Porn addict general. How do I stop watching porn?
Porn addict general. How do I stop watching porn?
I'm on 7 days nofap, and feeling great. You have to put enough distance between you and fap/porn to see if abstaining is beneficial, if it is you'll want to stay away from it more and won't be as tempted.
Made it to day 8 recently. That's the longest I've gone in forever
My problem is so much of my life revolves around electronic devices where it's so easy to get access to porn. I'm trying to work on solving this but it basically involves developing hobbies and interests to take up the 8 or so hours a day minimum where I'm on a computer. Avoiding porn means facing my miserable life, which makes me sad, which makes me turn back to things like porn as a distraction.
>Avoiding porn means facing my miserable life, which makes me sad, which makes me turn back to things like porn as a distraction.
I feel you, I'm a NEET so I have to struggle with my base desires all day. I almost broke sunday as the boredom and self loathing got to me, but for once I couldn't bring myself to fap because I've been feeling so much better lately partially because of not jacking off, so I worked out instead. You just have to take it one day at a time and have enough nofap streaks to where you can see the benefits and no longer want to go back to feeling more shitty.
You got to stop. simply that. You just don't do it, it doesn't need to be more complicated. All the pain and urging you feel is illusory. A neat trick is to get angry/induce rage every time you get an urge that gets close to fulfilling it. If you feel the need.
>not even addict
>penis is not working anymore
if i quit porn and fapping will i stop getting hard to traps and having hocd thoughts?
not necessarily. I had a month long no-fap before. Traps made me harder and I literally started to crave cock instead. No-fap can very well make you gayer and give you thoughts you never had before
I really don't get it. Ever since I was 12-13 I've been fapping to straight porn just fine. It was just until now (19) that I looked at trap/trans porn and got hard from it. Am I gay? Or am I just fabricating the idea that a trap would show more interest in me since I've gotten none from women throughout my life? I tried watching gay porn to see if I was gay but it did nothing for me.
Not in my experience. You shouldn't hate yourself for having these fetishes though, you don't have to embrace them, simply acknowledge them and manage them according to your values.
I've pretty much accepted that I'm probably bi, but I still want to live a heterosexual lifestyle because it seems more fulfilling. Just follow your heart and shit.
fuck dude, I just wished i never looked at porn in the first place then this wouldn't have happened
I know what you mean, but at the same time I'm glad I've grown to appreciate the finer aspects of homosexuality and various other fetishes. I'm just happy I never fucked any dudes before I realized how dumb that would be.
spend a month wagecuking and tell me about wasted time
I just worry that I'll eventually get to the point where women don't do it for me anymore. I don't have anything against gays but I really hope I'm not gay. I couldn't survive in that world.
>I couldn't survive in that world.
lol you'd be fine. At the end of the day we like what we like, woman are no more attractive than men objectively, its merely our perceptions and taste that decide who we like. Follow your heart.
I want to like women thought. If it does turn out that I am a fully fledged gay I'll just repress it till I die.
lol same. But I think that's simply because we do like woman and the thought of being without seems pointless. Hang in there kid. Focus on getting your life together and building confidence, then try your hand at dating and see what works for you.
>tfw 20 days nofap and I just want to suck a cock
wth was I tricked
I think this is more common than you might think. I've also been curious with trap stuff. I've even done butt stuff myself just to try it out. I don't hate myself for it though. I think it's pretty normal even for a straight male like myself.
Your brain starts craving new shit man. That's the problem. That's also why some porn addicts can't get hard with a real girl once their sad asses finally get the change to lose their virginity.
I'm limiting myself to lewd pictures of non-naked women
If it turns out that doing so just makes me even more horny since my brain connects clothed women with TIME TO JACK OFF, I'll stop but so far it's been working better than looking for that one perfect video or whatever since I'm also limiting myself to 10 images that I've saved on my phone
I fap to images of clothed porn stars instead.
Try praying op
>for once
It'll come back though. I can't count the number of times I've quit "for once"
lmao if you like traps and cock then you're bi
straight guys don't "turn gay" from porn
4.5 months here.
First thing you have to do is avoid boards where people post porn pics for at least 3 months such as this one.
The first 2 months are absolute hell trying to quit porn. You have to fight through the pain and try to get to 3 months. After that it becomes way easier because the pain goes away and the craving for porn becomes way weaker. Even images posted here don't affect me anymore because I block them and blur them out.
You'd be surprised. Keep watching porn, and at some point you'll start liking cute traps. It happens to everybody.
Is there some software you use? How often do you masturbate?
I don't masturbate anymore. Originally.
Tfw you are on a half year streak
Your sex drive dies down after a few months. The first couple weeks are hard
That's fine. The important thing is these guys know they are headed down the wrong path with porn and which is leading them to want to do weird sex acts.
Just because you're bi doesn't justify having sex with men, you still have to make smart decisions that make you feel good about yourself.
I cannot comprehend what you're saying. Go back to whatever website you came here from
How to avoid the temptation to just look and see if my categories have any new uploads.
I always say "I'll just see if there is anything new, watch it but not jerk off"
That never ends up happening. My brain jews me into it and habit takes over
Don't blame your brain. It's your own inner jew
the jew is me
How do I just become asexual without cutting off my balls
why would you want that?
I hear sex can be pretty fun
Just wait like 60 years. Sometime in your 80's or 90's the whole thing shuts down. You might have to wait until your 100's, though. Even 90yo men can be thirsty perverts
That's fine, its an ongoing battle, I just need to fap less, not never again.
I'll probably never have it and it causes more problems in distractions, time waste, energy and mood swings than any benefit of pleasure
I'd like to not watch porn ever again though
>I cannot comprehend what you're saying.
I know, its some next level shit. I agree that we may very well be bi, but I think that we also can feel that going down the path of faggotry won't make us happy or fulfilled, so we are distancing ourselves from it, just like one would do with junk food.
>durr next level
It sounds like some tumblr hogwash faggoty memespeak bullcrap
tfw you are such a porn addict when you go to college you literally have an erection every time you see a chic
Larping as a NatSoc helped me for awhile im not even pure or anything but they pushed for ending degeneracy and are a great role model for the being honorable and ditching porno which is a jewish industry that somehow evades prostitution laws
>larping as a natsoc
The world is a funny place