/FAST/ #779

Stop eating food dumbass.

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oh yeah

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Every time I fast I get this feeling in my balls that they're shrinking
There's this really uncomfortable pressure in my balls and it sets in at the 20 hour mark and then goes away
What could this be

it's your balls shrinking, in fact one of the reasons I OMAD instead of fast is because on a fast I can physically feel my testosterone drop

Body diverts energy from reproductive functions to something else more important. It doesn't matter though, once you get ripped as fuck and start eating healthy and working out you'll have way more energy and penis will be bigger and stronger.

Wooo lads, tomorrow marks day 1 of my 50 day fast, let's goooo

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today better be day 0

My goal is to look the best possible by September, I'm really fat (bf%=30-40). I know well how to maintain, I just need to lose a large bulk of weight as fast as possible. How much should I mix dry fasting into my pure fast?

Okay I have been suspiciouly eyeing /fast/ for some time and i have decided to fast for only 3-4 days to get my fat reserves depleted. Do you think it'll work? i am at around 22% bodyfat right now. 5'1 121lbs
input highly appreciated


>You will never fuck Candy Kong

she was such a bimbo,probably getting double teamed by Donkey and Funky on a regular basis

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i swear to god

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22% is not that high for a woman

fasting is for fatties, do OMAD and exercise

Fasting is for undisciplined fatass babbys who can't be bothered to eat sensibly.

i have been doing OMAD before when i had been doing triathlon and even when i did 20km Daily bike routes. I still have a few centimeters of stomach fat and it really annoys me. I have been most sucessfull with alternating bodyweight meme calistenics and running 6-7 km. Daily basic calorie consumption is at 1300 kcal. I feel i am so close. I have never tried fasting and i think it might be time to at least try it.

Would like 20 though, just a bit fewer

Sure, everyone should try fasting at least once. If you don't like it, keep doing OMAD or OMEOD and you're gonna make it fembro

Will I lose fat during 48-hour fasts or will it be mostly water weight I would be getting rid of?

I’m on the 16th day. Yesterday I felt like shit but today was easy and I had a lot of energy.

Thank you
We're all gonna make it

>will I lose weight if I stop eating

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM), tastes much better.
Old snake juice recipe (youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg)
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not unless you’re fasting for a month or longer.

I'm currently near my goal weight and doing 48h fasts with full body workouts on refeed days. It's not optimal for fat loss but I find it works very well for me to get gains at the gym while losing fat at the same time.

>Fasting is for undisciplined fatass babbys who can't be bothered to eat sensibly.

Sometimes, perhaps often, but it is also used by people who have simply listened to the mainstream media PR machine and eaten more calories than their body needs. The reasons for this are too numerous to mention.

For myself it was nearly 30 years as a consultant and contractor where a 3 course meal with wine at some small family owned restaurant was customary most evenings after working late at the client site.

Dry fasting is much more effective though, i was afraid to do it for months. But once you do dry fasting you never look back.
Just take it slow and gauge how your body reacts, i'm doing up to 36h dry fasts atm and my body starts to get tight an defined like crazy, i'm feeling good, hunger and thirst arent an issue anymore. As long as you are above 20% BF you should be good to go.
Once you come close to your goal you should do high water content fruits and veggies fasting/OMAD.
If you have to lose the last 10 pounds to look shredded and want to continue fasting, id say eating 1-2kg of cucumbers a day or 2-3kg of watermelon while working out will get you crazy results. But don't drink anything at all during these days, these foods are 92-97% water content.

Watermelon = Crazy workouts
Cucumber = Crazy mental clarity

Is contracting a good career move? Thinking of quitting my job after this year and just doing contracts.

eat properly

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What has happened with the Snake Diet meet-up app for iShiny?

I might honestly want to get together with some of you fuckers in real life. In lieu of that, what's the best way to do that safely? Sorry complete newfag to meetups.

Not OMAW guy.

It depends on what you're a contractor for, I suppose. I was an IT fag, so tearing an application to shreds, researching some solution, or telling a project manager they're an idiot every now and then can actually be fun.

If you're hanging dry wall though, it's probably not as great.

Protip: get licensed, insured, and bonded so you're white ass isn't sued to oblivion by the first pissed off Jewish customer you get. Saved me.

Is it OK to drink 2 white coffees during the morning and afternoon when on OMAD? Or is this cheating?

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i can vouch for fasting its the only method that really worked for me when in comes to cutting and sticking to it. Was 103kg last summer and im now only 87--88kg fully refeeded with salty foods etc, so all the water is back. However my strength especially deadlifts took a big L, my max went from 180kg to a very hard 150kg. But thats okay, im going to work up to it again

Ramadan Mubarak you /fast/ fuckers

>find out it's ramadan
>go out of way to eat

It's been bad, man. I haven't fasted yet this month and have gained a shitton of weight. Fucking Ramadan.

Is Watermelon bad for fasting? I can't find anything, does it spike your insulin hard?

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>is eating bad for fasting

What happened to OMAW guy?
I legit liked the old man

Day 3 of my first snake juice fast reporting in.
Not even hungry.

I envy the endorphin rush you must be in now. I need to get back on the fast train.

New recipe or old?

I feel good but not in a rush. Not fatty btw just getting rid of some fat on my belly.

I've been fasting alot recently and feel like I've fucked something up, its hard for me to shit now, I get acid reflux alot and my tonsils are swollen

what do?

drink some water also wtf why are your tonsils swollen, are you living in the year 1930 or some shit?

How long should OMAD last? I think I can get all my calories in about 2 hours, because I get stuffed easily and also can't eat that fast. Should I try to reduce it or is it ok?

I swear I could be 17 BMI and still have fat on my fucking gut. It's sickening, it really is, how quickly it all goes to my stomach. Keeps me in line though.

Not everyone had their tonsils ripped out in an unnecessary surgery like you.

>hard to shit

Let me guess, your refeeds aren't mostly vegetables. That's why. Give it time it will be fine.

>acid reflux

From all of the diet coke you're drinking?

What kind of fasting are you doing and for how long?

He's in this thread

Hey fatty! Where have you been? You gave me good advice once or twice, and I've been having good progress. Probably a week or two before I see my lower abs.

Doesn't make too much of a difference, take as much time as you need (within reason obviously.)

what more can i ask for

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I have an ethics question.
Is it okay to throw out vegetables?
i still have 700g of broccoli in my fridge and i am 24 hours into my fast. i am not hungry and my longest fast was 16 days.
i am currently 72kg at 175cm so probably 18-20% BF. i was gonna fast for a week but by then the veggies will be rotten.

I also would like to taste the difference between the 2 red grapes boxes i bought from the supermarket before i freeze them, 1 is way darker then the other and it was consistent in that bargin bin so i assume they where 2 different species but i am not sure.

If my goal is to eat 150 protons every day but I'm only eating every other day do I have to get 300 protons on the days where I eat?

what the hell is a white coffee

You can throw food, ive thrown a lot of food in order not to be tempted to eat it anyway. It's no big deal

yeah i threw away junk. but i am like. these are veggies. even with a few grapes i would barely reach 500 cals and i wouldnt be throwing out healthy food. but maybe thats justification.

Don't. You don't need that much protein unless you're like a 6'7" strongman. Don't fall for the meme. Also if you fast and work out your muscle isn't going to go anywhere.

Do OMAD on training days, right after you train, fast on off days. do your regular protein count when you eat.
snake talks about loading carbs pre-work out, but you gotta watch your intake more to make that work

This thought process is how I ate a 500kcal salad after my meal when I was not just not hungry, but I was literally full and suffering as I was eating it. It's fucking food addiction. Good for you.

A good chunk of 300g of protein is going to be turned into glucose. About 150g will be more than enough.

if i workout at 7:00 and usually eat at 18:00 on my OMAD (even when bulking) would you eat the night before or the same day when doing longer fasts with the occasional refeed for training days?

>tfw refeed day

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what the fuck

Does she fast or just vomit afterwards?

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Think this might be the chick who has some problem with digesting food so she doesn't really absorb everything. Or so other anons have said.

>tfw 16/8 fasting refeed

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Do people unironically consider this fasting?

How do you guys prevent stomach aches? Even after refeeding my stomach hurts for like 24 hours

thats because you ate way to much. eat less

Idk, I don't get stomach aches

Have you tried shorter fasts to see how you respond?
Even with just water fasting you should be absolutely ripped by September if you do a few long (>1week) fasts.

What am I looking at?

>delusional fat fuck thinks he's going to rock a month long fast for his first fast.

Hey you lazy piece of lard shit. How about posting an update picture?

That's not so bad. She's tiny so makes it look much bigge- *three more fucking steaks appear* Holy shit...

In awe with the appetite of this lad.

I'm watching cole's video from a year ago on his week long dry fast. It's pretty amazing and inspiring. I know that some people from these threads have done it too with success. I still can't get my head around it though, I can't imagine the willpower required. And how can you tell the difference between feeling a bit weak/shitty, and actually being close to death? I'll probably stick to water fasts, at least until I reach my goal weight and get some more muscle mass.

don't mind me, just better informed and stronger than cole in every single possible way when it comes to fasting

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For the 50th time, shut the fuck up.

Will eating pussy break my fast?

Cole, dont you have some creams to stop your balding brah? ;)

I'm pretty sure there is a study saying that your balls and brain are the only organs not affected by autophagy. Your body will start eating away at your heart and lungs before it goes for the balls.

I did a 72 dry and broke it because I felt a little lightheaded once while working out. In short, I could have gone a hell of a lot longer.

>close to death

If you're worried about it, have someone stay with you after three or four days.

The body is a lot stronger than we think.

>treating yourself like a garbage disposal
>thinking it's ethics

Get your head out of your ass.

white coffee = coffee with a shitload of cream in it

Nice dude. That's quite impressive. Just watching his daily check ins on that video made it seem more possible. It seems like I'd have to clear my schedule for the final 3 or 4 days because you can't really much else than draw water from your own body. I think I'll make a goal to try this once before summer is over.

Pretty sure white coffee is just coffee beans that aren't roasted.

Raw coffee beans are white?

If you're reasonably healthy, a 72 won't even come close to killing you. I wouldn't work out, give blood, have medical procedures, and for god's sake don't take any drugs/alcohol/medicine of any type. But you'll be fine, and it will give you a confidence boost.

Five days is a bit too much for me without supervision, at least the first time.

Also please make sure to have some pounds on you. It's allegedly the fat that holds all of the water and even allows you to go so long.

Kind of interesting though to think that the purest water our body will ever get is what we've already filtered.

Gay. Gay. Gay. Gay.

who the fuck eats pizza with a knife and fork???

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I saw someone eat pizza with chopsticks.

who the fuck eats???

He does put a glove on to eat a piece. I'm guessing he's got OCD of some sort.

My husband has food related OCD and he will only eat pizza with a fork and knife.
>fried chicken
Fork and knife.
>corn dog
Fork and knife.
Fork and knife
>hot dog
Fork and knife

The virgin meal vs


and pls answer

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Can ? train while fasted
and, as long as you're not a skeleton or dry fasting, of course you can.

At 45 hours into my first fast.
Down 13 lbs
Was originally gonna cut it at 48 and refeed then do 72 next, but as it stands I feel fucking great and ready to tackle who knows how many more days until I need to eat again.

We are all gonna make it.

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god speed brah

should i fast if im sick? just get the flu famalams

That's pretty unaesthetic for a roider.

I'm also guessing he doesn't eat pussy/dick and is a lousy lay.

that's probably "I" in earlet speak.