I want yall to realize this dude got accused of torturing his pregnant gf, beating her to a pulp...

I want yall to realize this dude got accused of torturing his pregnant gf, beating her to a pulp, and shoving a pitchfork up her vag and he still had legions of millions of fan girls despite all that.

The secret is making music. Make a few songs and get girls to listen to it and if they like it they'll fall for you

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based roastie torturer

Those were accusations that he denied, and hes otherwise a likeable person so its no surprise girls liked him, all they had to do was believe his side of the story.

Prove it

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so uh .. literally who

Yeah, he also punched cumskins in the face and hang their kids on his music videos
How can a guy be so based?

The allegations are true. Read here: pitchfork.com/thepitch/xxxtentacions-reported-victim-details-grim-pattern-of-abuse-in-testimony/

He's fucking sick. But at the same time she deserved it. All these fucking whores deserve this it's what they want.

>The reported victim met XXXTentacion online and went to a movie theater with him once before she attended on his shows in late May 2016. On that particular evening, he came up from behind her in the crowd, grabber neck, and walked away silently. Later that same night, he hugged her and invited her to a party at the house where he was living in North Miami. At the house, he told her he liked her and suggested she could move in with him. The next day, she left her ex-boyfriend's place and began cohabitating with XXXTentacion.

> The first incident of domestic violence occurred about two weeks later. He slapper her and broke her iPhone 6S, because she had complimented a male friend on his new jewelry. (XXXTentacion later repaired the phone.) Later that day, XXXTentacion left the room and returned with two grilling implements--a "barbecue pitchfork" and a "barbecue cleaner," she said--and told her to pick between them, because he was going to put one of them in her vagina. She chose the fork. He told her to undress. He was lightly dragging the tool against her inner thigh when she passed out. He did not penetrate her with it.

>Then, XXXTentacion head-butted her, punched her, stomped on her, and put her in the bathtug, where he continued hitting and kicking her. "He also wanted to cut out my tongue because I was singing the song," she said. She tried to run away down the street. He tackled her, causing her head to hit the pavement. She suffered black eyes, a lump on the back of her head, scratch marks, bruises, including a large bruise on her ankle where he stomped her.

He was just a fucking piece of shit. I'm glad he's been executed.

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Why are you trying to appeal to a tuvan eyepiece-sharing board with the argument that he did bad stuff to a woman. This board fucking hates women. The only answers you'll get are; "good" or "she was probably lying the roastie bitch"

why do you give a shit anyway? His music is garbage and people get shot everyday, nothing made him special except that he was a personality.

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>The allegations are true.

So you were there?

I'm not saying he didn't do it, but its still he said she said so you can't blame people for taking either side.

I think many women are willing to get beaten to retain a super high-status male. That's the way it is sadly.

She deserved it, she could've left at any moment but didn't and I don't even care about this nigger.

I'd go as far as to say woman are more attracted to men who are likely to abuse them. Their attraction to dominant tough guy behavior leads them to these kind of men.

Popular music is nihilistic trash, it has been for over a century. We shouldn't expect any different from the people who have internalized it.

> tfw u realise America has a whole nother level of nigra rappers that nobody else in the world has heard of it.

>believing anything a crazy roastie says

Fuck off

>its still he said she said

Except for the photos. And except for the fact that the guy was also facing charges for home invasion and assault in another matter. And except for the fact that when called out on Twitter, he told people he was mad at that he would rape their sisters.

it's truly disgusting isn't it?

The $ecret i$n't the mu$ic senpai. I think it'$ $omething el$e.....

>Except for the photos.

His side of the story is that she got jumped and blamed him, which explains the photos, assuming hes not lying of course.

And yeah home invasion is fucked up, but honestly most rappers have done far worse, X is being targeted because he's alleged to have hurt woman and gays. Don't get it twisted, this has nothing to do with being morally upright, if his victims were heterosexual males no one would be saying shit.

No,the secret is abusing women, that is why they liked him.

what proof is there of these allegations?why can we trust this source?

Look at the distance between them. Bitch is a clout chaser and racist at the same time. Won't get in closer or anything

The girl's statement to the police. The guy has a bunch of convictions already and is a pycho. And the girl has visible marks and bruises on her body.

Other people have given statements to the police too.

There are multiple people who gave statements to the police regarding this. Lots of witnesses.

He didn't stick it up her but he abused her very badly.

>a woman said it so it must be true

>people honestly think a nigger dindu nuffin
This is standard nigger behavior.

Okay he was a bad person
Oh fucking well
The horse is literally dead

Except that he had an unique voice and style. Remade the entire trap music to fit his standarts and lived a true guetto life. Not like you who are probably retarded

>lived the true ghetto life
user, he was a criminal, abusive, callous degenerate, drug-abusing rapper. His work was a product, not art, and people wonder why violence seemed to follow him around.

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He just punched her in the face and besides, she cheated on him with Chad.

>roastie unironically drops her boyfriend in 24 hours to move in with a guy because he's successful and rich

>he told people he was mad at that he would rape their sisters.
Holy fuck, was he /ourguy/?

he beat a gay man to within an inch of his life in prison. i hope it was a gay man who pulled the trigger and capped his ass

he beat up a gay man, that same one that tried to rape him in prison.

She wasn't even Pregnant .

>he beat a gay man to within an inch of his life in prison
Too bad he didn't follow through.

X did nothing wrong unironically

>shoving a pitchfork up her vag

jesus christ
every time people tell this story they reach a little more
next they'll say he perfomed her abortion himself with a garden rake

a gay man who was a criminal. he was, after all, in prison.

if you're so outraged because of one criminal getting beat why are you happy for another criminal getting shot to death?

I will be happen when rap "music" dies off.

>great post
Couldn't have said it better myself.
>Thanks for posting user we need more people like you on this website.

I honestly feel obliged to call you a cuck if you're willing to go to that level of mental gymnastics to believe the nigger's side of the story.

Key word accused. And if you actually followed that story, you know she was full of shit, she even got caught bullshiting.

Who gives a fuck about some random bartarded nigger?

looks like a trap. look at that big adam's apple on "her" neck.

Holy shit why are all x fans underage retards
He could start a genocide and you'd say he got a good heart vro it da streets and his upbringing
Piece of shit glad he got a drive by
Out of all the soundckouders who sound the same at least they were just harmless druggie tards
This guy was a absolute nigger

I don't believe either side, I'm willing to admit that I don't know shit because I wasn't there, which is why I'm not gonna celebrate his death off of accusations.

Even if he did do it, I'll still miss the good in him.

> have a whole fucking mixtape
> still autistic khv joke of a human

Working on it i think i got the basic catchy relatable sad shit down

Nick Mullen on a podcast about Hollywood pedophilia made a great observation about Charlie Rose being naked and calling girls into his room, because of what he does determines his actions whereas if someone like Ozzy Osbourne did it, everyone would have the "that's just how he is" attitude.

Other examples are despite Roman Polanski getting a pass from Hollywood he's seen as scum by the public and law enforcement. But David Bowie fucked a 13 year old girl for a while when he was in his late 20s then she went on to be Jimmy Page's girlfriend at 15.

Music really does give you a pass strangely enough that is superior to other high status occupations.

Toll status? Yeah that shits been paid

>her then-ex-boyfriend

she deserved it, literal scum

also the nigger deserved being shot to death

basically justice has been served

That means he's guilty.

I know who killed XXXTentacion

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No one cares that she got caught lying. Hes black so they hate him. The end.

lol, dumped her boyfriend to move in with his xxxtentaction after knowing him for less than 24 hours

That's a sexy bitch