Simply wondering
Straight men, gayest thing you've ever done?
Straight men clearly don't exist
Listened to rap music
Some of the feet pics I've masturbated to over the years could have been male, but other than that I'm straight
fapping to ladyboys of course.
suckk my own peepee
Swallowed my own ejaculate. The trap/sissy meme hit me hard for a while, but the shame was so great that I'm mostly over it these days. Aside from that my face is relatively manly, and my shoulders are broad. There was no hope for me in that fetish in the first place.
Got into a cuck situation as the technicaly bull, and they guy was very affectionate to me. Was afraid in fact that he'd try to dick me.
Met up with a guy from Instagram, he sucked my cock... i was curious, wanted to see how it felt.
I've kissed a guy
>Really horny
>Zero luck with any dating sites or apps
>Look up Grindr
>Immediately get a message
>Guy says he will be face down in his house
>Arrive to find a smooth ass poking up with his face and chest hidden under the blankets.
>Already lubed
>Go back home
I still consider myself straight but man, gays have it so easy. I know I'll end up doing it again in the future.
not including childhood experimentation, probably the gayest was i ate a load of my friends cum. was pretty tasty but i always liked the taste of my own. only happened the one time tho.
Oh and, was literally about to have gay sex because I thought I was, pulled down their underwear and no dick. She turned out to be a reverse trap and had been too nervous to tell me until too late.
Fucked a tranny. (today)
Was in my family's hot tub with a friend who was closeted gay. He told me he'd give me five bux to suck my dick. I called him a faggot and told him no. We moved on to talking about video games after. We were 14 or so at the time.
Got sucked off to near ejaculation, then sucked-off and swallowed a massive, bitter load from a passable trap. I fapped hard and shot that backed-up load I had into his sink.
This isn't gay at all. Why did you post this here?
enjoy aids :)
>really fucking original as fuck
smack my twink friends ass
he liked it
it also made me feel dominant
haha really funny post user. wish i was this funny. Made my day xD Love you xo
you should fuck him in his tight little boipussy and make him boipregnant
in high school I created a running joke where I would call this one guy hot at every opportunity
A trans camgirl fucked my ass
>be 14 me
>hang out in sketchy pedo chatrooms
>pedo (female, but possible catfish) tells me to do a handstand and cum on my face
>do it
>feel dirty and degenerate for weeks after
tfw I was cheese pizza
I once compared dicks with some one
Jerked off a girl(male) and pounded her boipucc
I got really, really drunk and some black guy fucked me at a party
tried some honest to god american made post-op mtf meat hole a while back
quick rundown for the curious
>Very snug
>Wrong texture
>Slightly off insertion angle
>Too distant from bhole
overall it was too deep in the uncanny valley for me but ymmv
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh those were pretty gay.
Why do robots love BBC so much?
Pic related, gayest shit I ever did