/plg/ - Powerlifting General

>what gamer are you?

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That image is obvious bait. Fuck that.

Ancient apparently.

I remember the days playing gears of war in my best friends attic.

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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thats good because i dont squat or deadlift

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gang weeders and gentlemen gamers rise up

figured out I wasnt a GDE lads

how the fuck do I fix adductor pain? I have deadtits tomorrow

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Goblet squats at 35 lbs with a 4 second tempo for 3x8. You're fucking welcome you retard

why does cuckols in 2x int bench put tricep accessory before db press?

so he can weed idiots like you who think its not a good idea but realize it actually is

im asking why is it a good idea

>think its not a good idea but realize it actually is

t. REALLY shit bench


Sweetie I would go into culinary school with your shit programming knowledge

Reminder that a skinless 150lb fucking goblin can bench 3plaet and you cannot


>manlet with a shit bench press does nothing to refute the claim
>instead, pic related

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>lanklet outing himself as a lanklet, whines about shit bench. Calls another person a manlet to feel secure even though majority manlets have impressive benches
>me being me, 105kg and 6 ft
>is not shit and actually has a great coach

t. fat 5'9 manlet rounding up with a shit bench who thinks role playing on the internet as if he had a "coach" gives him credibility

>tfw I can finally bench my body weight

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t.skinny lanklet who doesn't know how to intermediate program and will eventually stop lifting after 1 year and call it gay instead of dealing with the program

can you guys stop bitching and please answer this?

if you're bitching so much about it then change it you fucking pussy

>Halo 3, GoW, Cod, fallout 3, Portal
>old school
Niggas dont even know about Ultima Online

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i just want to know the thought process behind it can you not comprehend a question?

We live in a society

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Because it's meant to be heavy, more of a supplemental movement than a true accessory. They're more important to strength work than light-ish DB pressing and doing it that way gives you a break between the two types of benching.

How do you know if your potential with sumo is higher than conventional?

The movement feels good to me but I can lift less with sumo since I never trained it, and i feel like it burns my legs way more.

>fat shit manlet can't accept the fact that i bench more than he'll ever deadlift, dwarf him in height and weigh more while having FAR less body fat

keep crying and bitching for me you morbidly obese shit stain. i can just TELL you've got some of the most shit lifts ITT.

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>Lanklet still calling me manlet when he just finished his first week on a novice program and thinks he has big lifts

Hows your 3 plate deadlift and 2 plate bench

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Well, I'm pretty sure BLOPs 2 was about the time of Heath Ledger joker, maybe a few years newer.

That Jack Nicholson Joker didn't go way back to Link To The Past or some shit chaps my ass.

Someone should add the Cesar Romero Joker with things like Pong an pinball machines.

Ima real gamer since the 80's .. so piss of newfag

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Both of my pecs have felt sore/right for a few weeks now. I just deloaded, and they're still feeling hella tight. I've started lifting my head off of the bench at the bottom of each rep to take some pressure off of then. What do? Doorway stretches? Mobility recommendations? I'm going to back off some of my accessory movements that use a lot of pec

why are oldtimers so easily jebaited?

currently reading the 5/3/1 book, what are other good recommendations to read in addition to this before switching to a 5/3/1 routine? any other good related books


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>that 22yo boomer in the gym who still plays with videogames

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Get ahold of Beyond 5/3/1 if you can. It's somewhat terribly edited but it contains a lot of alternative approaches to the program.

If you're willing to actually spend money, 5/3/1 Forever might be worth a look. It's editing is legendarily bad (it actually ended up shipping without a table of contents) but is the most up to date reservoir of stuff.

thanks i'll check those, they didn't put a lot of effort in the titles either, i see

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me too
nice memories

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fucked for my materials exam
might just go lift since 2 hours of extra study won’t help me

If I got all my answers correct on my exam yesterday I wouldn't pass because I didn't answer enough questions to be able to. So I know how you feel, go lift.

Trying a 260kg Squat today. Maybe I won't die

Read 5th set instead.

Can you roid for a few months for a strength boost and then just never do them again? Does that even work?

The strength boost from gear is basically all down to increased muscle mass. Remove the gear, lose the mass beyond what you can naturally carry.

So yes, if you're not already big and strong. No if you're small/weak - and if you're small and weak, odds are you don't have your training dialled in enough to maintain the size anyway.

But isnt it harder to build muscles than mantain? Shouldnt it be possible to maintain more muscle mass naturally than you can build naturally?

>fat little manlet bitch STILL projecting
>STILL can't refute my claims
>he just keeps on whining and sperging out

good little monkey. you keep failing to hide the fact that you've got shit lifts, look like shit and are an embarrassing mess. now keep dancing for your superior, bitch boy.

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Imagine being so insecure you post this everyday lol

>this idiot manlet got so triggered by a totally unique post that he flash backed to another random anonymous poster who might have said something that was tangentially related to this post

cringe. that's just so fucking embarrassing. first your shit stain lifts and now THIS? take the loss and hop away, frodo.

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pathetic made up incel lift

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is this a new better meme? why is it better than 5/3/1? i'm not that advanced so not looking for anything superfancy, just a regular gain strength program

>basically all down to increased muscle mass

Fractionally correct

Increased androgen levels cause muacle fibres to contract harder, running anabolics that are weak androgens will cause minimal strength gain. Likewise you get a strong oral like cheque drops or halo and youll gain zero scale weight but have a big strength boost

Dont weigh in on things you clearly have no clue about

5th set is about as basic and effective as it gets

Its literally opposite of super fancy it so fucking simple 5/3/1 looks like rocket science compared to it.

ok thanks for the recommendation, i'll read the 5th set book after reading 5/3/1 and see what seems to fit better for me

>ancient gamer
>halo 3

This is a joke right? I'm 23 and I still remember playing the original wolfenstein.

How big of a boost?

Entirely dependant on the individual

isn't 5/3/1 too low volume?

If you decide to do none

You dont just do the 531 and go home mate

Lack of assistance and secondary volume is on you not wendler



anyone got a 5th set pdf? not spending 28 bucks on it.

best case/worst case/average

I do but im banned from Jow Forums lol.

you can find it on the internet

I dont know what youre asking? If you mean strong orals on comp day, maybe a 1-4% boost

how should i know how much assistance work and secondary volume to do if the program doesn't tell me? at that point might as well be a "do whatever you want"-program because i am too retarded to know what is sane assistance and secondary volume

Mate its not that hard just pick 1-2 excercises for each muscle you want to work that day. Do it for controlled reps and then add some weight next week. When you can no longer add more weight either drop the weight and do more reps or change it to different exercises. Repeat forever.

If you bench with good technique and your elbows start hurting you are either doing too little or too much extras

There's like fifteen thousand assistance templates he's written, along with a ton of info on which ones are best when.

It's not like you're building this shit from scratch unless you want to.

/v/ is pushing a few month old meme all of a sudden

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A secondary movement is either a mechanically similar movement to the main movement or the main movement in a higher rep range

If youre doing the bog standard comp lifts for your main work then id pick a variation on that which will target where you are weak in the lift eg squats followed by pause squats

If you are swapping variants on the main work to target a weakness then repeat for higher reps eg 5x2 followed by 3x8

Assistance work is things to address muscular weakness and imbalances, generally done in higher rep ranges, again these should work on where you are lacking and should be rotated every so often to prevent overuse

again, if it were not that hard i wouldn't need a program in the first place, i'd just do whatever each day on the gym, add 5 pounds next day and pray for the best

>you are either doing too little or too much extras
ok, now i know i may need to do more or to do less, that's not very helpful

thanks, i'll look up those templates, sounds like it's what i need

>If you are swapping variants on the main work to target a weakness then repeat for higher reps eg 5x2 followed by 3x8
how much weight though? like babby weight just for fun?

Started pulling conventional again, feels good and bad at the same time. Good because I'm actually working, bad because the starting position is fucked. Looking forward to actually getting stronger again.

iron age
>GBA ftw

>ok, now i know i may need to do more or to do less, that's not very helpful
Actually, it's very helpful. And don't ignore Gbros posts.

It's helpful because you as a sentient entity should be able to make the judgement. It is not that hard, you just need to try and you WILL figure it out. Don't worry about not being 100% optimized from the start, mate.

If your elbows hurt your elbows are weak, do 100 super light pushdowns at the beginning and end of a session and youll get instant relief and eventually no pain

>babby weight just for fun
Why would you think i meant that? Im offering advice to improve and be the best you can be not to go and fuck about at the gym and say look mummy im a powerlifter

I've already looked, there's nothing
if no pdf, what's the gist of it?

Super Mario Bros. Primordial shit.

when you reach the 5th set you go back home

This, even if you find the perfect most optimal template if you dont think you're gonna fail. You have to think for yourself and sometimes adjust even the "perfect" programs


Doing SS but have had time off because finals, my last session was on Saturday. I have a final tomorrow and can either lift today(Wed) or Friday. I am very tired and haven’t eaten much at all. Would it be better to lift today or Friday?

Idk if it’s better to take a longer time between sessions if it means I’ll sleep and eat more in the next couple days.

>being named after a vegetable

When i read stuff like this i thank god im not such a huge brainlet i have to skip gym because of a few exams.


why do you say then that anavar and low dose of test is enoigh

I thiught anavar was one of the anabolic but low androgenic ones hence why crossfit chciks use it

Only because my planning is poor but don’t kid yourself dude, you use a period but forget to use commas and capitalise your I’s.

>You are a huge brainlet.

Lol giving a fuck about that when phoneposting lmao.

Because im talking about what to run for the bulk of your training to build muscle and recover easier without sides

Peak and comp day in particular are a different story, but its a very short period of time

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>isn't 5/3/1 too low volume
It's isn't just the base template.

It's a set of principles that stay consistent across 50-100 different training programs.

Want high volume? God is a Beast, 5x5/3/1, Spinal Tap, Boring But Strong Supplemental, and tens of other variants are going to be plenty of volume even for somebody that's done Sheiko.

5-3-1 Forever does a great job of explaining which programs are best for hypertrophy, or strength, for beginner or advanced athletes, and how to cycle through the different program templates to periodize your training year and keep it interesting.

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Do the most androgenic drugs cause the most sides

so 5/3/1 is not really a program, it's just a philosophy?

>It's a set of principles that stay consistent across 50-100 different training programs.
