I am going to a state jail for six months and I am scared as fuck. Any robots who have been to jail/prison that can give me some tips?
I am going to a state jail for six months and I am scared as fuck...
What did you do?
why are you going to jail, op?
No but why doesn't everyone who gets a sentence of longer than like... 2 years suicide? I genuinely don't understand how anyone ends up in prison for longer than that, if you get a life sentence then surely you'd just end it right there?
I got caught growing a shitload of mushrooms, possession of 1 oz of weed, MDMA, and conspiracy to manufacture DMT. They also charged me with intent to sell marijuana.
he raped a dog
lol based, have fun being some niggers bitch and being raped everyday for 6 months! (thats if you dont die while in there)
Use the time to start lifting and fix your life. Remember to not be an autist or you will get bullied.
Life sentence means a lot of time to prepare your escape.
It's state jail. Be polite, stay out of the way of very interesting people. Participate in conversations that don't go into bitch raping mode. The important thing is to get along with your cellmate, and both of you stay out of trouble. You'll be bored but fine.
Youve clearly never seen the Shawshank redemption
I've never understood why people are given life sentences for anything instead of the death penalty
I'd rather die than spend the rest of my life in prison and as a burden to taxpayers
>I got caught growing a shitload of mushrooms, possession of 1 oz of weed, MDMA, and conspiracy to manufacture DMT. They also charged me with intent to sell marijuana.
how did you get caught?
what state?
did you get ratted out?
county jail isn't too bad ive heard, just make friends and share cigarettes
state prison is where it gets real, so lucky you didnt get a longer sentence.
>It's state jail.
State jail is actually the worst, and by far the most dangerous (anywhere but California).
If you go to a county jail (again, not talking about LA) you'll be in there with drunk drivers and child support evaders and people awaiting arraignment for some bullshit glorified misdemeanor. Nobody will want any trouble.
If you go to federal jail, you won't be with anyone dangerous unless you yourself are super dangerous (which renders the other guy's menace kind of a nonissue).
But state jail is real felons, already sentenced, who were too hard core to get time served or probation. And depending on the luck of the draw the guy next to you in chow line could be a car thief or a mother killer / father raper - or even a litterer.
You deserve it, hope you get raped.
Be ready to suck some nigger dick so you don't get beat up
I was not too discrete about what I was doing. Someone probably ratted me out
why is OP such a fag and not replying
i only know california but there is only county jails (drunk drivers like you said) and state prison (hardcore murderers and gang members), ive never heard of a state "jail" but googling it shows that Texas has them, no fucking idea what they are like.
Why did you grow mushrooms and have drugs in Texas OP you dumb cunt? fucking deserve it.
>Someone probably ratted me out
probably your neighbors. its obvious when you live next to a scumbag. If you were in an apartment or suburb and didn't make friends/be friendly with those around you they probably called the cops on you and then you were investigated and you probably don't have a real job so they got you easily.
Did you get raided?
lol settle down there, Breaking Bad. How does one get caught doing this?
Not really raided, but cops showed up to my house with a search warrant.
I live in FL, this is my first time ever getting in trouble so I did not know what to call it. All I know is prison is for people doing 1+ years.
I wanna kill! I wanna kill! I wanna, I wanna KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!!
Good reference bud
Be a tough guy
Even if you are not
You will need to toughen up in prison,or you will be dominated.
This goes without saying do not fucking drop the sop.
Like just never bend to pick up anything in an isolated area
Do not go out of your way to pick fights but if someone wants one give it to them.
And do not forget for a moment that every fight is a fight to survive.You may end up getting killed so fight with all you have got.
Before you give excuses like you are skinny/pussy/etc, it does not matter
What matters is you are on a collision course with a storm and you have no way to avoid it,and whatever you may be , you will have to evolve and adapt if you want to get through it.
>Not really raided, but cops showed up to my house with a search warrant.
what a nightmare
you should've mortgaged your entire future and maxed out every single debt possible, begged your parents, anything, to get a good jew lawyer and fight it on any grounds. i had a friend that did 363 days in county jail for drunk driving and it was no problem, sounds like you aren't going to prison
the problem is going to be when you get out, ever getting a decent job, hell you might get denied lease on apartments if they run background check
get a lawyer and get your records sealed
I really didn't think anyone was going to get that one. Thanks user!