Why is Jow Forums so shit
>/b/ is just porn
>/soc/ is horny Kik dudes
>Jow Forums is a bunch of 14 year olds that just insult each other with lazy stereotypes
>Jow Forums is just racebaiting, LOL U DONT HAVE 8 INCH DICK or tranny/trap shit
>Jow Forums is a bunch of beta virgins circlejerking about tinfoil tier politics and white supremacy
>fucking weebs and faggots on every board
Just.. why.
Why is Jow Forums so shit
The best boards still remain as /v/ and /m/
i agree. i hate these downy virgins with self diagnosed depresion and cringey porn spam but for some reason i keep coming back cause im so bored
OP here, I feel you. The format of Jow Forums is so fucking good because you constantly have new shit popping up. The sad part is, the actual content is pure garbage. Whenever a quality thread pops up it gets detailed by kiddies calling each other niggers
oh im not op im so other dude that agrees
As a fa/tg/uy I can tell you /tg/ is still the best place on the internet to discuss traditional games.
im sick of these degenerate weeaboos everywhere. legit disgusting idiots
I'm not into tg or any of the other specific interests that have boards here. I'm just looking for random interesting discussions. I've been coming on Jow Forums for years when I get insanely bored and it's always shit
Maybe, just maybe, you should consider going in another website, no? Reddit, Gaia, NeoGAF, I don't know. There's a lot of alternatives you can choose.
Jow Forums would be perfect if it wasnt full of people who think they aren't normie, weaboo scum, and retards. i feel you op. Jow Forums is probably my least favorite board, i just come here to laugh at losers
reddit is full of normie faggots and the cringey karma system.
That painter makes some pretty nice shit.
what are some quality boards user?
hang around /mu/, its nice there and you'll get to develop your musical horizons
You finally figured it out
This site is a cesspool
Like it always has been and will be
Stopped going to /b/ because of the porn
Stopped going to Jow Forums because the trap and "fembot" summoning is fucking retarded.
Tried Jow Forums, gets stale fast.
Jow Forumsis probably the best board, but it's only autists screeching racial slurs.
Any recommendations?
It's an addictive cesspool. It's a fucking skinnerbox. You keep pulling the lever (refreshing) and very rarely you get a reward (an actually fun thread)
visit the cultural boards, such as /mu/, /lit/ or /his/
>Like it always has
Be honest. Did you start coming here within the last few years? Because the only people who retarded shit like that came here withing the last few years.
any better sites? this place kind of sucks lmao but ive been stuck on it since i was 15
Jow Forums, /out/ too. /lgbt/ would also be much better if it wasn't 95% trannies and 5% everything else
Not telling us anything we didn't already know. But pretty true nonetheless. Just remember though, you're here forever :^)
/b/ = porn
Jow Forums = idiots
Jow Forums = cringey weaboos with self diagnosed depression
Jow Forums = boring
i want a site like Jow Forums where you can post anonymously but without cringe nerds. i hate reddit because its literally just based around the need for karma which is cringey plus too normie. is there anything inbetween?
LOL how is /mu/ good. its just garbage kpop and rap threads
Jesus fucking christ the amount of newfaggotry and redditry in this thread is fucking revolting.
This summer feels like it's taken a big dip in quality. I only say this because I see the SAME THREADS posted every day on some of the popular boards. It's different for slower boards, I don't mind that, but when someone posts the same shit every day on a fast board and it remains on the 1st page... I don't get it.
Or, if it's not the EXACT same post, it's the same context, the same idea of a post, reposted every day.
I think the mods should organize a weekly purge-day, where once a week they're more tough than usual, to discourage unoriginal posting.
Part of what's clogging up the boards is spammers; people who change their IP after being banned. I sometimes worry companies are doing this too, sometimes the shilling is obvious, other times I imagine it can be quite cunning. I have no clue how to solve this problem. Actually, maybe putting company names through a word-filter would help, but I also imagine that would be frustrating for non-shills trying to discuss shit.
Every board has people who shill and spam about controversial topics just to provoke the few newcomers who have not heard of it yet. you see it with gaxs/txaps here, apple devices on Jow Forums, relationships and general success on Jow Forums and so on.
And bitching about weebs is gay. This site was created for weebs by weebs so fuck off if you don't like that
mb degenerate weaboo fag
i noticed it as well, stupid repetitive threads stay on the front page for way too long. not even generals, just bait
fuck off your part of the problem
lets face it. your a degenerate nerd fat fucking weeaboo downie. thats part of the reason why this site is so garbage
Yeah I really don't get it. Anyone that's been here for more than a day knows that shit is just bait and yet those threads have hundreds of replies every single day
>hey guys why are all the shitty boards on this site so shitty?
What are some non shitty ones with random topics and not specific interests?
Honestly it's just the bait. Having to constantly sift through bait threads is fucking exhausting. I'm going to take a break and come back when i'm feeling upto it.