This picture makes me depressed, deeply depressed. Oh how the white male has fallen, look a this. This is what we've devolved to.
This picture makes me depressed, deeply depressed. Oh how the white male has fallen, look a this...
>still has a smoking hot latina girlfriend
sex god
bruh I bet you skinny as fuck sitting at ya moms house criticizing a man with a career and a life
This is probably some guy with a disability.
Look at his face, he have the look of an adult.
Look around him everyone in the image is dressed in uniform.
He's just some disabled guy who's trying to have fun, got nothin to do with being white.
why are niggers so naturally bad at understanding logic
even if you have a career and a life it's fucking pathetic to be literally playing with cardboard boxes as an adult
All it took was one goofy picture to make you lose faith in millions of people, some of whom have been to the Moon? I can only assume you're sheltered to the point of being unable to function in everyday society.
Why is it bad to be fucking pathetic in your eyes? It's clearly not ruining his good time so it seems like the only ones upset are people like you.
This looks like a Nintendo Commercial, nice try IGN fag
Your right, everyone should be criticizing others anonymously instead
>many of whom have been to the moon?
LOL stopped reading there. Nice try shlomo.
>some of whom have been to the Moon?
Found the goy.
you talk like making it to the moon is some big achievment that makes up for all the retarded shit we are doing and did
maybe you should take off you rose tinted glasses retard and see what humanity is really like
respect must be earned and every time humans take a step forward they take 10 back. this is why no sane person will ever respect humanity.
>Wow, you're really enjoying you're toy, huh!
>even if you have a career and a life it's fucking pathetic to be literally playing with cardboard boxes as an adult
No it's not, kill yourself.
Rated E for Everyone! Yipee!
money cant buy self respect retard
literal numale detected
I'm confused as to what exactly about this picture set off your autism. It just makes me smirk knowing how easily you're irritated by, I don't know, a fat guy sitting on a strange machine?
>pot originally calling the kettle black
how young are you, my little newfag? we oldfags come from times where a man could be respected. it simply hurts to see these kind of men in the media now
>depressed about some S O I boy on some weird machine
>talking about "respected men" on Jow Forums of all boards
>"we oldfags"
Yeah, oh fucking kay user. Whatever floats your boat.
>t. began browsing during the 2016 election
>depressed about some S O I boy on some weird machine
i guess youre too deep down already to get the bigger picture. its symbolic on how man has fallen to a new low. and im not talking about losers on Jow Forums, im talking about mainstream media celebrities, i wonder how much lower we can go before something happens, but dont worry buddy (you) will be long gone by then
The look of total defeat
im browsing this site since over a decade, but only for short periods until i need a long break, how about you buddy? did you come with the reddit incel wave?
>"its symbolic on how man has fallen to a new low"
Literally who fucking cares?
How autistic do you have to be to see a picture of some S O I boy and immediately correlate it to some pseudo-intellectual nonsense about "the fall of man", all because some retards bought Nintendo Switches and Onions?
Just off yourself lad. Your ideas aren't fucking new or some grand revelation of any kind, you're as much of a sheep as the blind normie masses you get so "le depressed" over. You're a copy and paste autistic Internet pseud regurgitating shit that a million other Anons have already said.
>i once had a look at this site when i was 13 so i'm an oldfag, even if i really started coming here 2 years ago
>>since over a decade
>lying and gatekeeping this hard just to continue sperging about onions
I bet next you're going to fall back on, "lol but I have a better life than you user because XYZ reasons."
>we oldfags
Secondhand embarrassment.
that sure got you triggered user, might wanna take a break lmao
sorry didnt notice i had to check in every day, incel cuck
i indeed do, which i why i didnt even bother with mentioning it, you wont believe me
stay mad newfag
>incel cuck
Could you possibly sound more Reddit? Are you going to go full "when does the narwhal bacon" next?
>you talk like making it to the moon is some big achievment that makes up for all the retarded shit we are doing and did
Retarded by whose metric? You, the Father, and the Holy Ghost? There's only ever been one humanity and it's just as wonderful and terrible and retarded as it's always been. There is no parallel universe where everyone is "not retarded" to your way of thinking that you should have been born in.
>maybe you should take off you rose tinted glasses retard and see what humanity is really like
Shit-tinted glasses are much harder to see through and smell a lot worse.
>respect must be earned and every time humans take a step forward they take 10 back. this is why no sane person will ever respect humanity.
So, respect (a concept made up by humans to describe relationships between humans) must be earned? Whose respect? Yours? I think humanity will survive the loss of your esteem, somehow, but if a comet made of your contempt is about to wipe out all life on Planet Earth, other people might pretend to give a shit about earning your respect.
>damage control
>backpedaling his posts
>"lol I'm not even serious anymore, u guys suck, ur the 1s who r mad, incel cucks, I'm not lying just believe me cuz this is fortune, buzzword buzzword buzzword"
Absolutely S E E T H I N G.
I can almost guarantee that soon you're going to pull a "merely pretending to be retarded, you guys fell for my bait xDDD."
i have no idea how reddit sounds but you seem, i literally have no idea what you just said
thats some hardcore autism there buddy
whoa there buddy relax with the projecting
nope, im just lowering my responses to your level
well thanks for all the (you)s guys, i can only debate random internet strangers for so long