuss though
I know that nuss is the norm in the US but its a pretty shitty method desu

how have you continued living for 11 years while feeling suicidal? whats made life worth living? how have you got through?

Nothing made life worth living im just too afraid to kill myself i guess

idk about that but please shave your armpits


Attached: IMG_20180619_195348.jpg (1200x1600, 790K)


on the plus side, you have a built in bowl for cereal or an ashtray. evolution is a helluva drug.

Attached: 1510682955156.jpg (1080x989, 339K)

Would lick your chest user

I feel like pectus is a rather common robot problem.

use a vacuum cleaner and suck it out


Attached: 51lbx73jFTL._SX679_.jpg (679x336, 14K)


come to barcelona robros we got this shit figured out

tell someone to punch it from the other side

I have this. Going on 23 and no medical issues, just the occasional gawkers
I did get attention from a girl at one point who kept trying to touch it so that's nice I guess

It is a free bowl to eat shit out of while laying in bed, you ungrateful fuck

your chest caved in cause of the gut punch LIFE GAVE YOU WHEN YOU WERE BORN

Fate dealt you a cruel hand

this guy here I can definitely confirm these

Got me to chuckle.

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