New one because old one is about to 404

How long should a cut be? I’ve been cutting for 2 months and I feel like I’ve been at it for too long.

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After lifting, what pros/cons are there to running two miles at 8:00 pace. I used to be a cross runner in college but have been lifting for half a year without any extra cardio. Decided to toss some back in because it’s easy and feels good.

Which headphones do you guys use thinking of buying some.

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Pros: That's an OK pace if you're not competing. Cardio is healthy for you, regardless of what Jow Forums will tell you.
Cons: It's not 7:00/mile?

Used to put down ten milers at 6:45 during summer mileage. Think I might start training for the 400 and 800 now that I’ve gotten a lot more powe in me. Either that or go back to nordic skiing. Idk. But thanks, I’ll up the tempo and mileage as I get back into things. Would like to avoid another stress fracture.

I shoot, I run, and I snowboard and ski (alpine). I did a biathlon clinic and got mogged by 50 and 60-year-olds. That shit's no fucking joke.

For the 8:16 intermittent fasting thing....does it mean absolutely no intake except water during the "16" part? Sometimes I eat an apple during the 16 and I always have my protein powder right before brushing teeth and going to bed. Does that ruin it?

Haha it really isn’t. Wish the world had more snow so it’d be more popular. Not to suck my own dick, but I’ve been a nordic skier my whole life and it’s paid dividends ten-fold. The girls are all beautiful and smart, the bros are (no homo) amazing bros, you get cardio, strength, agility, balance, you name it. And nothing is more sexy than watching a professional nordic race. It’s beautiful. I honestly consider it greatest sport, but I’m biased of course.

Decided to finally buy some powerlifting shoes. What's the difference between the $90 pairs and the $190 pairs?
Any personal preferences?

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IF I eat 3 mars bars and then do enough excersises to burn off the calories, is that the same as having not eaten those 3 mars bars?

From a quick glance, it looks like the brand name is what you’re paying for, dearer might be better quality and last a lottos longus bet I don’t really see any difference between them other than name and price.

Stick them
in your ass

Cheap ones aroundd $20, make sure they there hook kind so that they stay in your ear better

Can I workout 3 different times a day. I usually do biceps/back with chin/neutral grip ups(4 sets) in the morning. Abs with hanging leg raises(4sets) mid day and dips(also 4 sets) at night. Starting with just BW right now(I'm 190 lb 5'10) but gonna add 20 lb vest later on. Should I do all this at once or is doing them separately the same? Also, anyone have recommendations to this routine?

Due to schedule changes I now have to lift at night after 11pm. I used to do a AxBxCxx full body routine. The issue ia that my gym closes earlier on weekends and I now have to do ABxCxxx. Will this cause any issues?

>I need new shoes so I can lift weights.
That's a pathetic reason to buy yourself a new pair of shoes but anyways there isn't any high tech innovation in the more expensive model. It's literally brand and looks.

perfectly fine to do them separately.
Would recommend Pike stretch and seated leg lifts prior to hanging leg raises if you cant straighten your knees fully.
Chin ups might progress to L-chin ups which are harder on your back.

T b h assuming you are a beginner the most important thing is to use full range of motion, and to not go too fast. Really stopping at a dead hang at the bottom of the pull up.

nah you aren't working at your maximal effort like some prisoner in Auschwitz. You can keep it up for 2-3 months before a deload week if you do those

Would you recommend extending my arms completely or as much as possible? I get a lot of pain in my elbows when I'm 100% at a dead hang. I can do over 20 if I go fast and just get my chin above the bar but can do around 10-15 when I do really good ones

If only I knew how, even at this very late time, the people who do know how bad it is can rationalize to themselves not handing that information to me to deal with in my own way
>swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today

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usually I would recommend to extend your elbows completely, but having pain is a good reason to use partial range of motion.
I really hate fast pull ups. You are doing quite a lot of reps. You could up the difficulty by going double shoulder width grip 3-6 reps or bulgarian pull ups 3-6 reps. Lower reps because those are much harder.

Thanks bro

There ARE differences.
Powerlifts are lower than Adipowers or Nike's Romeleo.
Heel high aside, there is an enormous quality in material. powerlifts are made out of evo foam and the rest of the shoe is plastic. Some other shoes are made from plastics for the heel, and leather for the rest of the shoe.
Now th only important thing to consider is really heel high. If you have poor ankle or hips mobility, you might prefer higher shoes than the powerlift. Also, the evo foam won't last as long as some other (though you'll still keep them for years).
Also, be careful of the size. If you can put them on beforehand, and not just buy online, it's better. powerlift for instance tends to be kinda smaller in size than regular shoes.

you know too much about powerlifting shoes

I got the $7 mid price range ones at Walmart and they're great. The $4 ones are trash.

>bulk at 1lb a week for 27 weeks
>lifts improve but not by as much as i want
>physique improves but not as much as i want
>~18% time to cut
>start cut aiming for -2lb a week
>lifts stall or decrease by 10-20% within 2 months
>not losing weight fast enough to make up for lost strength
>lost 3 months of progress
>bulking again
>back to 18% bf and even weaker than i was the first time i was this weight

what the fuck. how do i get past this?

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I do. I bought one pair a few month ago so I googled everything I could find about them in order not to waste my money. This is basically what I remember.

Sup everyone!
I'm gonna fly from France to Korea. I'm gonna spend nearly a whole day in airports and planes. Do you know how much calories there are in basic airplane meals?
Also, in Korea, any tips on what to eat and not eat to get enough protein?


I can't do squats for shit. Is it worth me using a sissy squats station thing or am I sending my knees to snap city in them?
>tfw I will never have sexy pic related thighs.

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bulk: +.25lb/week
cut: -1lb/week

Which one should i buy? Both claim the same value 25 protein, 16 fats 16 carbs and no sugar per 100g, are they probably lying?

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read ss and do squats 3x5 3x/week and you'll learn them

If im 5'7 170 cm 144 lbs 65 kg 13% bf?, how much weight shluldwi expect to lose every week at a -500 tdee deficit?

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Should * sorry phone keyboard

I'm a big fan of sushi bc they got the carbs, the protein, the healthy fats and the veggies. Maybe you should use a calorie counting app, they're very useful

cut till you are not fat anymore

you're more like 10% and you shouldn't lose weight.
>muh calculations
they aren't that accurate. It's time to bulk
500 cal deficit means dropping 1lb/week or 2kg/month

Why would you lose weight? You're quite skinny. Bulk up for two years, aim to put on 10kg within two years to avoid too much fat.

I want even more definition, just a few more 2-3 kg then bulk, ok thanks for answer and advice, ill star bulking in 3-5 weekS

See thanks

my dad has a replaced knee and his other one is fooked

also some muslim doc did a surgery on his feet where he took pie slice shaped chunks of the bones leading to the toes on each of his feet when he was 14

really fuckered his feet up quite nasty dude's 6'6 and his feet are size 9 but they grew all fucked like, his toes barely touch ground and shit

is there any lifts that he might be able to do?

also any medfags that might have any info regarding this? every doc he's ever seen said "that's fucked" and he's never been able understand any of it.

Also you recommend me for bulk + 500 tdee only isnt?

>squat at 2 plate
>deadlift at 255

Is this normal?

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Any good exercises/stretches for lower back? It feels tight and the pain gradually builds. Its on my right lower back and its usually felt when I bend towards my left pinky toe.

What are you saying?

Also gaining the less fat possible

i’ll try eating less for slower gains... the reason i switched from bulking was because my lifts plateaued and i was still gaining weight (on top of being 18% bf)

I was asking if for bulk is just tdee +500 or maybe 250 or 750? To not gain fat

exceedingly normal

upper body lifts shouldn’t be affected, and progress slowly on anything lower body. if he experiences pain then find a physical therapist

I'm trying to count calories, but I am having trouble counting calories when I go out to eat at restaurants with no nutrition facts. If I go get tacos or something How should you calculate calories? guess the mass of all the ingredients on them? I try to look online for estimations but they vary greatly.

Okay thanks, just worried cause a lot of people's DLs seem so ahead of their squats..

why is your back hurting?
get stronger core/glutes
also dead hangs can help

Not sure. I didn't pull anything or noticed an injury. It was just tight one day, the pain isn't horrible, I'm still able to box at top performance. I thought my glutes and core are pretty strong but I'll look into doing more stuff for them.

not sure what tdee is, but I'd just measure my weight and make sure I make the 5kg gain pr year.

Ok thanks

oh yeah upper body he's jacked for and i expect no problems, shoulda specified i spose

as far as a pt we're equally broke so that's a no go. was hoping that there may be some other anons who've worked on /dadlifts/ in a similar condition as his.

absolutely any calories at all breaks your fast.

5 months on SS.
+500kcal a day
from 76kg to 84kg


I'VE BEEN STUCK AT 12.5% body fat since the day i started. And i fear i'm missing a lot of gains.

I cannot eat more, there's SO MUCH you can stuff your mouth with. After that i get nausea.
AND the days i do cardio it's even worse, i have to ad another 650 kcal to my 3000kcal daily diet. That's another 1 liter of milk alone.


Gomad means that every 1.5 hours you have to empty 2 liters of fluid from your bladder. That's not viable, i can't go to piss every 90 minutes.

I'm already eating ~180grams protein a day.

Should i just try swallowing lumps of butter?

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Are there any good apps for keeping track of workouts/lifts while doing them?
Just like stronglifts, but with the options to put any number of lifts (which you may be able to name) and set their rep and set range.

How do I get better at doing rows?

It feels really hard to get the right posture and exert force from the right muscles, and the posture itself looks so precarious.

Is MyFitnessPal good for tracking macros? Or what should I use

seated rows

I'm on month 2 of doing SL again. After 4-6 more months, or whenever I need to switch to a new program, could I switch to another LP program? or do another type? I was thinking of doing GSLP or Canditos LP/hypotrophy.

Will it just be to difficult to increase weight with a LP? I was thinking of just adding 5 pounds to the lifts every other week or so to compromise. Or is it better to just do another routine more focused for intermediate?

It won't work. The whole point of LPs is that they really only function when you're able to train, recover and improve in a 48 hour period. Outside of that things start to fall apart.

Don't UL do something similar?

Is Aldi protein powder any good or should I look elsewhere?
KZ ed2

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I'm looking to add more hamstring stuff to leg day. If I can squat 3pl8 for 6 reps, what weight should I start at for RDL?
My flexibility's very poor fwiw, I have to warm up to touch my toes, and I need weight on the bar to get below parallel when squatting.

I need help with classifying Kamina's body type. He seems ottermode but those pecs say built. Can any of you help a guy out?

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I am, but considering I'll be eating out for 8 days I'll only get a rough estimate. I'm bilking so I'm not too much concern about the exact number, but I'd like not to go over the top...

Does someone have the link to that YT video with a guy showing how to fix your spine? It was an old video, home filmed, where he showed some set of exercises where you have to lean your back against the wall and perform a set of exercises.

So this is 10% or not yet

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Are full body routines legit? My friends tell me that they won't work because you aren't hitting the muscle groups hard enough on any given day as you would with a PPL or an Upper/ Lower.

But at the same time I read on here that they are well worth doing, especially for beginners and people targeting 1/2/3/4. I'm just so confused

They're legit.

They aren't the only effective way to train but they work. The problems tend to come from people who like the advantages of full body (simpler, more focused workouts and higher frequency on each muscle) but refuse to put in the effort required to get the job done (if you're only doing one movement per muscle in each session and three sessions a week.... you have to hit that movement like it insulted your old lady. You can't coast and rely on sheer volume to get results unless you like living in the gym).

Thats good, I'm still a bit confused by the frequency v volume discussion as in my head I can't imagine that a single exercise per muscle is enough to promote growth compared to 2 or 3, but I guess like you said its a matter of effort put into that exercise.

Your nipples make me uneasy

It's a matter of effort, volume and frequency. Or more accurately the sum of those three against your ability to recover. Pretty much any reasonable combination of the three works provided you end up with a similar amount of actual effort being done. The big failures with full body training are lazy fucks who think three easy sets one and a half times a week will match up to the people committing a veritable weightroom assault once per week.

The big thing about muscle growth is, once you've done enough to actually trigger it, the returns from any individual session start to drop off fast. Doubling your work might only get you 10% more gains (numbers entirely pulled out of my arse). But if you're using that reduced workload to train more often you can come out ahead. Now that isn't ideal for everyone (some people have joint recovery issues for example and so are better off doing more in one session because they're going to be fucked for days either way, some people are so strong that the time and energy required to do heavy work on a bunch of big lifts is kind of prohibitive, some people are at the point where the work required to get any gains is so high that they need a lot of recovery time. There's a million other reasons something may or may not be optimal) but it's a good starting point.

Yeah thats why i'm looking at Full Body anyway, i'm only able to get to the gym reliably 3 days a week at the moment, so in that time i'm looking to do the most efficent workout possible, which obviously isn't targetting a single or two muscle groups once per week.

>The big thing about muscle growth is, once you've done enough to actually trigger it, the returns from any individual session start to drop off fast.

This is probably the main thing for me though, i'm still weak with regards to lifts so I may as well go with full body. Cheers man

You are making good progress
how does 1 gallon 3.785411784 L of milk make you piss out 32L?

For those of you with visible abs, what is your routine for training them? I'm not sure if i'm training them enough to make them look good. Also i'm still cutting to get to a low bf%, thanks in advance!

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Seen you post your body multiple times like this in multiple threads - and always from this dumb angle in the light. Just post a normal pic then people can critique you properly - and stop being so fucking obsessed dude.

Damm you are right sorry, ill be easy from now on

I have fucked up ratio of limbs to core. I'm 6'1 but my reach is 80 inches and I have similiar issue with my legs so I have really wak high-bar squat.

This in mind I just bought specifically squatting shoes with higher heel and do deadlifting bare footed.

So for bulk i have to eat TDEE + 500 ? can be +250 or even +750 to more gains or it will be stored as fat ? +500 is the true deal? it will be clean ? what do for clean and not gain fat

+500 kcal is enough, more will make you just gain fat

and at +500 you wont gain fat?


That wasn't me but im french in korea and my name is Paul. Who are you ?

Paul here. Studied in montpellier, spent some time in china.

Yesterday I got myself the "complete guide to fasting" by Dr. Fung and it was a good read.

I was wandering if there is a go-to, science based book about meditation? Is there some guy in the meditation "scene" that is like a father to the craft that has brought researched the subject and formulated a simple guide for the normal people.

>Pic for attention.

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No because that’s shit is still in your bloodstream.
Every 10 grams of sugar removes 20 seconds of life force
Enjoy having moved 2 minutes closer to death.

What's a fast and easy way to find the clitoris? I don't want to ask every time.

Did I fuck up? What should I say? For the record she's not super fat she's like 125 lb and could maybe lose like 10.

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Yikes. You were supposed to say something like "come on over then" you retard.

Hi mom

>girl says she needs to lose weight
>clearly just fishing for self esteem boosting complements and has no plan to go the gym
>yeah babe go to the gym don't come over and suck my cock
user, I...

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You basically called her fat user

Put some rough grit sandpaper between your fingers and go to town. I promise you'll find it

cut 'til you look good.

homegym master race lifting without music.

it's a meme, don't do it, unless you're small and skipping a meal helps you not eat so fucking much and actually have reasonably-satisfying portions when you do eat.
according to the meme, avoid calories. which means water allowed. some morons believe that even artificial sweeteners or caffeine break the fast, which is nonsense, and some believers in the meme will take bcaa before workouts, which do contain calories so how they reconcile their bullshit beliefs is a matter of mental gymnastics.

they're all crutches. unless you compete, go without them. if you compete, the difference between them is $100.

ignore the sugarphobe moron's answer.
the difference is that in one of those scenarios, you got more exercise. that could be good or bad, depending on what the rest of your day looked like.

depends on what your A and B look like. if they have a lot of overlap, it's not ideal. if not, no big deal.

sldls aka jefferson curls. light weight, lots of slow reps. also do a good stretching program, it may be hip flexors. see pic related.

+500 is around 1lb a week. it's about the max you want to do.
when cutting, -500 is the min and probably -1000 the max unless you're a big dude with lots of fat.

estimate by portion size and don't eat until full, and don't worry too much about it, if it's just an occasional thing like once or twice a week.

i use a notecard and pencil when lifting.
check the daily thread on le reddit powerlifting or weightroom sometimes there's an asshole there spamming his app

or chest-supported rows

start by doing sets of 5 with the bar and adding 20-40lbs each set until you slow down, then use that weight to start the next session, adding weight by feel session to session until you find a tough weight with good form. shouldn't take long. pic related.

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