Girl pushes me into throwing a party for my birthday

>girl pushes me into throwing a party for my birthday
>talks with me everytime,laughs at my autistic jokes,approaches me
>*Pls user,throw a party Id love to come*
>mfw another human being appreciates me

So how does throwing a party work?
And Im worried that I wouldnt get enough people gathered up.
And what does it mean when a girl pressures you into things?

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i feel like if she knows you, she knows you're not gonna be able to throw a party.... theres some ulterior motive...

She's going to fucking prank you, dude. She wants you to go through all that trouble just so no one, including her, will show up. Don't do it.

>there some ulterior motive
yes there is op, she wants to get drunk (an possibly get you drunk too) and then have sex with you

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she probably wants to prank you in front of the others.
you want to throw a party? ok, but keep an eye out for her. i feel like this is not going to end well for you

Just don't man.
I had the excat same thing happening to me when I turned 20.
She told me that she and a few friends, basically the three guys I talked to more or les in high school would like to make a suprise party for me.
Turned out they just stood me up and had a good laugh about it.

All these paranoid autismos. Just go ahead and throw the party, I very heavily doubt she's going to try to do anything bad.

how long did she act friendly for before bringing up the party?

Outside,waiting for the bus.

>she approaches me
>(she congratulated me before and the reason why she knows when my birthday is,is because she is has ADHD and literally will ask you what your fav colour is.
>*Hey user,will there be a party for your birthday*
>Nah,I dont have the patience for that and im not 12 anymore cmon
>*user,its your 18th birthday.Those things are meant to be celebrated.And if you dont do,I wont like you anymore.
>Well what the hell do you want me to do then?
>*Throw a party,I want to spent time with you because you are really funny*
>Okay then,I will try.
>Smile on her face

Heres the full conversation for more detail.

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Shes friendly to me all the time

what a dumb faggot, she wants to fuck you, you underaged cunt

Norman exit posthase, yonder rost craves tine sausage.

>if you don't throw a party, i won't like you anymore
what a bitch, jesus christ.

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DON'T FALL FOR IT. I had a situation like this when I was in highschool there are 2 main possibilities, 1 she wants to prank/humiliate you, 2 she wants you to completely fall for her so she can get free shit from you. I got suckered into some shit like that for 3 fucking years don't believe a word she says, fact check everything find out her past and her current connections, etc. just be as careful as possible. Theres a VERY small possibility that she's sincere so make sure that you are 100 percent sure before comiting to anything.

i meant from the time you met her up until she brought up the party

Hard to explain.
In general she is always nice to me but I think she pities me as a person.I look like a weakling and act like one,too.
So yes,she was nice to that point the whole time.

I'd say just go for it. I doubt it's anything bad.

Life is a collection of experiences. Usually, even a negative experience is better than no experience at all. I would go for it.

Good advise user. So where are you throwing this party at OP?

What sort of party? Like a small get together or a full on house party? For the latter you'd probably need to invite 15-20 friends and acquaintances, so that may or may not be an option depending on how social you are. For the former there's not really much to it, just invite a couple people over and have dinner and dessert and play vidya/watch a movie

Bumping for the sake of bumping because bumping is a funthing to do.

Shit these kinds of pics make me so sad

>She's going to fucking prank you, dude. She wants you to go through all that trouble just so no one, including her, will show up. Don't do it.

This user speaks absolute truth. This is CLEARLY a trap. Like a trap in the classic sense, not a guy posting a staged photo trying to look like a chick so he can catfish you. An actual, bona-fide TRAP trap, like cats and dogs, dude, it was raining. It wasn't raining, we were raving. But DO NOT HOLD A PARTY.

Throw the party, but don't show up. That'll fuck em.

You're NEVER supposed to throw your own party.
Normies have enough people who care about them that their friends throw parties for them.
Don't do it.

Get tickets to a nice movie. After that, go home with either carry out or home-cooked food. Easy 4-5 hours of fun with conversational topics built into it. You could even stay home and watch older movies (Monty Python is a good idea, if you're into that kind of humor) if nothing interests you.
>tldr movie and dinner makes a perfect small group party

Clean up around the house to start. Then get things like chips, soda, and other finger/ small foods to eat at the party. You could get a fire going if it is at night with some chairs around it and just go out there and talk. Talking with my friends was some of the most fun at parties I had. Or do truth or dare or build a corn home game

Or just make something up to do

She's being playful, she likes you.
Don't throw a party if you don't want to. If you have a few close friends and you want to get together with them just arrange dinner and drinks in the weekend with them and invite her.

If you do, don't make the party about her, she'll come to you (she doesn't know anyone else). Relax and enjoy yourself.

>>*Pls user,throw a party Id love to come*
M80 don't do this to yourself. There is a 100% chance she will have some super important thing that she's busy with whenever you decide to throw the party.

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if they're friends, dunno why it'd be a prank champ

They're never really friends she's literally probably doing this for a prank because women literally are evil.

On the flip side op my recommendation is do it. Something small and cheap like a few friends playing video games or something. That way if she actually likes you she'll be happy to just spend some time with you and if she's doing it as a prank you lose pretty much nothing. Just go in with your hopes already dashed and you'll be fine

You must've never been to a public school in the US

user just fucking do it. Go get drunk first though that will make you extremely comfortable with talking and everything, just be cool about it.