Any virgins over 30yo here? How the fuck havent you killed yourselves yet
Any virgins over 30yo here? How the fuck havent you killed yourselves yet
Keep those memes coming based cuck turk bull poster.
The joke's on you, I'm only 30.
kill yourself nonwhite subhuman bitch
nonwhites are sissy bitches
Only 1.5 years left to go before I can claim wizard status! Oh boy! I can't wait for the quiet sobbing on my 30th birthday.
nonwhites have tiny cocks
non whites love white dick. They are sissies. you are a cuckold
nonwhites aren't men. only white men are men
stupid sissy colored bois
lol shitskins are fucking gay sissies
nonwhite "men"
>tfw 26yo virgin
Its not over for me yet
i'm 36 and I try and think of it in the sense that it's ok and normal for me.
I always wanted to be an astronaut as well and it didn't happen. Getting a woman is the same thing. It's more of an oh well kind of thing now.
You rejected all the girls who approached you right?
I'm asking for myself.
I've tried killing myself a couple of times, and I failed. I'm even too incompetent to end my life. So I just lay down and rot all day.
I've literally never had a girl approach me.
When did you made peace about not ever getting any?
I feel a bit pressured now that I became an uncle but I sure see no way out of this.
why do you white cuckolds continue to bump this thread
why do you cuckolds keep bumping this thread? what is your problem?
Not that user, but I reject most roasties. Unless they can prove they are not generic wet holes I will not engage them
Currently have ignored one girl from work who got my number and texted me twice now
Have you considered getting a hooker
why are you cucks so stupid and unaware that you're promoting anti white propaganda?
because I like talking to other people that have the same issues as me.
is it a virgin if i've had sex thousands of times before but since ive started balding i became a sad recluse neet and i haven't had a girl shown interest in me so long i forgot what sex feels like and im virgin status now because i cant get and never will get laid again?
cuck scum. stop bumping this thread. you are devils
quit blaming your tiny dick on your white skin
I had a few woman try and talk me up...idk if they wanted to fuck me or what...but they kinda pressured me into cuddeling them. I had one woman approach me and that was the only time i lost my virginity and i was 25. She cucked me like a week later after i dated her so still i never had a gf. The point is I will never get a gf or anything
Probably in 2012 or so. I was trying hard to change it but by then I decided to focus my energy on other things.
Pretty much every other aspect of my life is probably better than average. I own a house, good job with good benefits, make high six figures in a union job. go on vacations, can buy and do everything i want mostly.and no health problems.
Except that 1 thing missing from life.
I've gotten to the point now where I've trained my mind to not even want companionship and In a sense I think about having to share a bed or go on dates or live with someone as something that would be a burden to my lifestyle.
cuck scum stop posting in this thread or face death.
Yeah but what good would that do? Just because you lose your V card doesn't mean that fixes all the social and people skills problem.
stop posting in this thread you cuckold faggot bitch
is this the same mentally ill guy who's always spamming this stuff? surely there's not more than one right? it's been like at least a year, imagine how far gone he has to be lmao
You will experience penis in vagina tho
As long as it's not with a condom and I get to cum balls deep then it's all good
By this logic if somebody had sex before 30 they shouldn't have reason to kill themselves? Yet people of all ages kill themselves, so, I guess what I'm trying to say is you are stupid.