/fraud/ general

Before asking your stupid beginner questions, make sure to read:


Also, include:
>time spent lifting
>dick to balls ratio

Oral-only cycles will only fuck up your T levels, don't do them.

We can't help you dose your AI, figure it out yourself.

And most importantly,


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Traps are gay

Did my first glute shot today, had only done delts and quads/VL until now

Pros: Absolutely painless. I use a 21g 1,5 inch and didn't feel anything, went in like butter and without any pressure

Cons: It's hard as shit to hold the syringe and inject. I was wiggling around so much that I probably fucked a crater deep inside my glute.

Also, how much accutane do you guys run during blasts?

I was doing just test and had minimal acne. Slightly bothersome but never serious.

Decided to try Deca for the joint benefits and.... fucking cystic acne on my chest and tiny pimples all over my arms, belly, quads.

I'm already on 20mg on accutane and hoping for it to kick in.
I'll probably finish this bottle of Deca and never use any again.

Well I still don’t know if it was cake batter or not but it sure made some beautiful light golden tren.


Glutes are great once you find the right spot. Did 9ml in one side yesterday and can’t even feel it today.

20mg ed

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>eat banana before going in gym
>Nonstop hiccups during ohp

This shit is seriously fucking me up. STOP

Whomst has fucked with bold cyp? I was gonna add EQ to my current test and npp stack but I decided to cop bold cyp instead.

I feel you. Ran some trest a few months back and still dealing with the acne implications. I’m running 40mg ed plus some retanoid a foam and its slowly getting better. I’ve found if you manage your e2 really well high prolactin levels don’t effect my skin at all. But as soon as e2 is out of range have some caber/prami ready, or your fucked. No amount of accutane will help.

Help me fraud

Cutting to single digit bodyfat for the first time on 250mg of test. Probably in the ~9-10%. All of a sudden my sex drive has become non existent. Also, my skin is 100% acne free which only happens if I accidentally crash ny e2. I haven't changed my test or aromasin dose, and I'm using the same source's stuff. What's going on?

I bet youre taking ai like a retard on such a small dose.

I think I ran 1.6g a week or so and it was great imo. No pip but vascularity was there and seemed like it hardened me up more so than EQ.

I'm taking baby doses of aromasin. I aromatize more so than the average person. At the beginning of my cut I had blood work done, while on aromasin and 250mg of test, and my e2 levels were well within normal ranges.

>170 heart rate after deadlifts

what’s heart attack territory lads

About to do an anavar only cycle and get shredded. Can't wait.

how much Aromasin

if you say more than 12.5mg a week I’m coming to your house and shoving my 4 inch dick down your throat

A healthy heart can take 210+ bpm for a long time. 170 is normal after intense exercise.

It's roughly 12.5 mg a week. This had me in normal range though...

maybe if you're obese

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I take Aromasin MWF on only 150mg of Test Prop a week. No sex drive loss, though.

3 more days of this DNP nonsense. I feel flat as hell, sweaty as shit.

Like 220 or so. Everyone’s heart rate gets fucked during strenuous activities

>4 inch dick
Should’ve hopped on test younger m8

that better not be 3 12.5mg doses on trt test fatass

I take that on 500mg

it is. i wasn't taking any for 6 weeks, but was accidentally sent some with my last pack.

I would be more concerned with your blood pressure. Unless you're obese blood pressure can be more indicative of heart problems.

holy fuck that quad pump cycling uphill into the wind loaded up on carbs with dbol+anavar
>mfw BTFO a twink who blew past me using all his energy like a retard then couldnt make it up the incline at my god tier pace

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>being an animefag
Shame. I was routing for you against those other namefags.

This is an anime image board kiddo. Back to Jow Forumsgatekeeping.

>that 27 year old boomer who isnt posting under 7 layers of irony at all times

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I don’t know what that is

Subtract 9 years from that ;)

whats the average age of a cycler?

Asked a while ago but >tfw ignored.

How anabolic is EQ compared to test? About on par or less? I know the anabolic rating is 100 but not sure

it depends, if you are a casual cycler the average age is 37.3. if you want to be competitive or compete in something like the tour de france average age of the winner is 28.

>that 18 year old boomer who is frustrated that he doesnt get why all the kids are dabbing
you dont get an answer because thats a fucking tough question to answer
if you are really answered in knowing specific stuff like that you gotta do some reading
if you just want to know if itll be good for putting on mass then yeah, but from what iver read deca is the better option for an intermediate user

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I think he meant unicycler user

That’s more accurate

Is 100mg protein too much in one sitting? I kinda fell for the your body can only absorb so much protein meme.

Fuaaa I was trynna run not even half that. Do I need a super high dose to see results?

>100mg protein
do vegans really do this?

>body can only utilize and absorb so much protein at once

That’s true, but 100mg is not a lot. That’s like two 10 oz chicken breasts.

You guys ever pull to much weight and feel like throwing up afterward

My throat is burning like bile is coming up and my whole body is shaking after my deadlift sets. Had to cut my workout short

>mg protein
Uh user

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Fuck you nerds I’m so used to typing mg for my bathtub hormones my phone autocorrects it.

Yeah I've tried deca for a while, but I hate the bloat face, I'm a fellow moonface brah even when e2 is low on wet compounds

id say its worth a try
some powerlifters run it in place of eq if they want to stay leaner to make sure they make a weight class
it definitely is a proven steroid just a slow acting one. I think thats why some people think they get no results on it, they dont gain 15 lbs. of water in a month like some other compounds
your body is not going to shit out usable protein, that memes been btfo many times

boomer fuck haha

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>being a fraud
lol, just train Wisconsion method for 15 years and you too can be this impressive!

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Should use adex or lower that dose by half. Since adex only inhibits it the sides are easier and you can't really crash e2. Youre probably consistently crashing or dangerously low during dose periods and only just bouncing back before crashing it over and over

Alright, buddyroo s, where can I use my tren gains to meet women? I need some female friends in my life

Gym thots.

Yeah but I don’t want to talk about fitness irl. That’s why I come here to talk to you virgins.

Why are you asking virgins where to meet women

>Female friends

It’s hard to release sexual tension caused by tren on male friends.

I'd say it's easier if you stopped being such a fag about it

Does it look fake?

It’s a test e 250 mg 10 ml for $25 bucks on sst

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how could we possibly tell. test can be clear, yes.

Yeah I already told you it's 75% chance it's fake

So it’s real or fake

I’m going to rape you in your mouth if I ever meet you irl

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I hope that shits not fake I have the 400mg version and am using it right now lmao


what are the initials of the sauce


He has a pretty stellar rep and I've used his tren in the past. Doubt it's fake.

No you won't because you're a pussy you couldn't even look me in the eye, beta

Shut the fuck up oh man

If I don't want to do squats, what else can I do?

I’m preparing my cock right now as we speak. Your throat will be sore tomorrow morning.

leg press, lunges

Whoops meant for :

So I keep injecting

Had me shook

Why do you think it's fake?

Because when I injected yesterday I thought that I was going to die. My vision turned grey and lighter, I started to hear a sign sound inside my head I fell down and I can’t hear

Are you sure you weren’t injecting heroin ?

Was this your first time pinning?

I was on weed when I injected. I mean, I ordered test e

I’ll take what this guy’s having

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Pin it again and see what happens

Yes it was my first time

im having trouble understanding the use of exogenous T3

does it 'shutdown' endogenous T3?
if so how long does it take to recover after dosing?

Hm. Could have been a nervous reaction. I'd try at least once more to be sure.

UGL? Maybe some of the ingredient gave you a reaction.
You should look at videos or tutorials of proper technique.
Aspirate. Z-Track and Airlock.
Did you cough at all?

No. No cough

Maybe, guys, just maybe - he is a pussy and the act of the injection itself made him sick and queasy?

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Possible. He could of worked himself up- the adrenalin made him wonky and jittery.

that picture in itself deserves to be in the cringe collection desu famalam

Calm down, little guy. Maybe you can try and power lift my cock out of your mouth because you don't lift to get big but to "get strong".

it will make your dick the same size as the bottle, enjoy

that fucking flash lol

>I started to hear a sign sound inside my head I fell down and I can’t hear

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Yep, This one's going in my cringe compilation.

>I started to hear a sign sound inside my head I fell down and I can’t hear

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Do any of you guys do yoga or group classes?

Yoga is good for flexibility and mobility, I do it occasionally when I find a non-fuckwit instructor.

I know the guy in that picture lol.

those babby length forearms

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only ever touched test, npp, dbol and anavar, low dose everything except test ive ran up too 750mg

will be cruising for 2 months then running tren

is it a game changer? is it overhyped? tell me fraud am i gonna turn from thad to chad?

Tren is amazing. But if you don't have your diet and routine on point, it's not going to do much for you.

tren is for people who want to accept their inner homosexuality, only you can know