I'm assembling a team

>"What do you have to offer user, other than being Jow Forums"

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being low confidence

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they look like a happy couple

Artillery man reporting in cap’n

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I am literate

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I can turn DYEL at will

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Eagle scout
Outstanding student leader 2013
22 years of hunting/tracking experience
I can make some pretty gnarly stuff on the grill

“I’m in”

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a degree in electrical engineering from a top british university, fighting skills from boxing, the ability to run for 2 hours without stopping, fluency in two languages, and conversational proficiency in two more.

I can almost speak 2 languages.

>He thinks anyone gives a shit about some stupid ASVAB military test

Sorry bro ASVAB is a fucking joke test. I worked with DARPA when I was at Duke and took a look at it. Incredibly low ceiling. Basically designed to see if you're smarter than a rock and that's it. Go ahead and post all the "challenging questions" you find on that shit. Doing well on that basically says your IQ is over 100

I'm retired now

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Shh,don't tell ((em))...or Stalin!

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*casting buffs the team*

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Second best WoW player on server
Until 2016 I held world record speed run in dks
Virgin by choice
I can touch my nose with tongue

When can I join?

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i can design us a poster

I can sing and write well.

I am aggressively lazy. I've been known to kill men in a single yawn. My lounginess is cunningly lethal.

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Fat fucks.

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>that guy who yawns between sets
We meet again!

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>Between sets
I just lounge on the rack and drink sweet tea. It's whatever

I have literally zero skills and just between you and me...I'm not even Jow Forums.

My good sense of humor

I can draw some thick girls to boost morale.

A Degree from Trump University.

Well Mr. President, I hate Mexicans almost as much as you do.

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I can solve any physics problems you might throw at me

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Why doesn't light cause sonic booms when entering/passing through air?

I can sing Irish/American folk songs

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because light doesn't create sound you fucking retard

This is correct. Bragging about your ass fap score is equivalent to bragging about banging a fat chick

It's still an object/thing moving through the air. Things don't "make sound" or "not make sound", sound is just disturbances in the air (I don't care if that isn't technically true or not, you get what I mean) so anything moving through said air would make some sort of sound (like a speaker moving the membrane-thing, albeit in a very particular way), right?

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i think you don't realize the scales where talking about. If the light would interact with something then it could technically make a sound (although the energies are so low that that would be almost impossible to measure).
Light just passes through air not disturbing anything because the chances of a photon hitting anything are pretty low.

The shit that does hit anything, responsible for our blue sky, probably doesn't create any sound because of the lack of energy. Also, to make that shit noticeable you need some form of accumulative factor but since there are so many photons, each contributing a small part they are more likely to interfere destructively with their theoretically created sound waves than constructively.

Does it all make sense now?

Oh, I already understood it, or at least my answer was basically part of what you said, that it's "so small that it wouldn't hit stuff, and even if it did it wouldn't have enough of an impact anyway" (A friend asked me the original question)
I was more so wondering if other people had a significantly different answer to me or if there was some other force in play that I didn't know about.

things with relatively considerable mass to air maybe.

what's in it for me?

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I can play the hand whistle