My dream pc is $1700. How do i make some extra money online?

My dream pc is $1700. How do i make some extra money online?

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sell pictures of your penis

The NEET board is probably not the best way to ask this kinda shit

You whore yourself to rich gays for cash,obviously

Put on a diaper and camwhore for faggots.

came here to say this. If youre cute enough you could make enough in a few weeks

Camwhore for faggots, invest earnings in crypto

damn really? I'm saving up to build one and even I think 1000 is pushing it.

Don't try to get it online. It's literally the hardest way to get cash.

>save up neetbux and bought gaming pc
>got bored of gaming within few months
>tfw browsing r9k is same as on my old shitty laptop
money well spent

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I plan on doing this soon desu

> hur dur camwhore
You have no idea how hard it is
Tell me, how do you start?
And I mean, effectively
Some here probably know how to do some quick/extra bucks, right? Is hard to be a fulltime neet

1. Go to gay cam whore site
2. Look at the application requirements and do your best to meet them
3. ?????
4. Profit

try chaturbate, they approved my age verification in 10 minutes and I was good to go. I found that the key to attracting viewers and getting tips is to look like you're enjoying yourself, and unless you're 10/10 attractive that's what you're gonna have to do, smile to your viewers, interact with them, some ppl are looking for a personal connection and willing to pay a lot for it.

What's important though is that you enjoy it, it can be soul-crushing work if you're hating every second of it, but find a niche or a fetish you like or even something that turns you on, and itll be fun. :3

>Go to gay cam whore site
Oh, I'm not OP, just a random tranny passing by
>4. Profit
You wish
Will take a while to make profit. Doesn't that work with tips?
I guess that's way.
But I find it hard to believe you are gonna get anything when you are competing against hudreds of other whores

blowing money on stupid shit like a $1700 pc is why you're making this thread. stop it.

sell ur boipucci

I think you're underestimating the amount of traffic these sites generate. I was able to make $100 a day my first 2 days, I'm a tranny, really skinny, and have really cute outfits to wear. Using the right angles and lighting I look really feminine. Have a clean unobstructed background, look comfortable, look horny, be horny, be open to different fetishes, some people will pay you just to have you answer certain questions or tell stories about your sex life. It's all about finding the balance of how much you're giving away for free on cam to tease, and how you react when someone tips you, you wanna make them feel good and horny about it.

anyway sorry if I'm ranting, I just started camming recently and I'm pretty obessed

larp as a women on the internet and ask retards to buy you gift cards. you can at least temporarily lower the difficulty to easy mode.

I do this and get steam games from it
I should write a guide book for it iv gotten so good at it

crack accounts

>I think you're underestimating the amount of traffic these sites generate
Probably. I have no idea. I guess there is a lot of people, but how much of that people is willing to pay anything...
> I'm a tranny, really skinny, and have really cute outfits to wear. Using the right angles and lighting I look really feminine
Oh. Welp, I guess that's it. I'm too ugly, old and stupid to make it work anyway. Hell, I have zero prior sexual experience, not cute outfits and don't even have a camera.
>anyway sorry if I'm ranting, I just started camming recently and I'm pretty obessed
No, no, is fine. Wish there was shit like this somewhere else so I could read it.
Hey, not OP, but I'm trying to make some extra bucks cause uni is BLEEDING MY FUCKING DRY

Do you have discord you must teach me the ways

I can give you the general rundown on my technique here
>Have realistic fake account, plenty of game time in free games, fake profile picture
>Hunting a desperate autist - I use Team Fortress roleplay servers
>Have it in your profile that you are deaf - this gets you out of using a mic and makes you seem quite vulnerable, kicking in their white knight instinct
>Dont act overly girly in conversation, literally just be yourself it makes it much more nautral and friendly
>ask them when their birthday is, they will tell you and also ask yours, say its in a couple weeks
>keep up the ruse until video game gifts

Also they will always ask you for nudes at some point. Tell him "I had a bad experience doing that before, I only want to do that again with someone I truly trust"
He will then attempt to buy your trust with video games, but don't suggest this yourself, let him come to that conclusion in his own

NEETs either make their money off welfare or leech off their parents. Camwhoring is the only viable way to make any kind of income sitting on your ass at home.

how do save up for decent car

>spending $1700 on a PC
>"my dream pc"

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>saved up more than 2000 USD with the intent of buying a decent PC and go somewhere nice for holidays
>realized I don't want to spend more time on PC and scrapped the idea
>still playing WotLK on my ancient pc 10 hours a day
>can't go anywhere nice because I have work
I'm a fucking retard.

Sell used women's underwear

Wotlk was like 4 expansions ago. Private server? If so why

I built mine for about 1775 I think, and of course the prices have changed a lot, and if you're a numale then donjt even think about ruining our shit, atleast 1700-1800$ pcs have standards and respect, bitch (I think the price for the same shit is 1600 now, but that's from individual prices changing)

Sunwell. It's pretty comfy, it reminds me of the times when I used to play with my friends all day and not have to worry about a thing. Also I prefer the class mechanics to what they've done in cata. Can't talk about anything after that, because that's when I've stopped. Also the server is pretty populated.

Wait a couple months and prices will come down, especially after AMD releases their new GPU and after prices either come down for Christmas or in the months after.

Just burglarize someone's house. 90% of burglaries go unsolved.