>feel like shit
>do 10 pull ups and 25 push ups
>drink pint of water
>suddenly feel okay
u guys should try this
>feel like shit
>do 10 pull ups and 25 push ups
>drink pint of water
>suddenly feel okay
u guys should try this
i doubt i can do a single pushup anymore. Been 6 years since I last exercised.
That does make me feel a little better for some reason
there's a lot of really basic things robots can do to just generally feel physically better
>eat meals at regular times, away from the computer
>follow a sleep schedule
>drink water
>shower and brush teeth
>regular times
You do realize that real robots don't have consistent sleeping patterns? The only way I am getting out of bed on alarm clock after I have slept for 3 hours is if I am at gunpoint.
you meat healthy? so what, cook? this means shop too. this literally takes hour and a half of your day in waiting for it to be cooked and prepping and washing dishes and shit
>take a shower and wash teeth
there's another 30 minutes a day of my life that I will never get back
So that's literally 150 minutes a day, 2.5 hours, plus being underslept. how exactly will that make me feel good?
>being this dedicated to keeping yourself miserable
>projecting so hard because you can't understand anything i said
yikes, you deserve to be miserable
I didn't even mention how boring those 2.5 hours feel. which kinda makes them feel like 4 hours
add to the equation that I should get off the NEETbux and get a job and now I am literally a working drone who has 0 freedom and 0 free time
>feels good, right BUCKO!?
if you can get out of bed under 30 seconds then you can do 5 push ups minimum
alright, i'll be nice and point out how stupid you're being
first off, you can't count: an hour and a half + 30 minutes is 2 hours, not 2.5 hours, so since we've established you cannot do math you can throw out any notions you might have arising from that
>You do realize that real robots don't have consistent sleeping patterns?
why do you think i said
>follow a sleep schedule
>you meat healthy? so what, cook? this means shop too.
you could, but you don't have to. all i said was to eat meals at regular times, which means eating around the same times everyday. and, importantly, away from your computer, so that you stop associating sitting at your computer with eating food.
>there's another 30 minutes a day of my life that I will never get back
as opposed to the likely several hours you waste oversleeping every single day because you don't follow a sleep schedule. you don't seem to be complaining about that lost time, though, and oversleeping makes you feel worse while basic hygiene makes you feel better.
>add to the equation that I should get off the NEETbux and get a job
never said anything about that, why project so hard?
seriously, step back and think for a moment instead of giving a kneejerk dismissal that will only keep you miserable
Not true at all. Different muscles, leverage, they're completely different actions.
Look into meal prep
I make my breakfast and lunch for the week separately in an hour on Sunday. My breakfast takes the longest, usually lunch is some crock pot shit that takes 15 minutes to prep before cooking.
I mean you sound like a faggot, you wasted two minutes writing that post, with all of your posts itt you could've prepped dinner for the week.
Usually I just wing dinner or eat a high protein bar.
how dense are you? when your not exercizing your muscles are weak and feeble
however 5 push ups are basic motor function, easy as fuck like getting out of bed
you must be fatty scooter level like boogie to not being able to do push ups
That's only temporary.
I dont want to visit snap city.
>meal prep
>eating 5days old cooked food on friday
No thanks.
Irrelevant. You made a claim, and it was bullshit.
Someone can be unable to do a single pushup, while being capable of getting out of bed in under four seconds.
It's just the increase in Serotonin desu.
I do all of those but I still feel like shit. I'm gonna go with OP's idea, and quit smoking.
Just kidding, not gonna quit smoking, I'll still do OP's thing though.
This. I'm fit and depressed now.
>real robots
yikes kid
>feel like shit
>feel like tired shit that needs a shower
Nice humblebrag you fucking nigger.
Skinny fat musclelet here. The most i can bench is 115, and i can't do a single normal push up.
>do bodyweight exercises
>feel angry anyways
>go biking 50 miles
>feel tired but angry and bitter anyways
>losing weight
>looking even more skinnyfat because the fat is coming off everywhere except my belly
how do you work out when you have no future or can't perceive one?
just join a gym and you'll be fit and lonely, not ugly and lonely
Posting just to remind you guys to do the following to keep depression at bay:
>Wake up on time without aid of clock
>Start off day by brushing teeth, combing hair, and drinking water
>10+ pushups, situps, etc.
You are now ready for shitposting
Just do Keto mang.
i cant do a fuckin pull up are you kidding me
The only I want to try is that dick.
you are a fucking originally retarded
I did 20 pushups and 40 pull ups not even gay
that's not normal. I used to do 60 push ups and struggled with 95 lbs
what the fuck is a 'runners high'?
i started running about 6 months ago, every other night, and I have yet to experience this so-called runners high.
i always feel like shit after i run. i feel bad during my run and i feel bad afterwards.
you're not running enough
i mean i run until stuff starts hurting, is that not enough?
Fucking same here
These Jow Forumsards are freaks