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Attached: one arm.jpg (493x542, 37K)

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Anyone remember some of the warm up exercises in the old pasta? I only remember these two.

Is Alex dare I say "our guy?"

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>tfw can pistol squat on my right leg
>tfw fall on my ass going down on my left
Please halp

Do more split squats focusing on your left leg, then use a small chair for assistance

No he's too well-adjusted.

Thanks pal

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Fuck it's been too long been looking for these

ancient russian secret:
literally every one of those of those russian static skill freaks recommends working them everyday, don't fall for the 3 times a week meme

wrong Alex

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Who would’ve thought that practicing something every day makes you better at it? The issue with most people is that they look for any excuse to do the bare minimum. Overtraining, recovery, joint health etc etc. but at the same time they expect the same results as someone who’s been doing it for years on a daily basis.

They use shit form so who cares. They never use hollow body, rarely straight arms, and never fully protracted.

If you train them properly everyday you are gonna tear some shit. Try doing one arm pull ups everyday. I did trying to grease the groove with them and ended up with golfers elbow. Had to quit for a couple weeks and started hitting them 3-4x a week with no problems.

Post your body.

Hold the bottom position on both legs. Start with your weak leg, and match with your strong one

Anybody else tumble/trick? I just started getting into it. Learned how to do handsprings and working on flips. Nobody ever told me how hard the impact is on these movements.

I hate that guy, his videos are too beginner oriented. Just like FitnessFAQs. Nothing to learn, nothing to see

yo am I gonna die if I do neck bridges?

what was your prehab and warm up for OAC

why would you bother doing neck bridges in the first place

because I want a thick neck

how advanced are you

i got fl and bl.
planche level is right after advanced tuck. I am working towards planche half lay straddled
OAC and hs have been on hold for some time because of shoulder pain i got from doing iron cross with protracted shoulders.
recently started doing Iron cross proper form - neutral shoulders dropping as low as I can. Feels really good in the elbow. better than tuck/adv tuck planche on rings

rarely train L-sit with retracted scapulas + Manna atempts
rarely train pelican push ups

flexibility needs work. good at pike flexibility, good shoulder mobility.
terrible at pancake, middle splits, front splits
i am seeing good progress with this contortionist chick for middle splits.

all the advice I get is from gymnasts. I watch calisthenics guys too but they give the same advice but not as good as the real deal. And man, how many times I've seen people doing in depth videos about basics like pull ups, planks, push ups and dips.

TO add to the list of no good youtubers - TrainingPal and TomMerrick. I used to like tom, but his latest videos are all about the basics, and we've all seen those.

If you actually go through their channels you’ll see a lot of advanced stuff. If you consider that you have nothing to learn from people that are better than you, you’re not going to make it.

What an unfortunate face.

What would you call his form?

What's a good calisthenics routine?
Right now I'm essentially doing a calisthenics bro split. Example - Monday is shoulders day, so I do 3 sets of 3 exercises, and then work towards an advanced move like human flag.

Is this shit also recomend routine for a lanklet

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has anyone completely replaced their gym routine with a bodyweight routine?

I'm growing bored with lifting weights and would like to start body weight training, I currently do a bit of yoga

How did your overall strenght/aesthetics hold up?

Yes but it's a bit harder in the long run for taller people

I'm in the same boat but only because Ireally need to save money. Please gods of Jow Forums impart upon me how to get jacked using bodyweight

I have. Did like 8-9 months of SS, didn't enjoy it or the gym ambiance and then started doing BW at home. It's been a few years now and I managed to bulk up from around 115 to 165 at 5'11. I have low bf% and look decent but definitely on the smaller side. I love it though and would do it again

tnx bro

go until its easy and then add weighted vests/dip belt etc...

Get a set of rings and a pull up bar.

I've been going to an animal conditioning/kettle bell gym but we do a lot of stuff with rings and pull ups too.

Pull ups/Chin ups/Toes to bar are all great for back and abs - taller you are, the harder it is.

Pushups/dips/inverted rows on a box with the rings are all great, and add weight as you get strong. Try to support yourself on the rings and fi you can't, cheat.

Also, make a set of paralettes and get some bells, do push ups/l sits, rows, dips, etc.

I have 2 35lb(16 kg for euro fags) kbs and I'm in the best shape of my life vs doing 5x5 olympic bar squats.

Try doing 5-7 reps of clean/squat/straight press/snatch and then some kind of minute of hard cardio like mountain climbers or walk out to push up etc. See how fatigued you get.

Sick of doing reverse chin-ups

I can get about 4 normal ones if I'm completely rested before my form breaks down. If I'm even a little fatigued it goes to shit before I even start

Based on your experiences, former DYELs, how many weeks/months/sessions until you were able to do (at the very least) 3x5 GOOD FORM chin-ups?

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Try weighted chin ups. It makes it easier for you when you go back to regular chin ups

I still have to be hitting 3x5s for my gslp program

I've been doing those wall handstand push ups for years now and I still don't feel like I'm making any progress. Think I'm gonna join a gym and add OHP and BB squats to my routine

Give me a good routine for a beginner, please.

weight and height?

personally (im a dyel) i simply added one at every training until i reached 5x5
then proceeded to reduce the recovery time (now down to 1 min)
to build this it was easy with costant work but im pretty light (60kg) so dunno how it can change for a heavier person
the general suggestion seems to do weighted chin ups
i also notice that sometimes my form breaks faster than usual, that's usually when im half assed and dont focus much on keeping my core and arms contracted, maybe try focusing on that
also leaving lose legs makes them somehow harder

reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine -contains an incredible amount of dicking around, and you might get better aesthetic benefits from increasing the number of reps per set.

None of these youtubers are gonna show you how to get to advanced levels for free. They all offer programs and their videos are just advertisement to sell their programs.

If you truly want to master something pick 2 skills and build your routine around them. Also put them in front of your workout and hit the move from every angle. So for planche you'll want to do static holds, l sits to static holds, handstand to static holds and pseudo planche push ups as supplementary work.

The people who just focus on static holds are only strong in that one position. Best to master them all on the way there.

Why haven’t you progressed to doing them without the wall?

More then likely he puts back to wall, has a banana back and elbows flared to the side.

Probably doesnt even practice normal handstands either.

Wrong on every count, but do keep projecting and being hostile. I can't wait to see what you project next

Well, you’re free to tell us the actual reason. There’s a big discrepancy in strength needed for wall support vs no wall support.

Then you'd have no problem leaving the wall faggot. You got shit form, you're weak and in denial.

Keep going. You're doing great

>If you truly want to master something pick 2 skills and build your routine around them.
I am beginning to get convinced of this. Used to do something like Foundation from gymnastic bodies, where you do 7 skills 2-3 times a week. Still not sure how to approach this. For example
>skill I want to focus on
obviously go hard on them
>skills I want to maintain
I assume less frequency (maybe 1-2 times a week)
I assume less intensity (maybe current progression - 1 lvl)

63kg 174cm

It's bad for your neck.

I suck at both handstand and floor L-sit. How do I get better at open handed exercises? Feels like I do just fine on parallel bars but as soon as I gotta be open handed I just suck

It's understandable for handstand, because they are harder on floor. No idea why L-sit would be much different ...

>tight wrists
any suggestions to work around this? even doing normal pushups hurt my wrists if i do them normally instead of doing them on my fists so that my wrists remain neutral

i know there's equipment but kind of ruins the point of being able to do this stuff anywhere

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have you been doing wrist stretches. I don't think theres anythine else you can do for tight wrists other than stretch them

I can do l-sit on bars for 20 seconds but I can't even do 10 with hands on the floor. I do good with hanging too. Maybe I need to work triceps more?

is this that functinoal patterns retard?

bw+lifting master race reporting in
bw general is way too often far from the first page imho

Oi please tell me there's something to do I've had problems with my wrists since last year. I do strengthening exercises like rolling the back an forth for a 100 times but it doesn't fix it. Soon as I apply to much pressure on them they just snap again and I have to repeat the cycle or resting and strengthening again. I've not been able to do handstands for over a year now. The most of pressure they can take is push-ups and that's on a good day.

What are some intermediate level movements?
Like how with lifting, 1/2/3/4 is a mark of someone of intermediate level, what would be the calisthenics equivalent?
Handstands, planches, front levers, pistol squats etc?

Start with your left leg first, then do the same for the right so it'll even out
Also do some mobility excercises

Do you warm up before practicing?

Progress will be slower but you can still get jacked with bodyweight you just need a weighted belt

Grease the groove, start at 1 an hour or whatever you feel comfortable with. Actively think of all the muscles you're engaging while doing them.

Also don't worry about taking 3+ mins between sets if you feel fatigued just slowly decrease them as you get stronger

Have you been doing wrist rolls or any other wrist stretching excercises?

how many trainings do you guys do every week? how relevant is nutrition in a bodyweight routine? i train one day and then 2 rest days (whole body routine)
im just a casual, i just would like some general advice

Everything you said +muscle ups back lever and human flag
Planche is more of an expert level tho

I train every day except Sunday but it's usually just a few sets of pull-ups, dumbbell OHPs, push-ups, and squats.

i do:
squats (2x tabatas)
few plank warmup, then dragon flags (like a dozen maybe)
chinups 5x5 and pullups 5x5
some stuff which i dont know how it's called, lay belly down, feet locked under a wardrobe, get up and down levering on the knee, basically hamstring and gluteus training
random pushups
really light lateral raises for delts, starting recently handstand training (still at the frog thing)
more or less 90 mins overall

If you're just starting out then 3 full body routines a week is fine. Mainly focus on good form and pacing yourself (i.e don't go all out on your first excercises).

Also you should stick to the same routine for a while so that your body can become more efficient at doing basic excercises

Regarding nutrition, it's pretty much the same deal as weight training: pretty important

>some stuff which i dont know how it's called, lay belly down, feet locked under a wardrobe, get up and down levering on the knee, basically hamstring and gluteus training

Those are known as Nordic Curls, Glute-Ham raises, or Hamstring Curls. Great exercise, it's too bad I'm too big of an oaf to do them without destroying my home.

it's been almost a year since i started but i was extremly weak when i started (took me a while to do a single chin up), from there i progressed slowly at every training (im not fat nor have a particular estetic aim, i just wanted a body that worked fine)
i try to have a complete diet, i eat proteins in various forms, be it beans or fish or meat but i honestly dont like overeating so i wondered if that could damage my progress
overall it feels like it's going fine, even if slow, never really been a sportive guy so i dont want to injure myself
>nordic curls
yep that's me
i kinda do them assisted after 45° since im not strong enough yet, but they feel really good
squat often pains my hips and knees while this goes with no problem

What would a decent plyometric routine look like? Looking for big explosive/striking strength.

First, read this jackedathlete.com/youre-slow-youre-weak/

Then you can add 2 x 10 plyo exercises at the beginning of your regular routine, or you can take up olympic weightlifting.

OK, cool.

Anyone here did BWF for some time then ditched it for weightlifting? I'm thinking of changing things up after 2 and a half year of bwf

started out doing 3 sets of 2 pullups and getting destroyed. got to 5x5 in about 30-40 days I believe

yes, frequency is the key to isometrics

do neck curls, planks and hangs

posting again because didnt get any replies in the other thread
whenever I do statics, my left shoulder (sometimes I also feel it in other joints, like the elbows) feels a burning sensation that lasts about 1 second after I let go of the bar/parallel bars
what could it be? I dont feel any pain afterwards, but it feels weird

Lol I'm 175cm and 84kg, about 15-20% fat (abs still visible)
I have a lousy front lever and can do some muscle ups, don't think i can progress much more than that without cutting tho. I' focused on lifting atm.

Decrease daily volume. I have trained the one arm chin daily and as little as once a week.

More volume is outright better. I was hitting 6 reps rest pause when it was my focus.

>animal conditioning
What in the hell is that user?

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starts at 1:15

It's like forearm splints, I don't know what causes it but isolating the affected muscles gets rid of it. Grip work and arm flexors work healed my forearm splints.

Yeah, work ancillary muscles.
I get forearm splints from planches and grip work fixes it

ay bwfags, how is your active and passive flexibility progress going

Twink General lolz. How much you pussies ohp/what’s your bw

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83kg 70x3 ohp

142x10 at 165 was my peak.

Hspu won’t help you

Is it more of a prickly feeling or more like putting your hand over fire feeling?

Yes, yes

no but it would be extremely painful

>Who would’ve thought that practicing something every day makes you better at it?

Rest days are important especially when you are starting out (so you don't burn out too quickly through fatigue or boredom) and when you start hitting plateaus (in which case you can reevaluate where and how to improve from there on).

for you

Hey skinnyfag here, I used to be fit but then I injured myself and was off for almost a year, I lost all muscle mass and I'm sure I can't even bench 40kg now.

But my reps for push ups/chin ups still remain largely the same? Like my reps for diamond push ups went from 15 to 12, and my chin ups from 12 to 8.
Anyway I wanna try bodyweight, so how should I progress in these excersises? Try to hit my old reps?

Are pushups enough for shoulder?

No, you need some form of overhead extension, and a pulling motion.