Achievable natty?

Achievable natty?

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LOL at the photo! Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

excuse me

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No. Not even achievable with roids. Has to be shopped.

Easily obtainable within a year with proper nutrition and training desu

troll spotted

Too easy. Aim a little higher, kiddo.


Yeah that's basically what I look like as a two year natty. The secret is to do SS+GOMAD for a year, but THEN cut afterwards. People usually forget to cut afterwards so that's why they don't look like the pic. I did intermittent fasting and keto for my cut, hope that helps.

post body

this cunt coiuldnt even make his train if he had to run 2minutes for it

this isn't even achievable natty

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if you have to ask, the answer is no.

KEK at photoshopping his wedding ring off

that is achievable natty. lift for four years by clean bulking



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The irony

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goal body, except for the tattoo

uh huh sure...

it's summer again

Absolutely not.


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yeah dude just do gomad for 2 years


u fukin joking m8?


Yes, 2 months lifting

I've been lifting for two and a half weeks now and already look better than that

post body

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Natty btw

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200 months maybe

Found the spotter!


Yes. If you have semi-good genetics you should be able to get this physique in 3 years of hard training.