Where are my right wing robots?

where are my right wing robots?

>tfw no ethnostate

pic kinda related

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Being conservative and being racist have no correlation between each other.

>white ethnostate

Why do thiccc nonwhites look so much more fertile than skinny white women?

Don't really care about politics but I wish the government had nazi health programs so every kid would become a chad instead of a video games-playing virgin loser.
I wouldn't wish this life on anyone

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i mean real right wingers: facists, racists, identitarians.

fuck "conservatives"

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think again sweetie

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The chasm between what you think is right and what is actually right is so massive it's laughable.

>right-wing neet
that's beyond hypocritical.

enlighten me senpai


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Jow Forums was always Jow Forums's sidekick

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so what?

idgaf biiiitch


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>tfw no IQstate
>tfw no Talentstate
>tfw no aestheticstate

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that feel when gf is pregnant for the 3rd time and she's 8 months pregnant and waddling around like a whale and I can't stop fucking her and she just wants to sleep but that belly is driving me mad with boners

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Remember when the right wing meant that you were opposed to government expansionism, high taxes and wanted to to promote individualism and libertarianism while the left wing was about government expansionism, socialism for the sake of the nation's wellbeing and promoted collectivism and state dependence instead of the retarded extremism that's on both sides?

The founding fathers would probably burn down America if they saw it now, they even warned against two party systems causing nothing but divisions.

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hey big guy! sounds pretty gay.

>individualism and libertarianism


go fuck yourself and your watered down version of "right wing"

>muh freedoms for everyone!!!

perfect exemple of a dumb "conservative"

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The problem with americas political system is that both sides think they are 100 percent correct and arent willing to compromise or even entertain thw othersides ideas (the left is far more guilty of this but my point still stands)

>not having crushingly depressing issues meaning you can't focus on politics
>>not a robot

>snake with no arms or abilty to create anything
>communicates only with hisses and rattles
>has enough poison to kill a horse which it would never usefully consume
>contributes nothing

this truly is the perfect flag for americans, both liberal and conservatives

>3rd time

I wish I was a fucking blonde haired kid with model tier face

remember when right wing meant smaller government, defederalization, and independence?

yeah i do; i'm 18

I just want this life

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You'd still be a virgin in the white ethnostate though

this is complete bullshit though

why do conservatives continue to tiptoe around the fact the bedrock of their party is built on racism? it's pathetic, it really is.

people like OP are at the heart of the republican, conservative ideology and everyone knows it. The Southern Strategy is in full effect, and it still drives conservative immigration and domestic policy, race is pretty much the ONLY thing conservative leaders like Trump or Bannon think about when they think about issues like abortion or immigration. If you are a conservative and you don't see this, you are a fool, plain and simple.

Miscegenation was illegal in many states in the US until the 1970s - what political orientation do you think defended these laws? Where do you think people like OP would be politically?

Why do so many republicans pretend that racism isn't right at home in their party?

The left is far more guilty of this? Oh please.
There is no "extremism on both sides", you've fallen for a boogeyman which doesn't actually exist. The democratic party voting record really stands for itself desu, liberals are still voting for the same things they've always voted for in the house and senate

is right, the defensible side of the conservative ideology has virtually completely dissipated, there is nothing left in the republican party but cronyism and corruption like in the FCC and EPA

I'm right wing but not some ethnostate gas the bikes race car now kind of retard

>implying Nazism is right wing
It's literally an offshoot of the fascism the Italians were practicing and all it entails is a one party state headed by a dictator and his cult of personality and the people serve the state.

Don't even get me started on the fact that the liberals wanted to bring that shit over to America before WW2 because of how well Germany was doing.

too fucking bad.

if you deserved it you would have it right?

Well I guess I'll have to earn it but for now I'll just post about it

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>Claiming liberals aren't right wing, which they are considered in every place except the place you come from, Amerimutt

At least you are still attracted to her. I lose interest after I fuck them

ITT: Jow Forums rejects who feel dejected everytime they post there, so they bring their bullshit over here

one day brother 14/88

cry more kike cocksucker

I have very right wing political views towards society. i hate communism/marxism as well as any liberal leaning ideology, I can't express my ideology or thoughts without being tormented.

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>Why do so many republicans pretend that racism isn't right at home in their party?

Define "racism". Wanting to not be a white male who has to pay for everybody's shit is not the definition we're looking for, we're looking for the legitimate belief of inferiority in humans which conservatives are opposed to.

Keep in mind Lincoln only created the party to dismantle slavery because it was making working class wages impossible (and it was really shitty to the blacks) and even declared civil war for it and had almost a million white Americans die along with fucking up the entire South so bad that even today they're still impoverished and wanted to deport the slaves to their own state so they could live freely but he got shot.

Southern strategy only worked because the democrats were sucking up all the damn votes due to racism and there was no other way at the time and secondly, Trump has never made a racist remark against anybody in the whole 2 years, Islam is not a race, it's a religion with infamous extremists which need to be segregated from the rest of humanity and the Mexican shit isn't all that inaccurate when we've known about the drugs and crime back in the day with Operation Wetback and also considering Hispanics have always been the bane of North America with all the wars we fought against them.

The only thing Conservatives are guilty of is extreme nationalism which fucks over people which aren't in their country but they usually fix that by deporting them back where they came from so no harm done.