To: Neckbeards, Gentlesirs, Anons, and other homely resentful bros

To: Neckbeards, Gentlesirs, Anons, and other homely resentful bros,

You aren't as unique or special as you think you are. You're just another unnattractive loser, mad at the people who've ignored or bullied you your whole life. Mad that they had friends, charisma, great sex, and whatever things you DIDN'T have. Instead of looking inwards and identifying your flaws, or seeking a greater perspective, you have instead decided to blame OTHERS, and the world the world around you. Its sad, but really common for guys like you.
Sorry, but these people you blame aren't as priveleged or superficial as you think. The reason they weren't nice to you is because you were weird, had no social skills, and weren't interesting. If you had been funny, or charming, or fun, you would have been accepted.

The truth is, the problem isn't us, it's you.

That girl you hated in High School

P.S Oh and the girls you wanted, didn't like you, because NOBODY wants to fuck ugly, regardless of personality.

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the projection is strong with this one

>implying girls go on Jow Forums

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Fuck off faggot. You’re raking us look bad

I went to an all boys high school, does that mean you’re a trap?

>t. compassionate, non-judgemental, woke, liberal

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savage. i saw your thread on Jow Forums and saw that you are a leaf. what a surprise. lol. Canadian women are ruthless ball busters.

I am one of those picky Canadian women myself. But I would never talk like that to an incel/beta male unless he was an asshole to me first. I sympathise with the incel Canadian bros. They are basically being pushed out of society. They have no role in society. Aside from maybe developing apps to make it easier for us to meet Chad and Tyrone. Society has no respect for incels. They are on the bottom of the totem pole and mocked.

It's misleading to just tell incels to "put in the effort". Because sex is a zero sum game. if an incel gets his dick wet, it's at the expense of another man. It's not like there are women just waiting in the wings waiting for some incel out there to get his shit together, work out and take a shower. lmao. The women who are waiting around are waiting for Mr. Perfect. I pretty much never remain single for long because I pick the best one. I don't delude myself into believing that I can get a Christian Grey. A high-value man like Christian Grey is going to expect something in return. If I meet an unemployed Chad who lives in his parents' basement, I say "close enough", "we can have sex at my place anyways." If money and a guy having his shit together is more important to you, then you have to lower standards like looks, height, cock size, etc.

The incel guys are basically screwed because they don't have the L, M or the S in order to attract women. If you are not Chad, you better have six figures if you want a chance to date me since I'm from Toronto and the cost of living here is expensive. It's a brutal market out there. I expect a large percentage of millennial and Gen Z men in Toronto be weeded out of the gene pool completely.

>is because you were weird, had no social skills, and weren't interesting
>NOBODY wants to fuck ugly, regardless of personality.
so which is it? youre contradicting yourself. in my experience a good or fun personality can make up for a lot when it comes to women

I legitimately don't understand why you autists feel the need to oust yourselves. You do realize chads with their shit together browse these forms and will take all the info you gave out as a redflag to not date you. I legitimately would like to understand your thought processes.

Well fem-leafs? Do you have any explanation better than you didn't think this through?

>people aren't nice to you because you have no social skills
>nobody wants to fuck ugly
fucking and people being rude/nice are two different things, moron

>I legitimately don't understand why you autists feel the need to oust yourselves. You do realize chads with their shit together browse these forms and will take all the info you gave out as a redflag to not date you. I legitimately would like to understand your thought processes.
it takes a lot of effort to hold down a Chad. I am used to the instant gratification of having sex with Chad while putting out a very minimal amount of effort. Funny how the thot in the OP tells incels they are just lazy, etc. Not even having any self-awareness over how much is served to women on a silver platter by society.

My brother is an autistic homebody so I can see how things are from the other side. Women are generally blind to their privilege. Or don't want to address it. I feel sorry for my brother. He is not a "privileged white male" like they brainwash women with in college. I never went to college so I never went through that indoctrination.

>>That girl you hated in High School
I didn't hate any girls in high school.

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Yeah well I have a girl telling me different so FUCK OFF lmfao

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This is some next level shit.
I have three Jow Forums tabs and three Jow Forums tabs up at all times, and have never once mixed the two up.

Alrighty then, that's not so bad, but think before you post.


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>blah blah blah
>More blah blah blah

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Joke's on you. I was perfectly content with my qt autist gf, and she knew you were a bitch, too. Oh, and your friends? They didn't like you either. Brittany only tagged along with you guys to watch you shit-talk other girls the instant they left the room. The dumpy little fat cunt who followed you around like a remora fish probably didn't like you much, either.
Life isn't some stupid 80's teen comedy. Nobody can be a bitch to everybody she meets and still be liked by everyone. People fucking hated you. Not just "the depressed table" or the other black-clad weirdos, either. Turns out the preponderance of basic bitch Stacies were actually really decent people who were pleasant to be with, which means they probably didn't like you, either. Daddy's Mercedes didn't change that.
Oh, and nobody ever died in my bathroom during a house party. How's that, Bree?

Why the fuck do you faggots larp as women all the time?

>qt autist gf
Absolutely unf, teach me your ways senpai.

Ahh jeez. Guaranteed 300+ thread. The delivery was a little harsh but the message is what robots need to hear

>unattractive people are unnatractive
Wow, thanks for telling me that, I would have never figured it out myself. I didn't hate any girls in high school by the way, even though they went out of the to be cunts to me for whatever reason.

What a shitty ass thread.

lol fucking this
seriously originallio

>you have anime merch
>she has anime merch
>this is now a subject of conversation
>rant at each other about stuff and hold hands until you're in a relationship

Assuming everyone here is a hateful unattractive beta. you do know there's a large group of attractive males here who just don't feel like playing the "game" with entitled cunts such as yourself right you probably wish a guy like me hit on your hateful ass irl but you're not even on anyone's radar

All talk is nothing but a fart in the wind.

People should count themselves lucky that only the USA has such lax gun laws.

I will definitely do.

I actually wrote this to someone who got a little too much of a hate-on for me. I've dealt with men and women like this before, so I generalized it in open letter format.

Looking at me, these guys think I date chads or care about money. Truth is I'm a super geek, and my dream dude is Pete Davidson.

earlier statement was general relationships, later PS was romantic. Yes, if you got other good shit going on, women will dig you, BUT don't expect goodlooking women to clamour getting to know you.

are you ariana grande?
just looked this up, holy shit how is he banging ariana grande

Ariana Grande sees something in Pete Davidson. So I guess it's not that unusual. lol. His ex is really attractive as well. I just don't see the appeal. He's just not my type I guess.

I know right? Couldn't believe he's dating Ariana Grande. And Ariana Grande is wealthy and looks happy so it's not like she's doing it for the money either.

Sex is not romantic love you nigger.

Pretty girls aren't that blind. We know how to use it. That doesn't mean our lives are so easy, or we aren't complex human beings.

You are cute AF and this does not apply to you. Also, hie

Yes it does though. Pretty white women are, without a doubt, the most privileged group of people that have ever existed.

The "using it" part is a euphemistic way of representing precisely what women are doing wrong.

You're proooojecting. Being a cute hated girl =/= being a heather. These guys project that image on me. The whole thing is I don't think those chicks even exist. BTWs these dudes hated me loooong before I became a bitch. My cuntifying happened in my 20s.

nope, i clearly addressed this to the resentful. Liiiike the ones that I'm entitled.

>You aren't as unique or special as you think you are.

neither are you

I would say that I'm more privileged than most men by far. But I'd say that wealthy men are more privileged than white women. When you have fuck you money, you can do whatever you want. If I'm dating a Chad, I have to wage cuck for my own money. If I'm dating a well-to-do guy, I have to sleep with him in return for access to his wealth.

Being a secretary who makes her own money and can sleep with whoever I want is better than being an underappreciated incel who makes six figures developing apps. But a Dan Bilzerian who doesn't have to work and can hire prostitutes is living an overall better life I'd say by far.

sometimes normies blow me away with how arrogant they can be.

at least robots and other rejects can somewhat reflect and evaluate themselves, normies ego'sare like a leaking nitro tank

I'm gonna argue with this bait because i feel like behind the irony and memeing there is someone who actually believes in all this.

>You aren't as unique or special as you think you are.
No one here thinks they're unique or special
>You're just another unnattractive loser,
That isn't mutually exclusive with your previous sentence
>mad at the people who've ignored or bullied you your whole life.
Are you supposed like it? Of course you're going to be angry at those who bullied you.
>Mad that they had friends, charisma, great sex, and whatever things you DIDN'T have.
Nope. What other people do amongst themselves doesn't concern me. You know why we're mad at you, you even said it yourself. Normies bully people and make their lives miserable for cheap laughs. If you leave people alone, they won't even be aware of your existance. >instead of looking inwards and identifying your flaws, or seeking a greater perspective,
Have you missed how more than half of this board and similar communities is people criticizing themselves and seeking a better understanding of the world and why things are the way they are? What are you doing? Blaming us for your own actions(bullying, rejection)
>you have instead decided to blame OTHERS
See above
> and the world the world around you.
Some things are caused by you, some things aren't. If you're ugly and can't get a date, while not your FAULT, the problem lies with you. If you get bullied, then the fault lies with them.
>Sorry, but these people you blame aren't as priveleged
Didn't you just say they're better than us in every way? That's pretty privileged if you ask me
>or as superficial as you think.
"P.S Oh and the girls you wanted, didn't like you, because NOBODY wants to fuck ugly, regardless of personality."

Fuck the rest, character limit

You sound like a terrible human being lol holy shit

You act like this isn't a known. People here despise themselves most of all and a lot of us are just in the waiting stages before our suicide.

I'm really REALLY similar, accidentally

He makes me laugh, and identafy with mental illness. The self deprication is endearing.

How? Using your assets to get ahead? Guys can use charm, insight or intellect, but I can't use my cuteness? BULLSHIT

How will you feel when your brother eventually kills himself?

It's a woman so "human being" isn't really right, and terrible is kinda redundant. You can just say "You sound like a woman lol holy shit".

Bait or not
thx user

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Didnt even read most of this post. Only reason I am responding is because I have empathy for the dudes who are dumb and impressionable enough to take your diatribe seriously, and I dont want to see them suffer because of your affinity for putting down people who pose no threat to you and condemning them to death.

The fact is, every time I get into a relationship, I consider treating the girl like a princess, and then I remember that she likely treats other guys like you treat them. I have caused a suicide before and I feel no remorse, because it was a woman. I do not mean to come across as an edgelord. All I am saying is that you are not only harming le evul menz, but also other women. You do not come from a morally sound place, and you know this.

Call me whatever you want to call me. Go ahead!

You can use cuteness, absolutely. I'm sorry if I misunderstood. However, if you use lead guys on to far and end up screwing with them, then that's not good, and means that less guys will trust you.

>you are ugly and boring so we get to totally shun you teehee xD
>the problem isn't us

ok sweety. the only conclusion from that is to be resentful.
you said nothing.

Um ok sweetie, you aren't exactly a special shit either, so why don't you walk your little ass out ok? Kthxbai :-)

I don't like girls because they smell weird

I had autist anorexic nerdy gf
It's just a woman minus all the social Bs
Mine talked only to me and her family and that was usually 4 or 5 sentences per day.
Relationship included only sex and speechless walks in nature.
Online communication sort of worked but it was all about sex and how she hated fat people.

Actually I have a rare genetic disease. CHECKMATE BITCH.

do you have a kik?
i'm kind of cute and have friends who are geeky

Because only faggots pay attention to people who identify as faggots, and in truth not even them. Faggots would rather cornhole the tight asshole of someone who used to be str8,

Why is the running narrative that incels don't recognize their flaws or criticize themselves? Most of them hate themselves to the core, it would be easy for them to tell you all their failings. They voice complaints about the appearance based sexual paradigm and about the vapidity of normie socialization, which is easy to understand why they would be upset about. But to claim that this is the sole reason they believe they are ostracized is ridiculous. In addition, if you think lamenting being an ugly autist is "blaming it on everyone else", just shows the tremendous ignorance normies have about this entire issue.

Maybe i'm thinking about robots and not specifically incels though. But, I know this thread is bait anyway, that's why I saged it and I suggest all who reply do the same.

Assuming because I'm a pretty girl who was popular in highschool means I can't be a huge fucking weirdo

Obviously not enough of a weirdo to not be popular in high school.

You literally just played yourself you fucking brainlet

This letter is stupid, because it purports to explain why we're wrong to hate you, while supplying nothing but valid reasons to hate you.

Even if I look inward and identify my flaws, I will still hate you. And I will still do whatever I can to undermine everything you do, and I will still revel in every misfortune that befalls you, and any time you show a moment of weakness I'll stab you in the fucking back, whether professionally, personally, or politically.

In the long run, people like me will win - because the society that rewards you for being you requires good will to function, in a great many ways that may not be immediately apparent to you. You've openly stated that you don't think you owe me good will, so I am comfortable saying that I don't owe it to you, and that I will do whatever I can (in my small way) to destroy the concept of good will wherever it exists. And every day, there are more people like me.

Tick tock, Stacy.

Well obvs have ethics. I got really sick and became disabled in adulthood, and I make myself as cute as possible bc people are more willing to help me. Not farther than that bc I'm not a sociopath.

misrepresentation of what I said. Sorry but no, other people don't owe you attention, friendship, or love merely for existing

I prefer this image to describe what you are trying to talk about OP

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cause I can't walk anymore BA DUM TSSSS

I'm sorry then. I really do hope things work out well for you. All the more reason though to find someone who you can be with in the long run.

And we dont owe you anything either.

We dont even owe you respect for your life, limb, and property

Remember, brick a journalist, brick your way to freedom

I'm just frustrated with these guys projecting on to me. Turning me into a representation of everything they resent. FFShate me for the bitch I AM.

Good, that makes me happy. Please post a pic of your fucking crippled ass so I can mock you.

A leper could be popular in school if they were a pretty girl.. Kids are fucking stupid.

Trust me. We do.

t.roastie who uses a webcam pic she took in 2008

lool no one wants you old saggy ass anymore

MILFs are fucking hot tho.

Women can still be older and hot as long as they take care of themselves

eeesh no thank you. I'm a torrid love affair type of girl, not a settle down type.

Wow, you're really fucked then. I'm happy to wish you double good luck because you're going to need it.

maybe if so many people are miserable there's a common thread? Stop blaming everything on personal failings like you're a fucking boomer conservative; capitalist society is destroying us and there are a heck of a lot of people in this position.

>not a settle down type.

Sounds like you *are* a settle down girl, every time the battery on your fucking wheelchair runs down.

Oh go home you commie.

Here you go. Try to destroy my indestructable selfesteem.

whoooo dis? CLAY CLAY?!

I'm under 30

No pic yet desu.

This place is my home.

Whhy? Bc I don't buy into societal norms? Awoman doesn't want a husband and babies SHE MUST BE DERANGED

What race are you? Spics age the worse, but white women age like wine

Because you'll become a lonely cat lady WITHOUT her legs. I really feel extra sorry for you, but I can't stop you from wanting to be a fuck up.

Fuck heeeere Jow Forums is giving me a hard time

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reminder that normies are psychopaths who enjoy spitting on the weak

Absolutely unf. Would waifu. Still an idiot tho, wheelchairs and prosthetics may help you move, but nothing can make you think.

Don't misinterpret candor for malice

Heh, good thing I never let one of you fowl creatures steal my mana, or maybe I would have fallen for this text-based genjutsu.

P.s. I never wanted any girls

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>That girl you hated in High School

you're not weird, you're just a cunt