How did African niggers make it with limited access to proper food. What the fuck do they eat? They obviously dont eat meat every day like we do. From where do they get their daily protein intake.
It's almost as if protein is a meme
It's almost as if genetics isn't a meme
almost as if test is widely available and dirt cheap
Dirt cheap Somalian steroids that will give you HIV and kill you within 2 years
Even 1st world governments hardly do much to stop steroid use. Do you really think there's anything stopping them in niggerland?
Also not all niggers are that dumb and poor. Their average may be dumb as a rock but a city of them will still have a handful of niggers smart enough to diet.
>Somalian steroids
>while the average in africa is pretty fucking poor there is a large and growing middle class
>steroids are widely available, cheap and legal in many african nations
>food (including meat) is actually quite cheap in many african nations, to the point that obesity is becoming a problem
>steroids are widely available
Yep. Heard they are used to treat AIDS patients
The fuck is that? Asian nigger?
So i just get AIDS and lift... brutal
Theres a lot of problems with osteoporosis over there which is worsened by steroid intake.
>From where do they get their daily protein intake.
Didn't you learn anything from Timon and Pumbaa?
Because the majority of Africans don't have a problem with food consumption.
Dat dere fried chicken
Dat dere negro genetics
Lift a little
chinese used to cuck africans when doing their dirty chinky business there
Intelligence was an evolutionary response to demanding environments. People from warm climates such as Africa evolved high testosterone levels instead of intelligence because they didn't need a lot of intelligence to survive, they just needed to be physically strong to win land wars between tribes and breed like rabbits in response to malaria. This explains why so many sub-Saharan Africans are aggressive, warlike people who rarely develop technology, instead preferring to fight, rape, enslave and kill one another (including ethnic cleansing).
That makes sense when you see how much niggers populate American jails. Low intelligence, high testosterone, aggressive. Those niggers bringing African problems to America.
>Somalian steroids
Now that you mention it you never see a natty skinny
Proof you dont need steroids.
You arent making gains because YOU are shit at gym.
>poor routine
>poor diet
But too stubborn to admit you arent good enough.
So nothing will change.
Dont hate me because i tell the truth and exposed your insecurities.
You can buy steroids in every corner in most african countries, they are dirt cheap and the people start to use them from a young age.
>live in mid huts
>die of the common cold
>eat raw meat
But they buy steroids?
Sure bro.
Why the fuck would you need a source for that. It's fucking obvious
Daily physical activity, instead of just doing retarded braindead boring ass training routines based on templates online made by guys on gear that look like shit.
>What do they eat?
>They obviously dont eat meat everyday like we do
They eatfood, there's nothing special in meat that gives gains.
They eat plenty of peanut based products, there are soups in west africa that are literally based on peanuts, they eat lots of carbs that are protein sparing too.
ITT: DYELS trying to cope with the fact they're lazy and don't know shit about nutrition.
>bringing African problems to America
Congratulations you played yourself
Lots of easily available protein and steroids and plenty of time to train because there's nothing else to do. This isn't rocket science.
Fucking Amen brother.
Dropping Red pills on these DYEL onions bois
if there's a market for iphones, I'm sure there's a market for steroids
surviving everyday increases test. making you more ripped.
also OMAD
Mostly this
>Muuu Protein
What is this? 2014?
>>live in mid huts
>>die of the common cold
>>eat raw meat
Why do mutts always feel the need to join discussions to topics they clearly not have any clue about?
give me ma food negroes
>lower bf
Look up the names of the boat owners who were shipping them over
tiger woods got big
>m-muh jews
>we did never anything wrong
>slavery was a jewish invention
wtf ive never heard about this
Not all Africans are poor. The average Nigerian is richer than the average Indian. That doesn't say much, but if you can imagine a Hindustani bodybuilder (aka Salman Khan) then you ought to be able to imagine a Yoruba or Igbo bodybuilder.
Now post a pic with all non-jewish slave traders.
They have played a major part in all slave trades, not only in North America, and had a disproportionate amount of influence in the Caribbean, and all South American colonies.
For instance, in 1697, there were about 100 Jewish families and fifty single Jews in Surinam. They possessed more than forty estates and 9,000 slaves, contributed 25,905 pounds of sugar as a gift for the building of a hospital, and carried on an active trade with Newport and other colonial ports. By 1730, Jews owned 115 plantations and were a large part of a sugar export business which sent out 21,680,000 pounds of sugar to European and New World markets in 1730 alone.
Slave trading was a major feature of Jewish economic life in Surinam which as a major stopping-off point in the triangular trade. Both North American and Caribbean Jews played a key role in this commerce: records of a slave sale in 1707 reveal that the ten largest Jewish purchasers (10,400 guilders) spent more than 25 percent of the total funds (38,605 guilders) exchanged.
Jews and Judaism in the United States a Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
Where do you think the term merchant stems from?
Pretty much any bookk on the subject of evolution, envoiremental adaptation and reproductionary strategies in "animals", yet somehow the sapiens sapiens is excused from those evolutionary pressures.
Aside from your disgusting rascist tone, Africans actually eat very clean, eggs from own chickens, cooked veggies, meat and veg stews etc. not a whole bunch of processed shit which is much more expensive than good food like it is in the US
Just likes jews todays are overrepresented in the positions of power, so where the jews back than. Something around 2-3% of the population had slaves, 90% of which were jews, yet whitey gets blamed.
Funny how all of that seems to eternally repead itself, nearly as if that would be a schem certain people follow as their evolutionary strategy.
>tfw dirt cookies are clean
This. OP must be underaged or extremely dumb to think that every African country is starving like Ethiopia did in the 80's
The only reason they don't is nternational food aid and the few white farmers left yet to be genocided. That's also why their numbers explode. They are like rabbits, not using overproduction to built a civilization but to reproduce.
>Aside from your disgusting rascist tone
nigger detected
White nationalist facist Jow Forums fags need to LEAVE and remain in their containment board or be B&