Used to be stoner

>used to be stoner
>smoked weed all the time
>got a job and career now
>too busy to smoke weed, grew out of it because it makes you lazy and kinda dumb
>drink and smoke tobacco now

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i've a very well paid, technical job but that doesn't stop me smoking weed. I even smoke on work nights.

I've been getting stoned every night for the past year or so, but it's a result of hating my job instead of something I had to put aside. Since working, I've also started drinking a lot more, abusing sleep meds regularly, casually smoking cigarettes, etc. I just don't fucking care anymore.

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yeah but wouldn't you rather pursue a side project that could make you more money or cause more enjoyment?

Drinking is the Patrician robots choice of drug
>Reduces anxiety
>Easiest thing to get hold of
>Limited risk of arrest/legal hassle in almost every country
>Increases the chances of dying earlier
Can't think of many disadvantages here.

Weed is like babys first drug everybody grows out of it.

cigarette smokers have no class

you should enjoy a cigar with a little bit of rum in the evening. it's cheaper than cigs and beer if you enjoy moderately.

>had to take a drug test for work so I quit weed
>feels good
>after test
>quit weed for reasons OP mentions
>been drinking like crazy the whole time though
>can't stand liquor even though I like the way it burns
>shit just turns my stomach too quickly
>have to drink beer
>advantage: love the taste of IPAs
>disadvantage: cost to alcohol ratio is bad, tons of calories
>decide to quit drinking too since it's making me fat
>just texted old dealer looking for weed

Try prating and getting on nicotine patches op

If you run out, the withdrawals are unbelievably painful. Alcohol can also lead to situations with immense legal hassle, more so than than cigarette smoking, weed, etc.

why not do dxm user?

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Fedora tipping faggot

It's much harder to get, they keep a registry of how much you've bought and when.

Lol it's almost like you just want a toxin to help you out and give you feel good chemicals
Weed/pills/booze all make you dumb some people just handle the certain toxin better

What the fuck are you 13 years old. Stupid fag find yourself a drug dealer

I've been chugging off a bottle of tussin all day because of my fucking chest cold, you can get DXM with ease in the US.

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this is Jow Forums if you don't have severe autism gtfo you normie faggot chad/stacy

Underage confirmed, I work at a fucking CVS, we literally keep a database of DXM purchases per DEA requirements, if your license has too many or too frequent purchase you get denied.

Not in my country. I don't drive drunk I'm fine
They found weed in a friends car he lost is driver license is on probation and was fined 300 Euro for 5 gr. To get back his License he needs to do a MPU it coast 700 euro and since doctors earn a lot money with it he must do at least 5 of them

when i robotripped i just stole them. your little shiny sticker doesn't scare me!

Okay see now that's more believable. Though my store has them in Alpha boxes because the shopfitting was out of hand. Hell, we have to store Goody's powder behind the POS because people buy it and mix it with coke and stuff to rip people off.

Speak for yourself id kill for a 6 figure career that I could still smoke on

how old are you seriously

>running out

I have 3 different stores within a 5 minute walk that I can get drunk for under $5 at.

I had a massive panic attack on weed after a few years of heavy smoking and I don't think I'll touch the shit again. I also ended up getting a better job that does random testing so I can't anyways. Just some cold beers at night now.

my problem with weed is tolerance
after about a month of smoking everyday weed just makes me feel retarded not high. I just get annoyed that I can't remember why I got up or where I put my phone.
Now I just smoke every now and then and truly enjoy it rather than becoming an habitually addicted burnout.

>I had a massive panic attack on weed after a few years of heavy smoking and I don't think I'll touch the shit again

this happened to me too. I'm slowly getting back into it though. Stay the fuck away from edibles if you ever wanna try it again. I made the mistake of taking one, and freaked out for 8 hours.

Fuck you incel

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What happens when you get arrested for an OUI?

The crazy thing is it wasn't even an edible, I just smoked a blunt of some really good weed to the face and went to a different reality, I could not tell what was real and what was not. I started seeing angels and devils and the days afterwards I started to become religious again for some reason. It worked out for me because had I not quit, I would not have landed the job I have now because I wouldn't pass the drug test.

>withdrawals are unbelievably painful

have you withdrawled from opioids user?

alcohol is a cake walk compared to other stuff

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>opioid withdrawl
erghh I feel sick *barfs* *shits* ok im good
>alcohol withdrawl
*has seizure and dies*

try using over 2 months

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This thread is full of weenies
Cannabis is great for the body and mind

If you think you smoke hard I suggest you look up mountain man dabs on normietube and you will realize you smoke like a poon

i mean go ahead wasting your money on something that'll kill you and taste like shit at the same time lol.

I'll enjoy what i have, and i can bet that you'll get cancer before i do.