>v >come to my senses realizing its a bunch of man children wanting to unironicly discuss video games >less and less race bait and racism >tryhard memes made for facebook alternative couples messaging one another in public >tv >dont watch any shows anymore >shit hits the fan only at 3 am when the janni goes to sleep i think im geting to old for this
>ck >faggot mods dont allow al/ck/ threads anymore
Joseph Rodriguez
>Jow Forums I hate this fucking board, but sometimes you find awesome threads, so I still browse it.
Adam Gray
Stopped going to /v/ also but because it's not even a real board any more. It's just a bunch of shills and advertisements. Any attempt to make a non shill or advertising threads is met with thread deletion. Too Jewish. Can't deal.
Nathan Thomas
Man children? More than likely it's actual children you know.
Lincoln Baker
it's so useless. Literally no one knows anything about clothes there, can't provide actual recommendations or links worth a damn. All they have is criticism for anyone wyho posts anything. They have roleplaying threads like "terror-core", for how to dress like a terrorist in the year 2055.... and no links to actual items for that either, just pictures. It's basically just a board for worshiping twinks who dress like grandpas in a neu-80s style. Like all the "aesthetic" and secretly gay 17 and 18 year olds of america came together to make a board about which guys make them emotional and have that faraway look in their eyes, as opposed to discussing ACTUAL clothes.
Really disappointed in that useless place, since i guess r/mensfashion is the only other alternative and i def wont be around there
Robert Brooks
>/b/ Because of all the racebait threads and the porn shit
Joshua Myers
>>v >>come to my senses realizing its a bunch of man children wanting to unironicly discuss video >implying /v/ has ever discussed videogames This has to be bait
William Stewart
/v/ >board got worse and worse over a very short span of time from 2012-2014 when I left it for good >it had already gone to shit by 2012 anyway >less fun and too many unironic console wars >become unable to have any real discussions >all the underage kids became more noticeable as I got older
/sp/ >went to shit after Beijing >went further to shit after South Africa >London was basically the last hurrah of classic /sp/ >outlaws of /sp/ was fun though >then that went away >now you can't really discuss sports >generals totally overrun the board >memes are no good anymore
Oliver Gonzalez
>/asp/ I stopped watching wrestling last year, so there's no need for me to go there
Caleb Turner
>/b/ It's a fucking waste. Traps and furfags everywhere >/v/ You can only discuss nintendo games there. If you want to discuss sony games you are a cuck who likes cinematic shit. No point
Christopher Robinson
>Jow Forums Its always been retarded but it has been flooded by redditfugees worshipping Trump as the second coming of Christ. I was never much of a Hitler fan but I miss the pre-2015 Jow Forums of Nazi larpers because that was on a higher level than the literal children and actual baby boomer women who now think they have a safe space to circle jerk about drumpf and israel.
>/tv/ Used to have a great board culture but now like every other major board on this site its been trashed by cuckfags and thinly veiled r/thedonald bait
Honestly the election was the worst thing to ever happen to this place. I don't think people realise that there are boomers browsing and posting here regularly. its also big enough and influential enough that you get actual shills, like on Jow Forums and /v/
Jason Ortiz
>/a/, because I lost interest in anime and they only discuss seasonal shit >Jow Forums, because I started browsing there to learn something about technology, but after a while I have up since it's all either too advanced for me since I'm a brainlet. Also, too many of the same threads >/b/ is nothing but porn now >Jow Forums was pretty good at first but now it's just a bunch of annoying homosexuals avatarfagging and telling eachother good morning while posting touhou girls
Jaxson Morales
>/wg/ >i dont even fucking care about wallpapers
Carson Morgan
/b/'s usual trash got tiresome, while at the same time, other boards became good alternatives for what I had liked about /b/. I wish the latter part of that now applied to Jow Forums half as much as the first part does.
John Clark
/b/ its nothing but fucking porn now. I mean, porn is nice and all but its not a very random board if all there is is fucking porn.
Evan Ross
You know what really bothers me about all of Jow Forums in the year of our lord 2018? The amount of people who actually, unironically, without any critical thought, buy into all the Jow Forums memes and make "being a 4channer" their identity. There are kids now geniunely believe the Nazis were good bois who dindu nuffin wrong or that fucking a man in a dress isn't gay because he has a dress on. There are people who bought straight into all the ironic memeing from pre 2010 Jow Forums and now have a personality based on LITERAL FUCKING MEMES made to make fun of people. It's like taking a bunch of shit and smearing it all over you, then walking proudly into public showing people your "new outfit" thinking you're looking good.
Sebastian Cox
>Jow Forums I don't know what exactly started to draw me away from Jow Forums but I feel like a big part of it was that it would leave me feeling depressed. >Jow Forums I'm not done with it yet but all these fag threads shitting up the board are making me come back less and less. I really do like this board but all these fucking fudge packers are destroying it.
>Jow Forums stopped pretending to care about politics >/x/ stopped trying to lucid dream
Carson Wood
It was possible to use /v/ up until 2012 or so. It was barely about bideo gaems for a few years before then, but with effort you could talk about video games with other people. It felt like overnight the board just fucking died. I think it was around when Mass Effect 2 came out.