25+ NEET thread. You can only post ITT if you are over 25y/old and never need to work another day in your life ;^) Post ITT to make fun of wagies slaving away from Uncle Shelkelburgergoldstein
25+ NEET thread...
25 year old unislave invader here
25 year old uni-slave please respond ama?
22 year YOUNG boomer here do I meet the cuff?
i dont really care about someone stupid enough to go to university lmao
do you ever need to work another day in your life? if not this thread welcomes you as a fellow NEET even if you are young
41 yr old millennial reporting in
what about someone smart enough to play videogames all day?
Im a young boomer, I go to work every day, I give my boss Shekelburg a foot massage at 11AM sharp before returning home to let NEETie have snuggle time with my wife. All my money is currently in an IRA and im working a 9-5' so I can retire rich! Im a big investor in gold and silver btw, I'm pretty set
Just deep dived facebook and found four more videos of my waifu showing off her giant boobs.
sounds like me. youre pretty smart.
>let me wait until im old an decrypt to retire giving my best years to some rich kike so i can rot away in a nursing home with all my gold and silver
I'd wish I would be a wealthy NEET.
Instead I am still a slave, not a cooperate one but a state one.
real 25 yo neet here, dropped out of college twice, never had a job, khhv obviously
What do you want from me?
What would you do in my situation?
>30, HHKV
>Never had a job
>Never had friends/social circle, only ever talk to parents here and there
>High-school drop out, no education
>Not intelligent at all
>On NEETbux with no job searching obligations due to psychological disorder, but psychological disorder isn't enough to warrant Pensionbux, essentially on never-ending NEETbux so long as I keep going to a psychologist or psychiatrist.
>Shut-In hermit, only leave house for psychologist session
>Lift weights in home gym
The NEETbux is piling up in my account because I only ever spend money on gym stuff, but I've basically got a decked out home gym now so most of it doesn't get spent.
Prostitution is legal here, there are brothels all around, but I am too autistic to do that, and I am afraid they're dirty with STDs.
Also - Alcohol and Drugs are out of the question, I'm too paranoid/hypochondriac to do drink or do drugs, never even had a smoke in my life.
What to do?
kys yourself yourself obviously
nothing being a neet is about freedom.
do whatever yo uwant man. neetdom is about freedom. i spend my spare time practicing my cooking im quite good, and playing vidya and various musical instruments.
>never need to work another day in your life
maybe if I kill myself once my last parent dies
does anyone have the irl pic of that?
ty in advance
how exactly are all these NEETs so wealthy?
Genuinely curious, because here in the UK you would either have to have serious mental or physical debilitations to be signed off as unable to work, or live on the dole which is a really horrible pittance of a lifestyle (coming from someone who was raised working class).
I'm 19. How is life at 25? I've heard everything starts going downhill.
mods are total fags now if you post original youll get permaed
In the US we have something called NEETbux. It's a system in place created by NEETs for NEETs to siphon wagies paychecks. They work every day, and put a large some of their paydirt into what we call "Taxes" these taxes go to fund our hobbies and NEET lifestyle
ex-mil, did 2 years got clocked out with a disability. lifetime of 1100usd/neetbux a month. more than enough to live comfortably forever.
i'm 23 but i've never had a job and don't plan on getting one any time soon, i have about 175k in investment accounts and parents give me 2k/month as spending money to do what i want with. feelsgoodman.
its great. i enjoy it. nothing has changed. maybe 1-2kg fatter but thats about it.
>t. 30 year old perma NEET
just turned 28. It's honestly not that much different, the only major change is in the social dynamic.
The majority friends will be spending most of their time raising families and pursuing careers at this point, so enjoy the time you have with them as much as you can while you're young.
Read this post but imagine the soimale in pic related saying it while enjoying his Nintendo Labo
I used to play video games all day but then I developed some serious stupidness and now i'm trying to get a degree. What is your opinion on this? Do you think i could have prevented myself from becoming stupid or was i doomed to turn out this way?
Life is all a bout momentum.
If you don't start that momentum in your early years it will never come.
This is why everyone is so worried about guys stuck indoors all day playing video games for all of their developmental years into their early adulthood. They never get any momentum in life to move forward, they start the game so late and they just fall further and further behind, where as the normalfag whose actually done life properly has so much momentum in life that he looks like hes light years ahead of you.
Then you become depressed at how far behind you are in life and you feel like you can't escape it and you start to fall back into the opposite direction.
My advice to you at 19 years old, stop everything you're doing right now that is time-wasting, stop using Jow Forums, stop watching useless trash on the internet, stop playing video games, stop doing anything that isn't moving your life forward. Use your 20s working as hard as possible.
Don't do what I say? Expect a life of misery.
>the angry wagie is here to shitpost
lmao. have you paid your taxes today
sounds stupid. why get a degree. university is just a scam to suck money out of normies to force them into debt slavery so they become good wage slaves. youre lcuking yoru self
you sound like a mentally retarded wagie justifying your slavery
>light years ahead
of what? of giving up 40+hours a week to a kike wage master? lmao
these are lies
any NEETs in america getting autismbux have to keep their liquid assets below $2000, otherwise they lose their SSI/SSDI
americans who claim to be rich while receiving a MAXIMUM of $750 per month in Neetbux are full of shit
>this is your brain on reddit
I want to see How big are they
makes sense. I can understand how someone can be a retired NEET, but it's the young ones I don't get, unless they get given money by and live with their parents, in which case they should be classified as children, not adults, because there is no way that is sustainable for their lifespan; It's quite frightening and highly unethical on the parents' part to let it continue.
Just do drugs anyway. Get the sedating ones that will kill your paranoia.
fucking military welfare queens
I know a guy who got discharged when he was like 30 for having diabetes
he collects 3k+ monthly
I stopped working forever when i was 20. joined mil when i was 18 because it was a super easy job that paid well for an idiot fucker like me. then got kicked out after 2 yrs because im a retard and they gave me a full disability because apparantly military is retarded??
pay your taxes cuck
Invest smartly and multiply the wealth. Apart from that keep on lifting, eating healthy and consider buying property with a garden so you won't starve once you're old.
Be careful user.
You don't want to become one of those guys who (((An hero'd from the PTSD))). IE: The gov taking you out to save money on paying you a pension.
Well, truth be told i have depression and i got pills already.
On the bright side, i completely stopped playing games, i still watch twitch and youtube while browsing Jow Forums, but its harder to waste time this way than it is by playing games all day.
Also ive picked up lifting.
My goal is to get a PhD in physics. I'm starting university right now. The hardest part is to stick to reading as a hobby, and to enjoy studying.
Most 20+ 4channers say life up until 30 is the same so i might try and achieve something, and if that fails i can still kill myseld.
Good luck to you.
I wish I would die already
i'm from australia where the debt system for uni isn't as bad
i'm not doing a liberal arts degree, i enjoy half the shit i learn and a lot of it is useful for hobbies.
I dont get parental induced depression.
but i never get time to do hobbies, I hate the other half of the shit they make me do/learn. and many other downsides. I also may not be normie/intelligent to get a job at the end of it, but i really don't know.
its tough being an former neet.
anyway do you believe in determinism?
the va is so corrupt im not worried. so many vets scamming the system as hard as possible for neetbux. its an absurd raket
pay your taxes cuck
dont know or care. were just little space niggers on a space rock and nothing matters at all. i dont think or care about philosphy whatsoever. im just a retard who enjoys the one life i have and dont want to give it to some rich kike
>pay your taxes cuck
what? i'm a neet i have nothing that the state can steal from me
no way this ever happens
that sounds like nihilism. nihilism can be okay.
normies HATE that shit
she's 43 years old. Bra size is "past a K cup"
oh i read that as should die. sorry why do you want to die fellow neet bro ? this life is super mega sweet. today i want down to the beach and had a few beers wit ha friend checked out the young cuties. was really nice day :^)
i guess man. i just simply dont care. just going to enjoy my life and not worry about anything ever. the last thing that i had to "deal" with was calling the internet company when i lost internet for 2 hours..that was like 6 mo ago
Because they get a combination of state and federal benefits amounting to several different checks from a few different agencies that all add up. It's not much, objectively, but if its done right by an otherwise intelligent/disciplined person it's definitely doable. I know a neet that only gets something like 1200/month total but he can live off that. Low income housing just takes 30% of whatever you bring in, so he pays 360 for rent plus probably another 100 or so for utilities, leaving him roughly 700 a month for food and fucking around.
- Social security check, especially if a parent/spouse/kid/sibling died before being able to withdraw, and/or the neet used to pay in
-Unemployment check
-Disability check
- If the NEET had an employer and is on disability due to a work related injury then depending on circumstances the employer might also be obligated to send them a check
-Long term disability insurance payouts
-Some neets are able to do some random cash jobs and shit
-Friends/parents etc etc etc
-Housing is often discounted and often those houses/apartments are pretty fucking sweet. This is the one that actually pisses me off since most of the really nice starter homes in my area are low-income only, so I'm either going to have to get a trailer home 3x too big for a single person or be a fucking slave to a bank for at least 20 years
how can you afford rent and everything else with only 1100 per month?
99.999999% chance this woman is British
she was probably hot at like 20.
take that money. move to e.europe. live like a fucking king.
i live in motenegro. i pay like 150mo/rent, 50/mo for good food ( I eat out a lot) 10/mo for 100mb/s internet. its really easy if you arent mega retarded
She is.
She was and still is. But her boobs didn't grow until she had kids.
> lifetime of 1100usd/neetbux a month
I don't know how it is in the US, but in the UK, that just wouldn't fly. That is far too low to survive off for life, especially once you factor inflation into it.
In the UK, to live "comfortably" (read: ~120k house + avg expenses for single individual at about 600 p/a) you need about 1,200 ($1,5k) a month RIGHT NOW, and that needs to increase by around 3% each year to keep up with inflation.
After 20 years, those costs will be cut in half once your mortgage is paid off, then you can live it large, but that's a fucking long time, and not the definition of living comfortably.
she looked pretty rough in the video
ride hard and put away wet
my neetbux raise with inflation. and why would i want to live in the UK or any other overpriced shithole? Just go live in a cheap country....expensive countries are for normies and their need to wageslave for higher "wages" while spending 60% of it just to keep a roof over their heads lmao
all makes sense now
guess it could be comfy if you've never known anything else though
Neetbux/Autismbux/Pensionbux always increase every few months to account for inflation.
im american moron.
what country gives 1100 per month?
Low income housing. They take 30% of your monthly income and the state/county pays the rest. So if a landlord normally charges 600 a month, and your income is 1200 a month, then you pay 360 wageslaves cover the other 240
i already explained.. its military disability because im a retard. 2 years of military. 1.1k/mo starting at age 20 until i die aorund age 80..40*56*1.1k*inflationadjusted. good investment ofr 2 years of slavery imo
why the fuck would you pick montenegro?
it's a hellhole
I'd rather live in kentucky
cheap. fast internet. good food. cute girls. nice city for chillin/walking around. 40euro flight to any destination in europe. feel free to live in Kentucky though. i dont care at all
hmm i see
you reverse-wage cucked
yeah lad those 3 million people claiming ESA all have serious mental or physical debilitations
language barrier there?
21 year old with probable ASPD here
How do I get NEETbux?
everyone i need to talk to speaks english
depends on country and such. first step is always see a doctor and play your your retard to 10000%. try scratching your self until you bleed. stutter a lot. basically induce a panic attack by freaking your self out while you talk to the doc and tear up this will come naturally if you induce a panic attack. its easy. just work on triggering your flight or fight response when you talk to the doc and the adrenaline will make a runaway and youll go full autismo and scare the doc.
>first step is always see a doctor and play your your retard to 10000%
This. Bonus points if you smack yourself in the head at work on a machine, cupboard, anything really, THEN go full retard. Make sure there's witnesses and an accident report gets filed. Go home on worker's comp and see the doctor asap.
I live in the US (one of the super liberal northeast states).
I honestly don't even think I have to fake it. I'm mentally ill and autistic and the doctors I had over the years said I probably have ASPD.
If I live with my parents, what could I even get?
26, army vet, out on 60% disability and can afford my robot lifestyle without worrying about anything short of the gov collapsing. I'm thru-hiking the AT at the moment and will actually have more money in the bank than when I left. Haven't worked in over a year.
no, but they live very mundane lifestyles with very few luxuries.
Yes, there are a few who game the system and give the illusion of vast wealth by buying big luxuries few and far between to peacock, but as someone who grew up around chavs I know what their struggles are like, and was it's really like for the majority on benefits. I would not call it a "comfortable" lifestyle.
I am 28 and I have been a NEET (mostly) since I was 15. I dropped out of school at 15 and since then I have only went to school and worked a total of about 1 year in that entire span. A tech school, community college, and two retail jobs.
AMA I guess
>random retard that was too stupid for anything, decided to join up Army, get injured on purpose because i'm incompetent and/or did it on purpose
>now bragging on r9k about it
whoa, turn your scum level down.
Helluva lot of assumptions you're drawing there bud.
In my early 20's I shattered 3 vertebrae. On SSI, a form of "NEETbux". Basically I'm hovering slightly above the poverty line. Better than killing myself, I guess.
everyone i knew who joined the army was a dipshit.
>t .very angry wagie
>what could I even get?
Everything except low income housing, I'm sure. You'd have to look up the unemployment/disability section of your state's .gov website and apply for everything you appear to qualify for and go from there.
Look up pretty much any military recruitment video out there. "Dipshit" is basically their main target audience.
full medical insurance. full ride scholorship. great benefits. high pay for a high school failure. easy mindless work. male bonding. fitness. free food and housing. military was the best choice i made, even if it didn't allow me to retire at 20 y/old because im a retard. feel free to be smart, but just dont forget to pay your taxes you genius level cuck
>im a retard.
Right, so they got exactly what they were advertising for. Thanks for proving my point, faggot
>post your face when the genius level cuck is paying for my shit posting at 23:15
can someone post the original pic related