Post scientific facts about male attractiveness

Post scientific facts about male attractiveness

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>strength = attractive

umm no sweaty :)

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>confusing "strong" with "strong-looking"
stupid roasties

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Fucking roasties.

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B-b-but everyone likes the dad bod! They say that dad bod is what's hot now!

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is this for indians or what lmao


not just male attractiveness, but beauty in general. Dr philip young's ideas on the circles of prominence. its all about the face... well actually it's all about the eyes.

he says that beauty comes from one's own facial structures when measured by the iris width (IW). (skip to 11:18)

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tfw merely 'big'

time to kermit sewerside

>tfw enormous girth

>tfw in the top 99.9999% for size and girth but don't have sex
take that roasties

I doubt it

this chart is bullshit

Explain how

No way average body fat% is only 17.6 unless this is from 1995.

>length: big
>girth: above average
Too bad I have trouble keeping an erection for anything but anime girls.

>69% of amerifats consider themselves fit
>over 30% are obese
>more than 50% are overweight
>according to statistics only 18% of all americans get the recommended amount of exercise


wtf how do you eurofags use this outdated ass system?

This is what liberal denial of biology has gotten us.
Wasting money on studies to find out women like strong men.

>not realizing imperial measurements existed before metric
How much of a brainlet can you be? And how much of a brainlet do you have to be to not realize 1 inch is EXACTLY 2.54cm. You're on a computer, you have a calculator right in front of you. 1lb by the way is pretty much 0.4536kg, so that's how you can convert weight. With those two conversions you can know any imperial to metric conversion and the reverse without any trouble.

Fact: Women like good looking, dark haired white men who are muscular, tall, well framed and well proportioned, who are additionally rich, generous , kind, assertive, smart, patient and well disciplined. And with a big dick and good lovers

Source: my ass. Prove me wrong
Protip: you can’t

pigskins on suicide watch

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try no fap my friend, it really helps people like us... I know that if I keep this up I will live a normal life one day

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>dark hair
Dark as in brown not black. Blue eyes or anything but dark brown eyes is still more desirable. Even light hazel is attractive.

>1 pullup

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the hell, my arms are smaller than his yet they measure 14.3. something is up

I know, right? Fucking mutts. Here in Europe we can do double that.

user i...

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I did nofap for a month once. I started getting erections throughout the day from the slightest bit of visual stimulation like I was in high school again, so I know it works, I just don't see any point in it right now. Pretty content with myself at the moment.

The day fit realizes that gandy is your overlord

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>69% physically fit
>average numbers of pullups: 1

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t. coping paki

well you know what works if you ever want to return, frankly 7 years of hentai is enough for me, I'm done with these things

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>33 pushups in 1 minute
Fuck slow control, fuck full range of motion, yay for numbers

Seems quite suspicious from the same men who could do 1 pull up

Pajeet came out of the woodworks

>paki coming out of goatshed
no one is hiding here jihadi

Are you okay?

El goblino...

>guy on left
What kind of 56% shit is this?

most likely
>self reported

>the average sex session lasts 3-10 minutes

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why are normies so shit at dicking for long

>69% of men consider themselves fit
>13% actually lift
Jow Forums in a nutshell

delta+ masterrace r-right guys?

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Me on the bottom right

It's called Mediterranean you fucking stupid mutt

that probably means most of them could do 0, and a small group balanced that out

>1 in 7 choose working out over sex
So based I can't even think of a joke for this fuck

Jesus Christ this better be bait

Above average in both length and girth. Woohoo?

It doesn't fit in with my BBC cuckold fantasies.

gamma+ masterrace i only aim towards my noble pursuit of creating genetically engineered catgirls

>He thinks average cuts it in a world where 80% are invisible

>everybody is in the 99th percentile for dick size on/fit/

According to this, I'm beyond an average man, but I certainly don't feel better than average.

Roasties go wild for my inner strength

they don't have lifetime experience of masturbation

Tfw 8.1"x6"
Would love to post a pic but the mods are jealous

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Length enormous , girth huge
I am 6'2 though so it may explain why

>Women like

women don't like anything

>double huge
wew lads shame im a fucking autist with girls

who here /Omega-Positive/?

How much do you suppose this guy weighs? Aesthetic AF.

>1 in 7 prefer working out to having sex
>13% actually lift
>1 in 7 = 14%

Makes you think

>tfw faster mile even when completely untrained

Maybe thats a good thing
push beyond the social boundaries user

Face, height, leanness. Those factors make up 90%+ of male attractiveness.

Everything else is just female/male cope.

Charisma/confidence and being able to pass shit-tests are reserved for average dudes. If a woman wants to fuck you, she will not force you to prove yourself.

Money is for women who are settling. She will likely cheat on you because you're not physically attractive.

Getting big is for retards and homosexuals.

Penis size is important in that you should be at least average. Obviously bigger is better, but there's many ways to compensate.

Wtf is this chart for Asians or something. Otherwise everyone on Jow Forums is in the 95th percentile

people do >60 in one minute on the reg in the military.

just saying.

>69% men think they are physically fit
Jesus, how deluded are these men? Do they think that if they can lift a closet to the 2nd floor they are in shape?

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>1 in 7 men would rather work out than have sex
Welcome to Jow Forums

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>6 out of 7 men have both of those options available to them

(((military fitness)))

how tf am I in the top 95-100% percentile for all this shit? These can't be right

>their disadvantage lies in a certain social ineptness and over-analyzation of situations

holy fug thats me

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Tfw this exactly describes me

Masculine, symmetrical face, sharp jawline, high cheekbones, brow ridge
Blue eyes
Dark brown hair
12% bf
7" penis
30 sexual partners
Currently have 3 girls on rotation, one on university swim team, one ms universe contestant, one fit 5'0 milf
Engineering degree

>and then everyone clapped


I honestly believe that chart was designed to make all anons identify as beta+, it's the oldfag's "virgin walk vs chad stride".

post pic of face

I literally fucked one of my classmates within 2 days of knowing her when she saw me throw a guy across the room in a fight

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Do most of you guys also feel that you have been in every single square at some point or another during your lives?

what dark form of autism is this???

>$874 annually on vitamins and supplements

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I wonder how many delta+ men have depression. I fit the criteria of delta+, but I think it has more to do with my depression. I don't really spend much money, and I stopped collecting things in my early 20's.

>t. incel

Today, on Things That Definitely Happened, Believe Me

I'm a fat fuck, still 6'4 and with a decent face and I had sex with over 14 girls so far (I'm 24).
You guys need to realise how important personality and humour is.
Even the hottest girls can melt in your hand if you play it right.
Hot girls are also often very lonely as most guys dont dare to speak to them.
If you give them an honest desire without being creepy, they will date you even if you are ugly.

Just make sure to shower and take care of your skin/odor. Get decent cloths and change them everyday.

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>t. cope

I thought they liked the dadbod or otter mode best? Why are these cunts so inconsistent?

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>Reddit memes

tfw gamma + trying to hit that alpha +

wut is lyfe

muh nigg


user, have you met your twinflamesoulmate yet?

Good fortune in your pursuit of any fitness goals btw