/creativerobots/, share stuff you've made here, and give feedback to others

/creativerobots/, share stuff you've made here, and give feedback to others.

Attached: creativerobots.png (1580x966, 1.14M)

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I'll start


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I really like the never ending flow kind of thing you have going on, kindof hypnotic

My dream is to one day make music for video ganes.


I hope you like it.

Attached: Mouzer.png (536x1024, 45K)

How do you gather the will to do anything creative? Sometimes I don't even have the mental prowess to read through threads I've bookmarked

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well produced but pretty boring, especially lyrically
not bad but not great, change the chords up a little more throughout the song instead of alternating only 2

for me I just really wanted to do something, and creating stuff was somthing I really wanted to do but I was scared of doing it until I thought I was ready to do so. I feel like I could have gotten more stuff done, but im really pleased with my growth so far. If I can do it user, so can you; just go beyond your limits!

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This was very good. If had one criticism it would be that some of the notes in the lead melody get cut off just a bit short, it's just unsatisfying to my ears for some reason.

I'm not sure about this one, I'd love to hear what anyone thinks



Do I detect some shakey graves influence?

I really like dryadame dude. I see you in these threads a lot


I like the dissonance in this piece.
it's comfy.
Good job user.

Attached: thundy.png (505x443, 8K)

If you can make some 8 bit music reply me
Im deadass broke, in UNI im making my first game right now so idk how i can pay you, OOF.

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Well i am kind of a neet ATM.
I'm starting to get some commisons but I just want something stable soon ( ._.)

But thanks for liking my work, it means a lot.

Attached: Dryadamere.png (454x471, 89K)

Never heard of the guy but he sounds great
thanks man

I do make 8 bit stuff, what's up?

Attached: beautfiful woaman.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Not much user, im working on the dialogue system, wby?
If you wanna message me in private: Opus Dei#8490

Attached: NotMuch.png (1920x1080, 34K)

Up on a slithering crevice hawking over the ocean stood a great castle the stone spikes of it's guard standling like
soldiers for the crescent moon. The engine of the car sounded like battle in itself, screw against screw, as
it went recurving left and right going up the plain jagged surface. Gurgon was disturbed by this, he didn't like
the feeling of car swinging like a barely grasped wreckingball, at any moment it could start spinning around,
small rocks scattering out and down into the great waves, merry go round until it all was a blur of dark blue and
wobbling wind, the visualization was just that, but he could feel his body spinning out of control, and this would
be instantly brought to the space around him at this or this or this moment and the car would turn from side to
side in slowmotion as the tires tried to catch the ground without a powerful halt and without much noise and trumpet
playing the car would turn like a mariner in the storm and Gurgon would fall down into the choke.

the absolute beginning of a story, it's titled, Revenge of the mermen.

>Gurgon was disturbed by this, he didn't likethe feeling of car swinging like a barely grasped wreckingball, at any moment it could start spinning around, small rocks scattering out and down into the great waves, merry go round until it all was a blur of dark blue and wobbling wind, the visualization was just that, but he could feel his body spinning out of control, and this wouldbe instantly brought to the space around him at this or this or this moment and the car would turn from side toside in slowmotion as the tires tried to catch the ground without a powerful halt and without much noise and trumpetplaying the car would turn like a mariner in the storm and Gurgon would fall down into the choke.
i'm no expert, but I think this might be run on sentence

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Are these threads only for music or can I post other stuff?

posty whatever you want its a free country

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are vids okay?


In that case here is my newest Ice Machine. Mostly posting here because it's the easiest way to save it on my phone.

Attached: IceMachineSleep.png (1092x794, 43K)

kek, did you ever win the hunger gams?

No I never did. Got up to Ice Machine 16.0 I think. I was going to start making those threads a few weeks ago again but life caught up with me.

I make fetish porn AMA

You draw it or shoot real videos?

Force yourself until it becomes like a drug.

I got bored yesterday, so i drew all of this shit.

Attached: 20180620_091521.jpg (2560x1440, 1.06M)

draw, i stopped doing it a year ago because I realised what the fuck I was doing with my life. And no, I'm not going to post anything here
it was gfur

I just draw. Here's a crappy sketch wip I'm working on for a draw thread.

How much did you get paid per piece? I am contemplating whether I feel like selling my soul so I can pay off my tablet and buy a Switch I'll probably play 5 times.

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she is a qt, nice work user!

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I would charge $10 for sketches and $30 for full color. If you want to make good money find a niche fetish that is starved for content

I only sing screamo songs in the middle of the night to scare my mom.

i like your art style user, keep up the good work

the zombie/undead is very cute, nice

i like the cat girls.

Attached: bug.png (603x500, 260K)

Thanks, user! That picture is super cute, too. Did you draw it?

That sounds super low for fetish porn. I thought people would pay boatloads for it. Ehh, maybe I'm better off keeping my dignity and just doing regular commissions.

Keep your prices reasonable but on the low side and you'll have a bigger client base. Then you start adding extra charges for bonuses/higher quality pics/OCs


Marco reporting for duty!

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It's a pic that was given to me so i can make a theme for it.

This is it's theme, I really like how this turned out.



>tfw marco never texts you back

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I'm trying some photography.

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idk man


I'm sorry. I've been busy masturbating and being a loser. What do you wanna do?

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Don't worry, i'm still a neet.

You provide the lyrics, and ill make the instrumental.

got a discord?

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idk if you remember me but I remember you from a vocaroo thread where you were talking about how you're focusing on music and working out and enjoying life. I hope things are going well for you man. I love your stuff, especially kratoast, I showed it to another friend that liked those 2008 era ytp and he loved it.

How do you make your music by the way?

For me it kinda just comes naturally almost, I realised that I have more fun making my own songs to play and listen to than I do listening to someone else's music.

I laughed that you've got it listed as metal, it's enjoyable background music.

I like your stuff user, I like your guitar playing. I like the distortion in unease, it's a good dark track.

I wish I could draw like this

Your stuff is super comfy, I'm going to listen to it next time I'm playing vidya for sure

Anyway, here's a track I recorded last week, I'll probably rerecord it in the future sometime to smooth out some bits.


yeah I think its chadmarco#7044

A dungeon I have planned out for my D&D game this week. I'm pretty proud of how it came out. File is too large to post all in one image so I'll do the floor plan in the next image.

Attached: Fungeon.jpg (2264x4776, 1.95M)

these songs make me want to crawl in a hole and die, but in a good way

Basically I took the floor plan from an actual Egyptian crypt and another dungeon from a popular module, spliced them together, made a few tweaks and filled it with all new shit. I really hope it goes over well.

Attached: fungeon layout.jpg (2828x1148, 440K)

Yeah, I remember you user! Yeah I did talk about how running is a good way to de-stress and stuff. Currently I can't really complain about my living situation other than being a neet, but I do wish i had some freedom. And I'm glad your friend liked Kratoast, i grew up on the 2008 early era of Ytp and it makes me sad not many people use em anymore, so I wanted to make a love letter for dumb shit like that.

I make my music using Ableton live 10 currently, 8 if i wanna use my 32-bit VSTs like the Genisis Vst i use. The process has a lot of me thinking really really hard about the origins of the main influence and then think about melodies. (which to me is just what sounds good.)

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I haven't played for a very long time, but this makes me feel somewhat guilty about the shoddy, hacked-together modules that I ran. I don't think I was ever this prepared.

Doing D&D stuff, drew a city for my players.

Attached: BP3Vf6q.jpg (1920x1080, 558K)

Don't feel bad dude. So long as your players have fun, it doesn't matter how much prep you do.

I saw your thread on /tg/ dude, really like how clean your maps are. Got any tips for scale? It's my biggest fucking flaw with making cities and larger-scale shit.

>I saw your thread on /tg/ dude, really like how clean your maps are. Got any tips for scale? It's my biggest fucking flaw with making cities and larger-scale shit.
I first draw the city to a rough approximation then do the building count/scale based on what I draw. The scale/population comes last.

thanks for the extremely helpful advice. hope your city goes over well!

Thanks user, I'll have a look into Ableton. I wish you the best!