>good friends with girl
>feel like shit today
>try to talk to her why
>she doesnt even take afew minutes to talk to me about it
>she gets annoyed when i tell her that made me feel worse
i dont understand how girls think
Good friends with girl
>Being "friends" with a girl who doesn't want to fuck you
She hates you, user. She finds weak, pitiful men like yourself absolutely disgusting.
well that kinda sucks then :(
>good friends with girl
theres your mistake. don't you guys ever learn?
Imagine being such a beta cuck you not only try to befriend women but you're emotionally vulnerable around them.
I don't think that you're good friends with hat girl. While I would say that this isn't "because she's a girl", in this case, it feels like she's using you as an emotional crutch without actually providing the same for you. Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your friendship with this particular girl.
Imagine being so bitter that you can't treat women like human beings.
A little upset there arent you? Looks like I struck a nerve. Women aren't your friends. They openly joke about how they get free rides, food, money, and service from men with nothing given in return. Unless they want to fuck you, they're using you.
Nah, don't flatter yourself. But thank you for your advice, I'm sure some rando on Jow Forums knows what's REALLY going on with all women.
I'm not incel if thats what you're implying. It took being around females and normal people and having relationships to truely inform me on the nature of extroverts and shameless immorality practiced by them
Ofc, I'm sure you're an expert on subject ;^)
Imagine being such a combination of stupid, ugly and fat that you can't even become friends with a girl, let alone become romantically attached to one. Imagine being so bitter about this that you literally see half of the worlds population as not even worth talking to, all because you probably got rejected by a Stacy in highschool.
I'm not even mad, i just feel pity for you bruv.
Being vulnerable around women is a mistake. Men too unless you're close.
I know how you feel user.
>tfw tell gf I am feeling lonely because no friends
>she breaks up with me the next day
i swear women have no souls
Well yeah. You essentially just told your GF she's not good enough to make you feel not lonely. Are you mentally retarded or something? No wonder you have no friends and now no girlfriend lmfao
I'm a 24 year old high school teacher and have been in long terms with 3 different females during my life, once in high school, twice during my years of college. They all were started and ended by females I met through my social circle. I hung around people and went to parties and all that stuff. My best friend was a mathematics major who was very good with women and helped me out a lot.
The first relationship lasted all 4 years of college, she was a nerdy bookish girl with a thing for the cold war and grunge music. She took my virginity after 6 months of being together. She broke up with me before college because it was far apart and she wasn't ready for real commitment and didn't want to miss out.
Second relationship lasted a year and a half and was with a girl I met through my chad friend at a beach gathering. We bonded over hip hop. She left me when she decided we weren't in love anymore. She immediately hooked back up,
Third relationship was with someone else who wanted to be a teacher. She was there with me until graduation. We met when she approached me in the library and said I was oddly quiet despite what I looked like. She broke up with me and immediately hooked up with another man from another school and would frequently call me up when she wanted help with her house or car. I stayed friends with her until she cut contact suddenly. I had sex with her twice during that time.
I've only had hook ups since. These were all girls I wanted to marry, but they treated me as wallets and personal servants.
I'm aspie but have my personal ancedotes.
With the first one I meant high school.
Its a more complex story than I am willing to explain here. My point was more along the line of OP, showing that women typically have zero empathy and, yes, i would agree with other posters in this thread that showing vulnerability as a male leads to female resentment.
Tldr i dont care bout your gay origin story friendo, especially since you started the conversation by talking about how women are worthless lmao go crawl back in your MGTOW cave, maybe they'll relate to your feels
I called op worthless, women are just abusing What they're given by people like him.
>this one bad thing happened to me with a girl, my anecdotal evidence is proof women don't have emotions
Can you at least try to understand why i can't take your stupid fucking opinions seriously?
>bait poastin this hard
Keyword "typically"
There is no denying the majority of the female population are roastie scum
You could just say the majority of people are scum and id agree with you, the fact you have to single out women is what reveals you to be a bitter sperg, and that's why I'm laughing at you cretins
society is trained to sweep men's problems aggressively under the rug.
they're writing books about it, no one gives a shit.
society is ego-centric and women's egos are allowed to run wild, so everyone is focused on the female ego right now.
if a guys ego gets too crazy, eventually some alpha beats his ass.
i don't think women are ever humbled.
lost to that comic
>white knighting for women you will never meet or fuck
Whos the cuck now?
It's not all girls, some of my girl friends are super sweet and always willing to listen and help
But then others just tell you what to feel and get mad at you when it doesn't work
>I don't hate women
Compelling argument my bitter incel friend
>well that kinda sucks then
sort of, but being weak and pathetic is not an advantageous behavior in potential mates. you can be glad that you ancestors werent like you, or you would be even worse.
Did she ask how you were doing? After, did she offer to hear out your issues? All I read in this greentext was you being rude af and indignant about it.
What did you lose to that comic? Do we need to go beat it up user?!