Why do black subhumans like about their penis size?

Why do black subhumans like about their penis size?

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you realize most blacks don't live like that right? that's probably the worse example of African culture you can cherry pick.

it's the only thing they've got.

Lie* not like

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And they haven't even got it.

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I hope you don't have these saved to your computer anons.

Why not? What do you have against SBC?

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The one on the left would make for a god tier trap

lolololol that's what i was thinking but thought it too strange of a thought process to post it

They do have slightly higher rates of megalophallus because it's a side effect of sickle cell, which they also have more of. It makes their average slightly higher than the white average, the mean practically the same, but on the extreme end there are way more BBCs than BWCs.

Source: I'm a penis scientist.

I'm only a penis amateur but I heard it's because they tend to accumulate less fat in the mons pubis, thus it juts out more
I think it's the shape of his face and skull, it's very small and feminine, very delicate; this guy has a bit of that, but his hips are too narrow and the chicken legs give the impression he has zero buttcheeks



No. Completely wrong. The reason is because they are more likely to suffer from sickle cell anemia. Other than that they are no bigger than whites.

Yep. This guy knows his shit.

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Well keep in mind that the world's largest is white.

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there aren't way more bbcs than BWCs. bwc is not even that rare.

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brb injecting myself with anemia virus


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Black subhuman no answer

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I wouldn't bet on it. This guy is clearly bigger than Jonah, for example: i.4pcdn.org/pol/1498240296248.webm

And it's all unconfirmed and unverified anyway. It's not impossible for the biggest one to be white, but the odds are low with how many blacks there are in Africa.

yeah and there are huge white dicks too

Attached: tumblr_n5cux6PLNv1qbwslto1_400.gif (313x294, 1.9M)

This guy from r9k is as big as that

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Thats a disease though
The skin around the dick keeps growing and growing
There was a mexican dude with the same thing with a 12 inch dick
But 8 of those were skin
Jonah has an actual dick

No. Sickle cell dicks are actually functional. They are more prone to ED though. That guy does have a giant functional dick. Sickle cell only affects 1 in 365 blacks though. It's recessive and can also be deadly.

if we're going by futa hentai standards its average

No it's not.

That's not how statistics works.

Does it matter? At what point does it become a genetic freak accident, and what counts as a "real" big dick?

Yeah it depends, some get ED and some don't. That's 1 in 365 American blacks btw, it's different in Africa. Some parts of Africa have much higher occurrences of sickle cell.

yes it is. some studies have shown white men as bigger than black men

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why do summerfags like OP spam the spam thread everyday?

Yes it is. God damn how much of a cuck faggot nigger worshipper can one man be? What us the point for arguing for your own inferiority? Are you retarded? This is why whites are dying off because of cucks like you.Learn about the power of suggestion you retarded goyim.

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The only way to fight the kike is with facts on our side, friend. You're telling me racial dick differences aren't real, are you going to tell me racial IQ differences aren't real either?

Are we seriously having a fucking discussion about black dicks?

Yes. They're not real other than blacks having sickle cell which is a statistical anomaly. Other than that blacks are average. The largest dicks ever are white. The BBC hoax was created by Jews to kill the white race so by promoting it you are killing your own race.

Because a skin dick is useless. I have no idea how this dude even cleans himself. How can it even be sexually used.
As for the general discussion, the size meme is honestly out of hand. I've seen way too much amateur porn and dick in general to fall for it. Honestly it's really sick how blindly people perpetuate negative stereotypes about themselves without ever realizing they're false.

this guy looks about the same as that guy

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they look pretty cool desu
kinda like a vydia game enemy

>Yes. They're not real other than blacks having sickle cell which is a statistical anomaly. Other than that blacks are average.
>The BBC hoax

Do you not understand how these two things contradict each other? How can it be real and a hoax at the same time?

Because the idea is that all blacks have larger dicks but the truth is only a very small fraction which suffer from this disease. There's also the false assumption that it has something to do with blacks being more masculine or having higher testosterone when the truth is its just a blood disorder. 1 in 365 is not every nigger, period. How is a tiny fraction of black men having giant dicks the same as every single one like the cuck propagandists claim?

I never said every nigger. But the fact of the matter is that when you get to the extreme end, there are more black dick (per capita) because of sickle cell. You say it's a tiny fraction, but it's a bigger fraction than for white people. There's probably some truth to the testosterone stuff too, whites are so filled with onions our T levels are through the floor.

You ever seen a White dude talking to an Asian chick?

Attached: Creepy white guys4.png (500x143, 32K)

Yet the guys like white pony are just as big as mandingo.

Actually according to this study blacks have more estrogen which explains their lack of bodyhairbody hair. Stop being a cuck. Take the nofap red pill and stop shilling for nigger dominance.You are the cuckold you are talking shit about. Speak for yourself.


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Can someone explain the things they are wearing? African culture is so fucking cool

Are those white white spots/beads on the right guys leg similar to what killmonger had?

Native African culture is just so radically different from contemporary norms, like even the people being naked doesnt seem to bother me like Ancient Greek statues/culture doesnt