Alright fit, i have a problem. so i was recommended to do the 7 minute workout by a friend who swears by it...

Alright fit, i have a problem. so i was recommended to do the 7 minute workout by a friend who swears by it. i've been doing it for about 2 months now but for some reason my stomach won't change. my arms are getting much bigger then before and my legs are nicer but for some reason my stomach/abs won't change plus i don't know if im growing pecs or man boobs. any help would be appreciated.

pic very related

Attached: 7min.gif (750x849, 100K)

forgot to mention i can't afford a gym membership at all and i'm open to other suggestions for exercises

I'm a Jow Forums tourist but are you eating cleaner? I heard abs are made in the kitchen.

yeah i read the sticky

i'm an idiot

>the only 7-minute workout you need

Attached: 1440905287096.jpg (283x352, 41K)

Are you a grill? If you want to lose fat, just eat a bit less and be patient. You could do sports, cardio, stretching, light calisthenics for fitness.

yeah yeah you can laugh i was a stupid
not a grill unfortunately, but i will take the advice thanks

It's okay user, we all made mistakes starting out.

from what i can understand from the sticky i am deloping abs but my fat just hides em

wanna lose weight? eat less.
can't eat less? move more.
can't move more? give up.
lost the weight, but look like shit? barbell lifts

if you're fat, investigate keto, fasting / intermittent fasting, and overall diet. you can do keto for a while and lose weight without doing shit or feeling hungry.

light exercise will not make you lose significant fat. only diet will.

What do you want to workout for? How much time do you want to dedicate?

thanks user
i woundn't say i'm fat but im not exactly happy with my weight either

myself cause people in my family are dropping like flies cause of heart problems.

>i woundn't say i'm fat but im not exactly happy with my weight either
you have excess fat on your body? that's fat. you're fat. start saying it to yourself. the sooner you face facts, the easier progress will be.

alright thanks user i'm gonna start working harder

>7 minute workout
>12 exercises
>40 seconds each
>12*40=480 seconds
>8 minutes

Attached: 1438376690498.jpg (942x943, 123K)

Because this workout will make you stronger and healthier to a degree, but it won't make you lose weight.

Pretty much. How are you doing with your ab workouts?

You actually need to eat better as well.
Oh you will get fitter and lose some weight.
But it's not enough to create DRASTIC changes in body composition in short order.

If you'd just done Intermittent fasting or just cut out snacking and ate whole foods for breakfast lunch and dinner and occasionally skipped a meal...
Youd be better off.

That 7 minute thing would be better served as a warm up before a 30 minute - 1 hour long pourposeful walk in my opinion.
But that's just my opinion.

well actually they feel about the same as the rest of my body