Ideal boyfriend

Fembots what's your ideal boyfriend and how can I meet your criteria?

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tall, strong arms, rich, handsome face - in no particular order. did you really need to make a thread for this?

>tall, strong arms, rich, handsome face

>not even a single personality trait mentioned

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The first important thing is he can't exist in the fourth dimension.

Ah, the ellusive hyperbf.

>The first important thing is he can't exist in the fourth dimension.

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No I meant 4D

>weak chin
>small penis

We all live in the fourth dimension, though, don't we?
1D is information ( a dot)
2D is drawing (a line)
3D is object (a cube)
4D involves time ( a cube in motion)
I might be spouting bull though

>Asking fat, asocial feminist/vegan/mentally unstable women about their preference.


Women don't care about what u are they care about what u can offer bro

I mean fuck them tho

>at least a 6/10
>taller than me
>full head of hair
>no addictions
>takes care of his body
>not a gymfag
>has interests
>does not rely on porn
>no homosexual tendencies
>no gross fetishes
>not a pedo
>does not identify with a political party

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>Good haircut/style
>Isn't balding/receding hairline
>Does not wear basketball shorts, oversized one color tshirt with socks and sandles or any mix of this look
>Isn't a druggie or a criminal or insane
>Is enjoyable to be around with
That's all I ask for yet it's high standards for men kek
I don't even care if he's hideous or a manlet, dicklett, as long as he has full hair on his head I'm good

you are spouting bull
each consecutive dimension adds to the last
time is present through all of the first 3

i am all of those except
>no homosexual tendencies
>no gross fetishes
will you still be my gf

If you make a line without any width it is basically nonexistent to a higher dimension.
Your point in time is just as thin as that so you're basically nonexistant on a higher dimension.

how you know yopu are taller than her?

i'm 6'3'' so unless she's an amazon i'm taller than her

baldfags are the irrefutable proof of inceldoms existence

Are you white and would you prefer white boyfriends?

What qualifies as fucked up fetishes?

We live in 3 Dimensions, but there are 10 spatial Dimensions that exist. The 4th Dimension isn't time, time is a separate temporal Dimension. Look up M-Theory, It's basically math decoding our entire existence.

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i literally described my father i dont a want a man that resembles him unlike my mothers poor choices
balding men....are so unfortunate i dont want my kids to bald at 16
im half white & samoan but thats racemixing ree

I'm all of those but im balding and I like feet, I take it thats a no?
Granted- I get laid with normie girls all the time who SAY they don't like these things but I end up being "different"

You are just a balding chad

tits or gtfo all of you no females allowed

>not deformed
>not ashamed to be with me in public
>likes cuddles
>wants to spend a lot of time with me
>not politically extreme, preferably apolitical
>not a cheater
>no drugs or alcohol
>lets me mommy him
>doesnt want children
>optionally some kind of chronic illness, preferably type 1 diabetes
>wont mind me being very clingy
>willing to be submissive in bed optionally
>isnt ambigious about things
>will play vidya with me

just kind of wrote it as it came to mind, i might expand on this

short, skinny, pretty face (huge eyes, small lips, button nose), bisexual, interested in music and art

You might be a repressed lesbian.

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My ideal?
>long hair
>funny (dark humour preferably)
>easy going
>more left wing than me
>likes animals
>likes kids
>likes the outdoors
>plays music
>wants to get married, have kids
>isn't a pervert (into beating up women to get off, facial abuse, scat, casting couch, etc. basically anyone into anything that involves being a malicious cunt. A foot fetish or whatever is totally cool.)

Either that or a scalie bf.

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>takes care of his body
>not a gymfag
what the fuck did you mean by this?
going to the gym is the epitome of looking after your body.

>fembots who still haven't taken the pinkpill[becoming lesbian] and started orbiting e-girls

ah, how I pity them

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>leftist commie snowflake
>wants to start a family
>isnt a degenerate

Scalie bf is more likely.

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how does it feel to be an incarnated mediocrity?

What's wrong with being asocial?

You are like 12 you underageb&. You hardly know how to flick your bean, spare me that inane drivel.

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i am pretty sure i am bi although i do generally prefer females

You should ask what our minimum requirements are instead.
All the men are going to come in here and sperg out at us because they think ideal also means the only thing a woman will accept.

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Why bisexual?

Why don't you want children?

What's wrong with facial abuse.


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If only this wasn't bait.

We already have the lowest possible opinion of your kind. You can go wild and describe your ideal chad, not like you will manage to get him to stick around after he's explored your cavern.

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Girls like you with these silly pictures are so cute. I don't mind if your ideal is a big dick or something. That's actually hot.

That sounds like me, can you expand on this so I don't get my hope up?

Can go to the gym, just not obsessively, gyms are depressing. He can still take care of himself by doing actual physical activities

there are no girls on the internet dude

>thinking girls know what they want

You're in for a world of pain

Gee whiz, what could be wrong with someone who actively gets off to hearing white trash women, rich girl normalize sluts, and black ghetto hoes talk about their abuse history while puking on some greasy dude's penis? I'm sure these people are well adjusted.

This is true.

how are gyms depressing?
when you make gains you feel good about it, maybe you just have a shit gym atmosphere or something?

i dont want children because i dont want to pass on my shit genes, i think it would be irresponsible to bring them into this life if i cant provide for them well. i am not maternal and i think it would be cruel to have them.

>extremely pale
>very skinny/lanky but not physically weak
>blue eyes
>dark hair but light brown or blonde is also 100% acceptable
>nice medium deep voice, bonus points if strong aussie or brit accent
>very dominant, assertive, sexually sadistic
>very tall, 6'2 and above is perfect
>either friendly yet assertive or kuudere (somewhat cold/aloof at first before coming out of his shell)
>good at being mean but only as banter or if he feels like he needs to
>plays vidya all day
>funny, charming, interesting to talk to
>never gets offended ever, very thick skin
>never cries, doesn't have very strong emotions in general
>has a friend group/circle but not a ridiculous amount of friends
>preferably somewhat well off but not a snobby rich person
>not heavily involved in politics
>dresses in neutral colors (mostly black and grey)
>intuitive/observant and can take hints very well
>decisive, consistent
>can actually carry a conversation

This is fairly close to what I am. On multiple counts. Are you single?

It's hot because its so fucked up. Its like... That's what you women really are at your core. You revel in degradation and humiliation. Rape and abuse is your most common fantasy. You want to revel in your own destruction. Look at any fembot thread about sexual fetishes.

>can be effeminate but doesnt have to be all the time
>will let me flatter them
>responsive and doesnt do any idk if you wanna i dont care bullshit
>not a total weeb, watching anime i dont mind but i dont like it much personally
>emotional intelligence
>emotional intelligence
>emotional intelligence
>playful teasing but knows when to quit
>not obese, preferably lanklet

thats all i can think of without being asked anything specifically

>Are you single?
obviously. why else would I be in this thread?

bisexual cause im bi too and my previous monosexual parnters couldn't understand me, they were quite mean to me and wanted threesomes (i wasn't comfortable with it). i often felt overly sexualized

In a perfect world and ideally my perfect bf would be pure as snow, naive, innocent,
and lovable. A young cute boy, who would depend on me and that I could spoil him rotten.

But, in the real world a calm, patient guy that is easy to talk would be okay.

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Cool. Where are you from in that case?

What does having emotional intelligence mean?

good originalio taste

Blessed post xoxo

Yeah time is "a dimension" not "the 4th Dimension". It isn't a spatial dimension.

>at least as tall as me or taller
>not 350lbs+ morbidly obese
>takes care of personal hygiene
>takes care of environment (doesn't live in filth)
>wants to better himself
>interested in a variety of educational subjects like learning foreign languages, learning programming, learning 3D modeling, learning about the stock market or about world politics, etc
>likes intelligent discussion
>would like to travel and see different places in the world
>not a libtard or conservacuck - both parties are garbage at this point
>not hot headed/doesn't assert his opinion when he doesn't know what he's talking about (lots of guys are self-important like this)
>likes autism video games and will play with me
>not teetotal, not addicted to hard drugs, likes to experiment SAFELY
>gives me lots of attention and shows he cares
>not obsessed with financial status symbols like expensive cars or jewelry or name brand clothing
>has weird fetishes and will entertain my weird fetishes
>adventurous eater/likes to try new foods
>likes animals as pets
>doesn't like big groups of people
>will talk shit about brown people and normies with me

I prefer guys with light eyes, dark hair and beards, but you can't have everything. Anyway, this is just an "ideal."

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able to interpret emotions, self awareness. you might not necessarily be able to say the right thing all the time but you rarely say anything stupid. knowing what people want, or at least knowing you should know and trying to find out. i would spell things out to you because i dont play mind games, its not some mind games bullshit, but i appreciate when a guy knows to quit teasing and stuff

What are your weird fetishes exactly?

Emotional intelligence is not a thing. It was clickbait for g-factor IQ in the now standardized stanford-binet tests. A bunch of hacks made some best sellers by bullshitting a bunch of airhead women and now it's considered an actual thing in clinical psy and behavioral neurosci.

What's next, you want him to be a pisces because they tend to be good lovers? Pull out your ovaries, moron.

I remembered once again that I was cursed from birth when you uttered this.

>not ashamed to be with me in public
Fat detected

>no homo
Posts a big gay Chad

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I match this criteria. Nazi gf when?
>im ripped also brah. iron pill is the strongest pill.

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no, i dont mean it like EQ, i mean just being generally aware of other peoples emotions. i agree EQ is bullshit, but being in touch with your own and other peoples emotions isnt

im underweight desu. i only had one boyfriend before and he hated being seen with me in public because he said i act weird.

I agree with you but you seem sort of.... Richard Stallman stem.

I'm pretty good at the self-awareness part, and making sure not to say stupid stuff. I don't really know the knowing what people want part, I would need stuff like that spelled out to me.
I don't really tease either since I don't know how to do it without it being mean.

Suicide case waiting to happen right here

physical features:
>pale shut-in (neet)
>skeleton (rattle rattle)
>170-180cm (5'7-5'11)
>brown hair, brown eyes
>goofily cute european accent (ideally scandinavian or dutch)
>virginity intact

personality traits:
>soft-centred and cuddly

bonus round!
>goofy smile
>open to experimenting with drugs
>wants to carry me in vidya haha

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Kill yourself nigger.

I'd say I fit those pretty well, as long as you aren't fat.

I am in the field, I am sick of this EQ bullshit and its derivatives. It comes up more often than you think. Always from women. Especially behavioral psy or sociology retards.

>wanting your lover to have an illness
that's fucked up

i didnt mean EQ though, its like assuming someone is talking about IQ because they say they like smart people

Yep, that's literally me. Yet I'm still a robot. :P

tfw you fit the criteria for every post here, tfw it doesn't even matter cuz ik all of u fucking american scum. why live bros.... t.canadian

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i mean not teasing at all is the best. i dont like teasing. i get teased a lot though so i find it better to just assume most people enjoy it. where are you from user?

Why are you attracted to apolitical men why are "extreme" political leanings unattractive?

accurate down to the european accent? you sound cute user! youll find her one day, keep hope for the future!

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I guess I don't have crazy good emotional intelligence so I don't have to bring my hopes up anymore.

Sorry, but racemixing is bad. You should find a gf the same color as you.

I like humiliation & degredation, bdsm, asphyxiation, knifeplay, ageplay, petplay, and even worse stuff like gore, necro, beast and other impractical fantasy things

You can't know that you match my criteria because you don't know how tall I am.
>tfw no ripped bf to motivate me at the gym more
I have been going about ten or twelve weeks so far this year and gotten much stronger but not really lost much weight.

I live in the US, in North Carolina. How about you?

i think extreme political leanings are indicitive of some kind of mental problem. and i dont have a problem with mental problems but only if they recognise they have one, which extremists tend not to.

>I like humiliation & degredation, bdsm, asphyxiation, knifeplay, ageplay, petplay, and even worse stuff like gore, necro, beast and other impractical fantasy things

Yup. Literally perfect. Fembots like you are always taken though.

tfw im a britbong

Your definition of emotional intelligence is quite literally part of IQ, that's the whole fucking reason of incorporating psychometrics in standard IQ tests.
Conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, openness, emotional stability and in some cases creativity.

When people say they like smart people they are implying they like people with high IQ, unless they are ambivalent about what they mean.

>she's a nazi that's into degenerate shit. How about we take that BDSM and I beat the shit out of you until you start following proper roman rules.

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it doesnt have to be crazy good, i just want a man who can acknowledge his own emotions and my own. men tend to be very emotionally repressed and i find that difficult to deal with.



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>JADED and friendly and charming and funny
>and friendly
>and charming
>and funny
i don't think you know what jaded means if this is what you want.

why are you go upset user, go get a glass of water and lie down for a bit

are you trying to imply that emotional intelligence doesnt exist or something? you get angry when i say i like emotional intelligence because you assume i mean EQ, but refuse to believe i dont actually believe in EQ. also, i think IQ it bullshit so this is a pointless discussion.

Chicks want a brooding, aloof, edgy chad. That's what she meant.

ngl I'm into this and we can do that roleplay every day. As long as I get to be coyly disobedient.

>Literally perfect.
That's a stretch, don't you want to know what's wrong with me yet?